看板 NBA  RSS Emoni Bates, a former high school star who transferred from Memphis to Eastern Michigan this summer, was arrested Sunday night about two miles from campus in Superior Township, Michigan, after sheriff's deputies discovered a firearm in a vehicle he was driving. Derrick Jackson, the public information officer for the Superior Township, Washtenaw County sheriff's office, told ESPN that officers "initiated a traffic stop of a vehicle which failed to stop" at an intersection. Bates was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and "altering ID marks" on a firearm. He was arraigned Monday, and his attorney, Steve Haney, asked that a plea of not guilty be entered on Bates' behalf. According to Haney, the judge agreed to a nonmonetary personal recognizance bond for Bates to be immediately released from jail. Bates' next court date is scheduled for Oct. 6. Haney told ESPN that the arrest Sunday night came after a routine traffic stop when Bates was driving a borrowed car that had a gun in it. "Reserve judgment on this," Haney said via a statement. "There's way more to the story. He borrowed someone's car, was pulled over and a gun was located in the car." Per the Michigan penal code, a person charged with carrying a concealed weapon can face imprisonment "for not more than 5 years" and a fine up to $2,500. The charge of altering an ID on a weapon carries a penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine up to $1,000. Eastern Michigan issued a statement referring to Bates' arrest. "We are aware of a situation involving one of our student athletes. Eastern Michigan University takes all allegations very seriously," the school said. "We are working to gather more details and will have further comment when more information is available." Bates, a 6-foot-9 small forward, was considered one of the elite basketball prospects in the country throughout his high school career, ranking No. 1 in the 2022 class until he reclassified last summer and ended up at No. 3 in 2021. He originally committed to Michigan State in the summer of 2020 and then reopened his recruitment in April 2021, before reclassifying from 2022 to 2021 and committing to Memphis. His lone season under coach Penny Hardaway was uneven. He missed 15 of 33 games because of a back injury that required him to return home to see a specialist, and he struggled when on the floor. Bates averaged 9.7 points and 3.3 rebounds with the Tigers. WXYZ in Detroit initially reported Bates' arrest. Emoni Bates 是一名前五星高中,今年夏天从孟菲斯大学转学到东密歇根大学,周日晚上 ,在距离校园两英里的地方被捕,警察在他驾驶的车辆中发现枪支。 Washtenaw 郡的公共信息官告诉 ESPN,警察在十字路口对一辆未能停车的车辆进行了 交通拦截。Bates 被指控携带隐藏武器并在枪支上“更改身份标记”。他周一被传讯, 他的律师 Steve Haney 代表 Bates 提出无罪的抗争。 根据 Haney 的说法,法官同意以非金钱担保方式让 Bates 立即出狱。而 Bates 的下一 次开庭日期定於 10 月 6 日。Haney 在一份声明中说。 “这个故事还有很多细节。他借 了别人的车,被拦了下来,车里还藏着一把枪。” 根据密歇根州刑法,被控携带隐蔽武器的人可能面临“不超过 5 年”的监禁和最高 2,500 美元的罚款。更改武器身份证的指控最高可判处两年监禁和最高 1,000 美元的罚 款。 东密歇根大学表示 “我们知道涉及我们一名学生运动员的情况。我们非常重视所有指控 ,而我们正在努力收集更多细节,并在有更多信息时发表进一步评论。” Emoni Bates ,身高 6 尺 9 寸的小前锋,在他的整个高中生涯中一直被认为是美国最菁 英的篮球新秀之一,曾在 2022 届中排名第一,上个赛季 Emoni Bates 在总教练 Penny Hardaway 手下打球。由於背部受伤,他缺席了 33 场比赛中的 15 场,导致他在 场上的表现很挣扎。上赛季能得到9.7分和3.3个篮板。 ----- 选秀顺位曾一度到过乐透区 而最新一期 ESPN 把他排在二轮前段班 (需付费) --
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1F:嘘 rex9999 : Penny带人从不带心,折损美国篮坛新星 09/20 03:18
2F:→ StressND : 又一个小KD拜了 09/20 03:22
3F:→ tomoti : 嗯,没错,带枪都是因为教练没教好,我家的孩子很乖的 09/20 03:48
4F:→ Albertch0217: 密西根还好啦 芝加哥每天都有人被查携带枪枝 09/20 03:55
5F:→ EZ78 : 他跟Duren两个真的是走在岔路上欸 09/20 03:59
6F:推 chen2021 : 大家好 我是Terry 09/20 04:03
7F:推 CircusWorld : 惨 09/20 04:17
8F:推 dzflash : 想询问一下Penny执教的问题?请问有挂吗? 09/20 06:01
9F:→ VL1003 : 要靠今年转学打回身价,结果现在这出… 09/20 06:09
10F:推 L1ON : 呃 09/20 06:10
11F:推 pp3435 : 看来是陨落了 09/20 06:40
12F:推 ODFans : 还没起飞就殒落了 09/20 06:43
13F:推 gsc0478 : 废了 09/20 06:44
14F:推 Miyanishi25 : 这只2K好用 09/20 06:46
15F:嘘 fong0728 : 干带不带心屁事喔?球员心态如何取决自己啦 09/20 07:00
16F:推 Aaronko : 黑人日常 09/20 07:03
17F:推 gg8n8nd34ss : 这小事啦 律师讲这个理由有点机会 09/20 07:06
18F:推 leo755269 : 没什麽挂啦 就雷哥定期发病= = 09/20 07:07
19F:推 edwardcwd : 这只GTA好用 五星 09/20 07:12
20F:推 wahaha303 : 那个ID不用太认真看 09/20 07:27
21F:推 rainbowcrash: 学学TD读好书磨练心智吧,越来越多高中屁孩 09/20 07:28
22F:推 jeff800125 : 掉到二轮罗… 09/20 07:32
23F:→ satheni : 三井寿吗..... 09/20 07:59
24F:推 hauwie : 他臂展很短 比例有点怪 09/20 08:16
25F:推 ARCHER2234 : 推给借他车的人就好啊? 09/20 08:24
26F:推 ppo7741 : 痾.... 09/20 08:25
27F:推 karmel : 这只後来好像预测到二轮 09/20 08:34
28F:→ autechre : 感觉要变Eddie Griffin第二了 09/20 08:37
29F:嘘 orlando71 : 不带心是九月的笑话 09/20 08:40
30F:推 liefuchen : 说真的如果是天赋非常高的就算了 09/20 08:44
31F:→ liefuchen : 已经吃鳖一年了还搞东搞西 很难让人看好他的发展 09/20 08:44
32F:推 vanson37 : 之前被捧很高 09/20 08:44
33F:→ VL1003 : Bates 去年在曼菲斯成绩很惨烈阿,他不在球队还打出 09/20 08:54
34F:→ VL1003 : 一波佳绩,更尴尬。 09/20 08:55
35F:→ EZ78 : 他就上大学後被发现臂展跟摸高悲剧打不太了小前只 09/20 08:56
36F:→ EZ78 : 好往下转高控卫 结果不但转型失败还受伤 Penny还真 09/20 08:56
37F:→ EZ78 : 的有点害到他 09/20 08:56
38F:→ EZ78 : 只是不是在品格方面 是去年Penny对Bates与Duren的 09/20 08:57
39F:→ EZ78 : 培养计画就是彻彻底底的大失败 Duren比较像後来凭 09/20 08:58
40F:→ EZ78 : 自己的能力适应了 09/20 08:58
41F:→ VL1003 : 自身硬体问题外,组织、决策能力甚至投篮选择都不好 09/20 08:58
42F:→ VL1003 : ,讲白了就是球商不太高,这要转高控卫难度一下太高 09/20 08:58
43F:→ VL1003 : ,而且因为硬体问题防守也蛮惨的,以前高中比较像是 09/20 08:59
44F:→ VL1003 : 平均硬体条件不高才完全碾压,况且他也没打高四赛季 09/20 09:00
45F:→ VL1003 : ,同届体能怪崭露头角前就跳级了,大学撞墙撞到死。 09/20 09:00
46F:推 Nistelrooy : Bates资讯都是看Terry介绍的,Bates手很短 09/20 09:10
47F:推 c27932589 : Duren跟ivey感觉都很认真 身为活塞粉很期待他们 09/20 09:22
48F:推 ptt821105 : 这只没了 09/20 09:39
49F:推 limitlesscit: 高中即巅峰 09/20 09:41
50F:推 dwiee : 手短怎会称为小KD阿 好奇怪喔 09/20 09:44
51F:推 Pixis : 推楼上两位讲解 09/20 09:54
52F:→ VL1003 : 投篮手感好、运球协调性很好,人又瘦长的关系吧。 09/20 10:00
53F:→ VL1003 : 臂展测了发现超短,身高 6 尺 9,臂展仅 6 尺 7.25 09/20 10:03
54F:推 ted010233 : 不看好能再打回来 09/20 10:05
55F:推 jerry1030 : 这只2k随便养都99 09/20 10:10
56F:推 DirkMavs : GTA好用 笑了 09/20 10:17
57F:推 yeustream : 也许只是倒楣借错车 09/20 10:33
58F:推 kazake : It’s all good, man 09/20 11:08
59F:推 aktwophg7950: 还没起飞起落架就断了 09/20 11:56
60F:推 johnsonliang: 这只的心态注定不会成功 09/20 12:07
61F:推 s880303 : 五星高中生(GTA) 09/20 12:32
62F:推 eddie0630 : 这臂展也太悲剧….. 09/20 12:54
63F:→ bruce114187 : 皮 09/20 14:19
64F:推 whhw : ... 09/20 14:49
65F:推 Kazmier : Terry有的资讯都乱讲啊 乱吹乱贬 09/20 15:45
66F:→ Kazmier : 他被称做小KD是高一的时候吧 後来发现臂展太短 09/20 15:47
67F:→ Kazmier : 高三又撞墙 去曼菲斯後整个身价暴跌 09/20 15:48
68F:推 eddiefunnyyy: 上场就会伤害球队 09/20 16:09
69F:推 EmoniBates : 悲情... 09/20 17:28
70F:推 en161 : Penny 执教风格到底如何呢? 好奇 09/20 20:55
71F:推 jerry931017 : GTA好用太靠北了 09/21 12:56
72F:→ supahotfire : 低能尼哥 09/22 11:20

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