Sources: Warriors, NBA discuss resolution to 4-team trade 勇士跟NBA讨论四队交易解决方法 The Golden State Warriors are discussing with the NBA a way to complete their fo ur-team trade with Portland, Detroit and Atlanta, and still preserve their right s to pursue recourse on how the Trail Blazers shared guard Gary Payton II's medi cal information with them prior to the agreement, sources told ESPN on Sunday. 勇士正跟NBA讨论一个能完成跟波特兰,底特律,亚特兰大四队交易,并保留追究拓荒者如 何在交易前分享GP2医疗资讯的方法 If that process is successfully completed Sunday -- and the Warriors can approve the deal without losing their ability to further pursue the matter -- the playe rs involved in the trade are expected to be able to join their new teams, source s said. 如果该过程顺利在周日前结束,然後勇士能同意交易且不会失去追究这件事的能力,交易中 的球员就能加入他们的新队 The deal, agreed to prior to Thursday's trade deadline, sends Payton to Golden S tate, James Wiseman to Detroit, Saddiq Bey to Atlanta and Kevin Knox II to Portl and. The Warriors also sent five second-round picks -- including two via Atlanta -- to the Blazers in the deal. There is a 9:30 p.m. ET deadline on the Warriors to make a final decision on Pay ton's physical and the fate of the trade, sources said. 勇士需在美东9点半前决定要不要接受交易 A Golden State physical revealed that Payton would be out for a significant part of the remaining season, and the Warriors have shared with the league office th at they believe Portland withheld relevant medical information prior to agreeing on the trade, sources said. 勇士队医揭露GP2在剩下的季赛将错过很长一段时间。勇士已跟联盟分享他们相信波特兰在 交易前隐匿相关医疗资讯 The trade can't be amended or changed, because the league's trade deadline passe d on Thursday at 3 p.m. ET. 在过了交易期限後,交易是不能被修改或变更的 The NBA could punish Portland with a fine and loss of draft picks if an investig ation were to discover "a failure to disclose relevant information" on Payton's abdominal injury that required offseason surgery and forced him to miss the firs t 35 games of the season. The Warriors believe they should've been told that Pay ton had been using Toradol to alleviate pain, sources said. 如果调查发现GP2的腹部伤势的相关资讯未被接露,NBA能对波特兰处以罚金跟没收选秀权。 勇士相信他们应被告知GP2持续使用止痛以减轻疼痛 Blazers general manager Joe Cronin told reporters on Friday in Portland that his team was "confident" that Payton was healthy. "Player safety is super important to us, it's a super important thing around the league," Cronin said. "We were playing him, he was playing, and he had been cle ared and we were confident that he was healthy when he was playing. We would not have brought him back if we thought he wasn't healthy or if he was at risk. So you trust that we did the right thing and trust that our process was correct." 拓荒者GM说球员安全是联盟中超级重要的事。GP2被队医允许上场,GP2上场时是健康的。如 果他不健康或有风险,我们不会让他上场 Payton, 30, signed a free agent deal with the Blazers after breaking out with th e Warriors a year ago. Golden State reacquired Payton believing that he would im prove its perimeter defense. Payton averaged 4.1 points in 17 minutes. He has tw o years and $18 million left on his contract. 这篇提到勇士相信GP2有在用止痛 然後刚刚Athletic有提到GP2使用的止痛是口服的 风向真乱 Story with details of the Warriors complaint against the Blazers, including sour ces clarifying to The Athletic that Gary Payton II was given oral doses of Torad ol in order to manage his pain. Zkw&s=19 --
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1F:推 IokUdiefirst: 车感觉不能乱上 02/13 04:39
2F:推 l12ook : 问他本人不就好了,在那边猜有没有隐匿 02/13 04:44
3F:推 OsmanGo : 所以是有吃止痛药,但没有打止痛「针」? 02/13 04:59
4F:→ SetsunaOgiso: 止痛药跟止痛针差蛮多的吧 02/13 05:36
5F:推 peter211183 : 不都是勇士自己臆测的…… 02/13 05:37
6F:推 conqueror507: 就代表事情不止报出来的这麽简单 02/13 05:42
7F:→ Hohenzollern: NBA版本的Correa事件 02/13 05:44
8F:→ wsd94051 : 各说各话 02/13 06:10
9F:推 toeic900 : 避免吃闷亏勇士球团赶快退货 02/13 06:20
10F:推 turnpoint : 感觉勇士就是宁可收伤兵也要完成交易,智将的影响 02/13 06:24
11F:→ turnpoint : 力真大 02/13 06:25
12F:推 pivotalHarry: 吞了吧 02/13 06:30
13F:推 gm79227922 : 给一个伤病特例不算薪水空间这样呢 02/13 06:40
14F:→ winnerdinner: 搞到最後会不会有人要测谎 02/13 06:51
15F:推 wuklean : 好了拉 要退快点退 02/13 07:06
16F:推 Zxc2184 : 为什麽不去问GP2有没有吃就好 有这麽不熟吗 02/13 08:07
17F:推 leon82guy : 拓荒者加钱啦 02/13 08:22
18F:→ KarlMalone : 感冒也可以吃止痛药 02/13 08:28
19F:推 kyokofan : 应该说智将造成的三千万镁豪华税影响力大 02/13 08:43
20F:推 Wavecloud : 在国外医疗资讯是非常私人的 问这个非常不好... 02/13 08:59
21F:推 e2167471 : 这个牵涉到规定跟证据问题 很多事情需要厘清 本人 02/13 09:26
22F:→ e2167471 : 认知的东西不一定是最终答案 就跟法庭上当事人最好 02/13 09:26
23F:→ e2167471 : 不要没跟律师讲好就乱发言一样 02/13 09:26
24F:推 rex03187 : 会不会最後是球员自己隐瞒? 02/13 09:59
25F:推 ihx00 : 还在臆测,体检就没过了,随便说真的厉害 02/13 10:41
26F:推 tomtom33 : 与其说问他本人,为什麽本人不出来辟谣? 或证实? 02/13 16:07
27F:→ tomtom33 : 还是说连事实都不讲,理由是什麽? 02/13 16:07
28F:→ leump38514 : 不知道勇士会有什麽补偿 02/14 12:20

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