来源: The Athletic 另外名记者Sam Amick自己也有写一篇 措辞更加强烈 但我只有手机懒得翻了XD 内容: The NBA punished Robert Sarver Tuesday after the conclusion of a 10-month-long i nvestigation of the Phoenix Suns and Mercury owner. Sarver has been suspended fo r one year from having any role with the two organizations, and has been fined $ 10 million. NBA在长达10个月的调查之後星期二惩罚了太阳与水星队老板Robert Sarver。他被从两队的 管理层停权一年并罚金10M。 The suspension came after the NBA hired a law firm to look into allegations of r acism and misogyny by Sarver in an ESPN article published last November. The inv estigation, performed by white-shoe law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katzn N ew York, looked into his 18-year tenure at the helm of both franchises. The leag ue published a 36-page report of its findings, documenting a long list of transg ressions by Sarver. 这个处罚是在NBA在去年11月一篇ESPN文章指控Sarver种族歧视与仇女後委托法律事务所调? 的。这是由纽约白鞋所(指精英级别的法律事务所)Wachtell, Lipton与Katz事务所接手了Sa rver长达18年份、2支球队的拥有历史的调查。联盟出版了一个36页的报告并记录了Sarver? 满的踰矩。 Sarver, the report found, used the N-word “at least five times in repeating or purporting to repeat what a Black person said — four of those after being told by both Black and white subordinates that he should not use the word.” He dispa raged women in the workplace, including telling a pregnant woman she would not b e able to do her job after she became a mother, and engaged in “unequal treatme nt of female employees.” Sarver如同报告发现的一般,使用N-Word”至少5次重复或恶意模仿黑人讲这个字-4次是在黑 人或白人下属叫他不要讲了之後。”他在工作场合轻视女性,包含了告诉孕妇他在生下小孩? 将会被开除并涉入了”对女性员工不平等的待遇。” The investigation painted a picture of a hostile workplace, headed by Sarver, wh o would embarrass employees and make them feel uncomfortable with behavior that ranged from what the investigation called “sophomoric” to discriminatory. But fault did not lie with Sarver alone; the investigation found that the Suns organ ization was a “difficult place for women to work, particularly if they have you ng children” and that executives occasionally treated women differently there t han men. “Sarver believed workplace norms did not apply to him and viewed common convent ions as to what language he should use and what conduct he should avoid as a for m of challenge,” the report found. Additionally, the report notes that “witnes ses said that Sarver’s workplace actions often seemed intended solely to provok e a reaction from employees — to embarrass them or assert dominance over them.? 这个调查刻画出了Sarver所领头的高敌意工作环境。他会作弄员工并用报告指称的”二年级 小朋友”至歧视性的行为来使员工不舒服。不过这并不只是Sarver的错;调查指出太阳队是? ”对於女性,尤其是已经有小孩的女性来说很艰难的职场”且管理层经常性的对女性有差别? 遇。调查指出”Sarver认为一般职场的规矩对他并不适用且对於正常的规范嗤之以鼻并认为 刻意违反他们是一种挑战。”另外,报告说”目击者证实Sarver的职场动作常常是为了引发? 工的反应—藉此使他们难堪并展现自己的高高在上。” Here is an FAQ as to what we know so far about Sarver and the Suns, as a result of the NBA’s investigation. 这里是关於NBA调查结果的FAQ What did the NBA find in its investigation? NBA在调查中发现了什麽? The report, commissioned by the league, outlined a troubling pattern of behavior by Sarver that included his use of racial epithets; that he “used language and engaged in conduct demeaning of female employees;” that he made crude jokes ab out the physical appearance of women — including female employees of the Suns; that he twice made male employees uncomfortable by getting naked or showing his genitals; and that more than 50 “current and former employees reported that Sar ver frequently engaged in demeaning and harsh treatment of employees… that on o ccasion constituted bullying under workplace standards.” 这份由联盟认证的调查细数了Sarver很有问题的行为模式,其中包含了他对於种族歧视性绰? 的使用;他”用言语及涉入一些羞辱女性员工的行为”;他会对女性外表开一些很粗糙的玩笑 —其中包含了太阳的女性员工;他曾经藉由裸露与秀出生殖器2次造成男性员工的不适(抱歉 我停一下 呕呕呕呕呕呕);并超过”50名现任与前任员工检举Sarver曾对他们有过羞辱以及? 薄的对待…这构成职场标准下的霸凌行为。 The report did not deduce a definitive reason for his actions, but its authors w rote that “Sarver often acted aggressively in an apparent effort to provoke a r eaction from his targets; Sarver’s sense of humor was sophomoric and inappropri ate for the workplace; and Sarver behaved as though workplace norms and policies did not apply to him. Witnesses observed that Sarver “lacked a filter” and“ thrive(d) off” saying and doing things to make others uncomfortable.” 报告并没有明确的指出他这些行为的原因,但作者写道”Sarver时常积极的要引起他目标的? 应;Sarver的幽默感对於职场极其幼稚与不适当;且Sarver的行为表现出职场规范与政策在他 身上并不适用。目击者观察到Sarver完全不过滤并不在意他的言论和做一些让其他人不舒服 的事。” How did the law firm obtain this information? 法律事务所如何取得这些资讯的? Investigators at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz began work in Nov. 2021 and reac hed out to every employee currently employed by the Suns, to more than 150 forme r employees, and had 20 former employees reach out on their own. The investigato rs ended up speaking with 320 people — including Sarver and 12 Suns minority ow ners. The Suns waived any nondisclosure agreements in effect after being asked b y the investigators. They reviewed more than 80,000 texts, emails, and documents from Suns employees. They also watched 51 archived Suns employee meetings. The Suns cooperated in full, the report said. “Early in the investigation, the inve stigators learned that the Suns’ HR department had historically maintained poor records, and, accordingly, the HR files received by the investigators were limi ted in number, incomplete, and disorganized,” the report said. 律师事务所的调查於2021年11月开始,联络了每一位现任太阳员工,多於150位的前员工,且有 20位主动联系了律师事务所。调查者到最後与320个人聊过—其中包含了Sarver与12位太阳? 东。太阳队在调查者要求之後也放弃了所有保密协议。他们审视了80000份太阳员工的简讯, email与文件。他们也看了51份太阳会议的存档。太阳队完完全全地配合。报告指出”调查? 期,调查者意识到了太阳人资部门有不好的历史纪录,并指称太阳人资给出的档案数量有限,? 缺且紊乱。” Sarver was interviewed and his work and personal emails were reviewed. As was hi s phone, which was “forensically imaged and reviewed for materials responsive t o the investigators’ requests.” Sarver有被访问且他的工作与个人ema都有被检视过。也如同他的手机,”法医式的投射并负 责任的依照调查者的要求检视这些证物。 Why does the NBA have the authority to punish Sarver? 为什麽NBA有这个权威可以处罚Sarver The investigation found that Sarver’s actions were in violation of the Suns wor kplace policy and the NBA Constitution. The latter gives commissioner Adam Silve r the power to investigate issues that could impact the NBA in a negative way to impose punishment in the best interest of the league. 调查发现Sarver的行为违反太阳与NBA机构的职场政策。後者给主席Adam Silver以他造成NB A负面影响为由处罚他的权力以获取联盟的最大利益。 What exactly did Sarver do? Sarver实际上做了什麽? Sarver used the N-word at least five times, including in a 2004 recruiting meeti ng with a free agent, during a team-building exercise, and at least twice retell ing an incident with a player’s family member. “As early as 2004, Sarver was m ade aware that he should not use the N-word even when repeating another perso’ s use of it,” the report said. After Sarver used the N-word during the 2012-13 team-building exercise in front of players and some coaches and front office sta ff, summarizing what a player had said, a team representative told him he could not say the word. Sarver使用了N-Word至少5次,其中包含了於2004年与一名自由球员的招募会议(难怪没人要? 笑死)与球队建筑内运动并至少2次於一场与球员家人的事件中覆述。”早在2004, Sarver早 已被告知他不该在另一个人讲的时候复述。”报告指出。根据一个球员说, 在Sarver 12-13 年在球员与一些教练面前,在球队代表早告诉他不该讲这个字的状况下用这个字。 In October 2016, after a game against the Warriors, Sarver complained to a Black Suns coach that a Black Warriors player was allowed to say the N-word without p unishment. The report recounted the interaction: “Why does (the Warriors player ) get to say (N-word, N-word, N-word, N-word, N-word)?!” After the coach said, “You can’t f—ing say that,” Sarver replied, “I can’t say (N-word, N-word, N-word)?” Sarver then sent an email to the NBA league office complaining about the officiating during game, mentioning several other instances, but also “he p urported to quote the Warriors player as saying the N-word spelled out with an ? a” at the end,” according to the report. 在2016年10月一场对决勇士的比赛後,他对太阳黑人总教练抱怨为啥黑人勇士球员可以说N-W ord而不被处罚。报告回忆了互动情形:”为什麽(某勇士球员)可以说(B B B B B太长了 我? ))?!”教练说”你他X的不准讲”Sarver回道”我不能说(B B B)?” Sarver接下来便寄了一 封email至联盟判决相关的办公室,翻出一些不相干的事,并”扭曲了该勇士球员原本是a结尾 的字至er结尾的N-Word。” The investigation found that Sarver “engaged in inequitable and demeaning condu ct toward female employees, including bullying.” He told one pregnant female em ployee in 2008 that she could not continue in her role coordinating an event bec ause when the event was to occur she would have already given birth. “Witnesses recalled Sarver saying, in substance, that the employee could not perform the a ssignment because she would be “breastfeeding” and her “baby needs their mom, not their father,” the report said. The woman became upset and cried. Another employee who had witnessed the event later told Sarver that he had not handled t hat situation properly; Sarver and a lawyer later called that witness and the la wyer told her Sarver didn’t do anything wrong and “Sarver then criticized the witness for questioning Sarver’s judgment.” The pregnant woman kept her job. 调查发现Sarver”涉入对女性员工不平等且贬低性的行为,包含了霸凌。”他於2008年告诉? 名怀孕员工她不能再继续做她活动企划的职位因为活动举办时她已经生下来了。”目击者回 忆了Sarver的言论,实质上,那名女员工要”喂奶”且”婴儿需要他们的妈妈而不是爸爸。” 该名女员工难过并开始哭。另一名目击员工告诉Sarver他这样处理不恰当。Sarver与律师随 後叫来了该目击员工且律师告诉她Sarver没有做错任何事并”开始批评该目击员工不该质疑 Sarver的判断。”不过该怀孕员工成功保住了她的饭碗。 In 2011, a week after he screamed at a female employee because he was unhappy wi th a video she had produced, causing her to cry, Sarver entered her office and c losed the door and “said in substance, ‘Why can’t we get along? What’s wrong with you?’ When the female employee began to cry, Sarver then said in a raised voice, ‘Why do all the women around here cry so much?'” Soon after, Sarver he ld a lunch for Suns and Western Alliance Bank employees (he is its CEO) and all employees were women. “Two Suns attendees perceived Sarver’s arrangement of th e lunch to be a response to the video incident described above, to reflect Sarve r’s opinion that female Suns employees were insufficiently tough and/or “cry s o much,'” the report said. “And was intended to enable the female bank employe es to explain to the female Suns employees how to handle Sarver’s demands. The same attendees perceived the lunch as uncomfortable and demeaning.” Sarver admi tted the lunch was arranged but said it was to “facilitate networking between t he entities,” according to the report. Investigators wrote that they believed t he lunch was for the purposes stated by witnesses, not Sarver. 2011年时在Sarver因为对一名女员工制作的影片不满意对她大吼并让他哭的一周後, Sarver 进入她的办公室并关门,实质上的说”为什麽我们处不好?你有什麽问题?”当女性员工开始? 之後, Sarver随即提高音量”为什麽这些女人总是那麽爱哭?”随即,Sarver与阿莱恩西部银 行的员工(他是CEO)且所有员工皆为女性开午餐会。其中银行的2名员工反映了上述的影片事 件并指出Sarver认为女性员工都很烂且很爱哭。且想要让银行的员工去跟该女员工解释如何 处理Sarver的要求。这两位午餐会的参与者叙述该餐会为”不舒服”且”贬低性”的。Sarv er承认该餐会的存在但他说那只是他要”促进实体上的人际网”。调查者采信餐会参与者的 意见,而非Sarver。 The report outlines six times when Sarver made vulgar or sexual jokes to employe es. It found he sent around pornographic material to male Suns executives, inclu ding a video and photos of a naked woman. 报告指出Sarver至少6次对员工开了低级或是色情的玩笑。他被发现会给太阳男性管理层传? 情物品,其中包含一支与多张裸露女性的影片与照片。 He made male employees uncomfortable, as well. While a male employee was on his knees giving Sarver a fitness check, Sarver dropped his underwear and exposed hi s genitals. In 2016, the report said, Sarver stood naked in front of an employee after taking a shower in the coaches shower. 他也造成男性员工的不适。当男性员工在他的膝盖上帮他试衣服是否合身,Sarver脱下他的? 裤来让该男性员工看他的生殖器(呕呕呕呕呕呕呕呕呕呕)。2016年时,报告指出, Sarver在? 练浴室洗完澡後於一名员工面前脱光衣服的站着 On several instances, the report found that Sarver made demeaning or inappropria te comments about women in the Suns organization, including about the bodies and attractiveness of Suns dancers. 在多个状况下,报告发现Sarver对太阳女性员工开羞辱性与不恰当的评论,其中包含了太阳女 舞者的身体与吸引度。 Sarver commented about the “sex lives, bodies, and sexual orientation” of play ers, including at least once about a player’s partner. “In another instance, w hen the Suns were recruiting a free agent in 2015, Sarver made a joke that the t eam should have players impregnate local Phoenix strippers so they would feel co nnected to the area, giving the Suns a potential edge in free agency recruitment .” Sarver还会对球员的”性生活,身体与性取向”,其中至少一次是对於球员的伴侣。另一个状 况下,当太阳於2015要招募自由球员时, Sarver说出了队员应该要让凤凰城地方的脱衣舞娘? 孕才能让他们觉得与当地有连结才能给他们自由球员潜在优势的玩笑。 More than 50 employees said Sarver yelled or cursed at employees as a way to man age them, including in a way that would be considered bullying under the Suns wo rkplace policy, according to the report. Sarver denied yelling at employees to i nvestigators but admitted he may have “raised his voice” after they gave him s pecific examples. 超过50名员工说Sarver对他们大吼大叫甚至是诅咒来管理他们,这也是太阳职场政策被定义? 霸凌行为的其中之一。Sarver否认大吼大叫但在调查者说出详细情况後承认他可能”大声了 一点点”。 The report states several times that there was “no finding that Sarver’s condu ct was motivated by racial or gender-based animus.” 报告多次坦言Sarver的行为是被种族与性别敌意所驱动 Employees expressed concerns and issues with the Suns organization as a whole, t ying some of them to Sarver’s leadership, but to which the report said it could not directly find a connection. The Suns’ human resources department had poor record keeping and the report said that investigators had trouble corroborating allegations of racial and gender discrimination in the organization’s hiring be cause of this. 员工表达了他们对太阳与Sarver领导有关的疑虑与问题,但报告没有发现直接关系。太阳的? 资部门资料保管得非常差所以调查者在调查球队的雇佣上有种族与性别歧视的指控时遭遇了 困难。 “The investigation finds that the Suns organization has been a difficult place for women to work, particularly if they have young children, and that Suns execu tives have on occasion treated female employees differently because of their gen der and/or pregnancy. The investigation also identified a few reports of unwante d touching and sexual harassment by or of Suns employees, some of which were mis handled by the team.” 调查发现太阳球团对於女性,尤其是那些有小孩的女性来说非常困难,且太阳高层对待女性员 工因为他们的性别与怀孕而有差别待遇。调查也发现太阳员工数个非礼与性骚扰案件都处理 得不恰当。 The investigation also found instances of executives engaging in “anti-gay sent iment.” 调查也发现太阳高层数次涉入”反同言论” The report outlines the ways in which the Suns’ HR department has been overhaul ed since 2021 after it undermined the trust of Suns employees and broke their co nfidence in previous years. 报告细数了太阳人资部门自2021年起因太阳员工过去几年来对其信任的崩坏的重建方式。 What do the Suns say? 太阳队的声明 大意就是太阳与水星全力配合并有在改善工作环境 Phoenix Suns
What does Sarver say? Sarver的声明 大意就是我尊重联盟判决 我道歉 但这些我都没有做错且否认部分报告。
Why didn’t Sarver get fined more? 为什麽Sarver只被罚这样的钱 The $10 million is the most that the NBA could fine him under its rules. 1000万美金是nba可以对他裁罚的法定上限 What happens next? 接下来还会发生什麽 Sarver can’t have anything to do with the NBA or WNBA, the Suns or Mercury, or his duties as a team governor for the next year. He can’t even attend games. He has to undergo a training program for respect and appropriate workplace conduct . Sarver下一年不能与NBA或WNBA以及他球队拥有者的身分有任何关系。他不能出席比赛。他? 要接受职场尊重与恰当行为的训练。 What does Adam Silver say? Adam Silver说了什麽? He released a statement with the NBA’s ruling. 他释出了NBA判决的声明 “The statements and conduct described in the findings of the independent invest igation are troubling and disappointing,” Silver said. Silver说“独立调查中发现的言论与行为是有问题且令人失望的… “We believe the outcome is the right one, taking into account all the facts, ci rcumstances and context brought to light by the comprehensive investigation of t his 18-year period and our commitment to upholding proper standards in NBA workp laces. I am hopeful that the NBA community will use this opportunity to reflect on what this great game means to people everywhere and the values of equality, r espect and inclusion that it strives to represent. Regardless of position, power or intent, we all need to recognize the corrosive and hurtful impact of raciall y insensitive and demeaning language and behavior. On behalf of the entire NBA, I apologize to all of those impacted by the misconduct outlined in the investiga tors’ report. We must do better.” …我们相信有考量晒在阳光下的事实,状况与前後文,全面调查18年来的纪录以及NBA维持恰? 职场标准的努力所得出的结果是正确的。我希望nba社群能用这个机会来反响这些伟大比赛? 所有地方人们的意义与其代表的平等,尊重,包容。无论职位,权力还是意图,我们都必须直视 种族不敏感及羞辱性语言与行为所造成的损害性影响。我代表全NBA对这些遭调查者所列出? 行为所影响的人道歉。我们必须做得更好。” Why didn’t the NBA strip the Suns away from Sarver like they did with Donald St erling? 为什麽NBA没有对Sterling一般把太阳从Sarver手中拿走呢? That’s a good question. It seems now that the Sterling incident might have been a one-time case, impacted by the large amount of attention paid to the very pub lic nature of what Sterling said and all the attention it brought down on the le ague, especially during the playoffs. It was clear in the aftermath that Silver? s decision was not universally supported by other NBA owners. This time, the NBA handed down a penalty in line with what the NFL gave Daniel Snyder last summer — $10 million and taking away day-to-day control — after the Washington Comman ders faced allegations of sexual harassment and workplace misconduct. 这是一个好问题。现在看来Sterling的事件可能会是前无古人後无来者,因为他被大量的对? Sterling的公众注意力以及当时季後赛期间的关注度所冲击。很显然的Silver的决定并不受 所有NBA球队老板所待见。因此这次,NBA比照NFL去年夏天给Daniel Snyder的处分—10M罚款 并停权—在华盛顿司令面临性骚扰与工作场合不当行为指控之後。 注:华盛顿司令老板2009年时问女员工是否能性交并企图脱掉女员工衣服。对,就这麽一件。 --

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1F:推 liusim : NBA的职场环境还是不错 调查出来也有保障09/15 11:51
2F:→ liusim : 转头看看廖.....09/15 11:51
3F:推 cody7052 : 换老板要三分之二的老板们同意,也就是20支球队老板09/15 11:53
4F:推 cross980115 : 推翻译 Sarver行径真的很恶心09/15 11:53
5F:推 icou : 简单讲 就是个垃__09/15 11:53
6F:→ cross980115 : 他行径远比Sterling夸张09/15 11:54
7F:推 pneumo : 有翻有推 果然是个板主人才09/15 11:54
8F:推 TSbb : 太阳好像不意外 09/15 11:54
9F:→ tyrone0923 : Sterling那次比较像是天怒人怨,联盟想要杀鸡儆猴 09/15 11:55
※ 编辑: EZ78 ( 美国), 09/15/2022 11:59:50
10F:推 liusim : 话说是不是刻意挑休赛季啊 内容看起来跟当初指控没 09/15 11:55
11F:→ liusim : 差别~~但调查好久 09/15 11:56
12F:推 a22122212 : 感谢翻译 刻意对男员工露鸟到底是... 09/15 11:56
13F:推 ebabyebaby : 看起来他并未特别种族歧视黑人而是歧视所有无产阶级 09/15 11:56
14F:→ ebabyebaby : 就是个惯老板如果在鬼岛他这些言行应该不会出大事 09/15 11:57
15F:推 TSbb : 就标准老白男的形象 09/15 11:57
16F:→ tyrone0923 : 就是歧视所有为他工作的人,最好在台湾这样会没事, 09/15 11:57
17F:→ tyrone0923 : 台湾有哪个老板会对男员工露鸟? 09/15 11:58
18F:→ sezna : 对男人露鸟是什麽性向 09/15 11:58
19F:推 RadioMan : 好恶 露鸟 干 09/15 11:58
20F:推 hydeless : 这在惯老板天堂的鬼岛根本是日常 09/15 11:59
21F:→ ljk476820 : 好扯 09/15 11:59
22F:→ TSbb : 露鸟一直是变态直男的行为啊 有人很喜欢说这是甲 09/15 12:00
23F:推 Fafnir316 : 夸张,这真的该滚 09/15 12:00
24F:推 liusim : 孕妇那个......浓浓即视感 但在台湾貌似真的没事了 09/15 12:00
25F:推 Mezerized : 有的人自己比纳粹还右 当然看谁都是极左 09/15 12:00
26F:推 ebabyebaby : 甲甲?!跟这老板洗澡最好别在浴室捡肥皂 09/15 12:00
27F:推 hydeless : $arver也一直骂白人员工红脖子啊,他就真的只是一 09/15 12:00
28F:→ hydeless : 个超鸡掰的老白有钱男,没特别歧视黑人,他谁都歧 09/15 12:00
29F:→ hydeless : 视 09/15 12:01
30F:→ TSbb : 露鸟就是权势象徵 就像监狱有人会肛小白脸 他们当然 09/15 12:01
31F:→ liusim : 他就变态老人 又很爱酸人 09/15 12:01
32F:→ TSbb : 不是甲甲 09/15 12:01
33F:→ TSbb : 黑袍纠察队的祖国人还会飞到屋顶打手枪 09/15 12:02
34F:推 Evonn : 不是歧视人种或性别,就是歧视所有为他工作或中/无产 09/15 12:03
35F:推 s891234 : 推,好恶,这NBA处罚不了,但没有证据员工一起告一 09/15 12:03
36F:→ s891234 : 告吗? 09/15 12:03
37F:→ Evonn : 阶级,难怪给薪这麽抠,当球员是为他工作的奴工而已 09/15 12:04
38F:推 breagb3746 : 美国廖 09/15 12:04
39F:推 kitoik5427 : 乾好恶 垃圾真的不分国界种族学历能力 09/15 12:04
40F:推 cross980115 : 太阳整个职场环境根本被Sarver搞到有毒了 09/15 12:05
41F:→ cross980115 : 刻意露鸟、霸凌孕妇、开会公审样样来 09/15 12:05
42F:推 ebabyebaby : 停权一年轻判了Sterling得罪所有黑人停权终身=死刑 09/15 12:05
43F:→ ebabyebaby : 应该好险他是歧视不分种族跟Sterling一样专歧视黑人 09/15 12:06
44F:→ ebabyebaby : 早就出大事了 09/15 12:07
45F:→ EZ78 : 没 跟种族关系没那麽大 主要还是Sterling是季後赛 09/15 12:08
46F:→ EZ78 : 时期突发状况又在LA 然後又是TMZ报导的 否则Sarve 09/15 12:08
47F:→ EZ78 : r的严重性高很多 09/15 12:08
48F:推 Aggro : 你就把他想成白人奴隶主思维 大概就这种感觉 09/15 12:08
49F:→ EZ78 : TMZ+LA+季後赛直接把事件升级到全国等级 09/15 12:09
50F:推 kitoik5427 : 谢谢翻译 可以嚣张这麽多年没事 09/15 12:09
51F:→ kitoik5427 : 难怪他觉得委屈呵呵 09/15 12:09
52F:→ Aggro : 上面说的没错 他不是单歧视黑人 基本是歧视所有下属 09/15 12:09
53F:→ kitoik5427 : 根本不觉得自己有问题 09/15 12:10
54F:→ EZ78 : 然後他直接叫自由球员N 小城市够不利了这样谁要去 09/15 12:10
55F:→ Aggro : 史特林那个我是猜他吸血吸的太明显 联盟也不爽很久 09/15 12:10
56F:推 doclin : 就是歧视穷人,无分男女 肤色,比我穷就低端 09/15 12:11
57F:→ Aggro : 快艇之前就是摆明我就靠大城市爽赚 09/15 12:11
58F:→ Aggro : 现在问题是 沙佛其他老板挺不挺 他有盟友的话就很难 09/15 12:11
59F:→ EZ78 : Amick是直接狂喷猛喷喷nba一整篇文 我翻的这篇措辞 09/15 12:12
60F:推 cross980115 : 另外一篇有提到Sarver 在去年的商务会议上聊自己小 09/15 12:12
61F:→ cross980115 : 时候怎麽了解口交、在2011年的员工会议上讨论保险 09/15 12:12
62F:→ EZ78 : 温和很多 至少还有有利Sarver的部分 09/15 12:12
63F:→ Aggro : 扳倒他 09/15 12:12
64F:→ cross980115 : 套 09/15 12:12
65F:→ cross980115 : 还至少20次以上在各种工作场所提到性/性解剖学等等 09/15 12:12
66F:→ cross980115 : ,还对女员工侃侃而谈自己的懒觉。 09/15 12:12
67F:→ EZ78 : Amick超气 09/15 12:13
68F:→ EZ78 : 所以就会觉得球员不满判决很正常 更不用说不少歧视 09/15 12:14
69F:→ cross980115 : 气是正常的,正常人看到都会直接开喷的那种 09/15 12:14
70F:→ EZ78 : 字眼都是直接冲着球员来的 09/15 12:14
71F:推 hydeless : $arver好像叫所有爱尔兰裔男员工都叫Mick,他就是台 09/15 12:14
72F:→ hydeless : 湾惯老板日常啊,美国人玻璃心 09/15 12:14
73F:→ cross980115 : 台湾惯老板也不会三不五时对你谈懒觉 露鸟给你看好 09/15 12:15
74F:→ cross980115 : 吗 09/15 12:15
75F:→ hydeless : 台湾惯老板性骚扰才厉害 09/15 12:15
76F:→ Aggro : 台湾职场现在对性骚扰意识很高了 09/15 12:16
77F:→ EZ78 : 台湾惯老板…可是他是美国老板欸 09/15 12:16
78F:→ hydeless : 老直男露懒觉就逞威风啊 09/15 12:16
79F:推 boy80421 : Sarver真的比一开始爆出来的还夸张不少 09/15 12:16
80F:推 sasewill : 台湾有哪个惯老板会直接露鸟的啦 09/15 12:16
81F:→ cross980115 : 一开始还想说没几个人指证,结果报告一出来 远比S 09/15 12:17
82F:→ cross980115 : terling 夸张啊 09/15 12:17
83F:→ EZ78 : 美国老板这方面规范严格多了 更不用说他很多都是违 09/15 12:17
84F:→ hydeless : 之前一个台湾老板叫原住民都叫番仔也没怎样了 09/15 12:17
85F:→ EZ78 : 反nba甚至是队内自己订的政策的 09/15 12:17
86F:→ EZ78 : 那是台湾有很大的问题啊。 09/15 12:18
87F:→ EZ78 : 台湾这样做没被罚不代表没错欸 09/15 12:18
88F:→ gundam01 : 美国禁忌多 但是他有钱屌大 09/15 12:18
89F:→ manny875468 : 感觉罚一罚就没事了 09/15 12:18
90F:→ Aggro : 台湾露鸟现在一样会出问题拉 09/15 12:18
91F:→ hydeless : 所以应该派来鬼岛磨练一下 09/15 12:18
92F:→ cross980115 : 根据调查超过100多人目睹过Sarver 违反太阳队自己 09/15 12:19
93F:→ cross980115 : 的工作政策规范 09/15 12:19
94F:→ gundam01 : 罚钱他球队省一下就赚回来啊 09/15 12:19
95F:→ hydeless : 各位的老板最好每个都没做$arver哪些破事 09/15 12:19
96F:推 hydeless : 这世界就是有钱屌就大,出外靠关系,$arver跟其他 09/15 12:21
97F:→ hydeless : 老板关系那麽好你根本吹不长他拿他没办法的 09/15 12:21
98F:→ cross980115 : 在台湾也很难见到Sarver这麽夸张的好吗 09/15 12:21
99F:→ EZ78 : 我倒是很好奇台湾有几个大型企业老板敢做这些 09/15 12:22
100F:→ tyrone0923 : 觉得露鸟在台湾是日常的要不要说一下公司名字啊 09/15 12:22
101F:→ EZ78 : Sarver管的不是小公司欸。 09/15 12:22
102F:→ hydeless : 老詹CP3想要把战场拖去种族跟性别但$arver这种无差 09/15 12:23
103F:→ hydeless : 别地图炮鸡掰根本是无解 09/15 12:23
104F:→ EZ78 : 呃 可是沙佛是在美国 这些很严重。 09/15 12:23
105F:推 nk10803 : 如果在大公司 一般员工也很难见到老板 应该说老板也 09/15 12:23
106F:→ nk10803 : 很少视察员工吧 09/15 12:23
107F:→ cross980115 : 你在台湾找得到哪个大型企业老板 露好几次鸟给员工 09/15 12:24
108F:→ cross980115 : 看、开会霸凌孕妇、对女员工侃侃而谈自己懒觉、传 09/15 12:24
109F:→ cross980115 : 色情影片给员工的? 09/15 12:24
110F:推 xhakiboo : 歧视所有人 的有钱老白男 09/15 12:25
111F:→ cross980115 : 超过100多名以上的员工目睹、指证 09/15 12:25
112F:→ nk10803 : 中小企业老板还有可能 尤其是那种家族企业的XD 09/15 12:25
113F:推 hydeless : 除了露鸟的部分,我知道的很多台湾老板都有做过 09/15 12:26
114F:→ EZ78 : 他要是敢指名道姓是哪个老板 应该都可以帮他找记者 09/15 12:26
115F:→ cross980115 : 惯老板顶多有一两项压榨员工啦,但很难有Sarver 这 09/15 12:26
116F:→ EZ78 : 了啦。 09/15 12:26
117F:→ cross980115 : 麽夸张的 09/15 12:26
118F:→ cross980115 : Sarver 是样样来 不是其中一项而已 09/15 12:27
119F:→ gowaa : 所有人都骂 就不是歧视了...呢... 09/15 12:27
120F:推 kitoik5427 : 不用帮台湾讲话哈 美国至少会见光 台湾多少自己吞 09/15 12:27
121F:→ kitoik5427 : 之前药厂少主长期在作业线上露鸟欺负女员工 09/15 12:28
122F:推 cross980115 : Sarver还这样搞了18年 09/15 12:29
123F:推 hydeless : 还是歧视啊,之前就有爆$arver连VP等级的都照玩不误 09/15 12:29
124F:→ kitoik5427 : 最後受不了自己偷带手进去机拍下来 09/15 12:29
125F:→ hydeless : 啊,高阶主管都难幸免於难了,怎麽会对基层员工客 09/15 12:29
126F:→ hydeless : 气 09/15 12:29
127F:推 hihi29 : 真的罚太轻 应该强迫把球队卖掉才对 09/15 12:29
128F:推 aeio9875 : 尿老大 09/15 12:29
129F:推 handfoxx : NBA料老大 09/15 12:30
130F:→ sezna : 杀佛如果跟其他老板关系有搞好,要换他蛮难的。 09/15 12:31
131F:→ gowaa : 太阳换老板的戏码究竟能成功呢? 09/15 12:31
132F:→ gowaa : 究竟何时能* 09/15 12:32
133F:推 melzard : 要2/3的老板不爽他这门槛太高了 09/15 12:32
134F:推 hydeless : $arver跟其他老板关系麻吉的咧,刚爆出来的时候, 09/15 12:32
135F:→ hydeless : 很多老板都觉得$arver人很好一点问题也没有 09/15 12:32
136F:→ hydeless : 你去看美国Reddit的讨论也都变成惯老板大家文了 09/15 12:33
137F:推 love1500274 : 版主好 09/15 12:34
138F:→ sezna : 这个处罚可能就是桥完的结果,真的要换会像快艇 09/15 12:34
139F:推 mangojocker : 双标联盟 就这麽简单 09/15 12:41
140F:推 hanslins : 他恶心但他没有动手,差一点就能干掉杀佛了 09/15 12:43
141F:推 chinhan1216 : 我去游泳池时 有更衣室 也一堆老头不在更衣室换 直 09/15 12:43
142F:→ chinhan1216 : 接露老二给人看啊 看完整篇就一个白目糟老头而已 09/15 12:44
143F:→ hanslins : 他如果有动作方面被揭露应该就bye了,例如动手脱员 09/15 12:44
144F:→ SCLPAL : 要不要看我的迪克先生..... 09/15 12:44
145F:→ hanslins : 工衣服,接触员工身体 09/15 12:44
146F:→ EZ78 : 在游泳池跟在职场是两回事。 09/15 12:45
147F:→ hanslins : 杀佛的行为跟川普很像,美国白人大男人主义 09/15 12:45
148F:→ hanslins : 杀佛整篇没有身体的接触大概也是他能脱身的原因 09/15 12:46
149F:→ hanslins : 我看他也很恶心,但无法让杀佛的朋友跟他绝交,他 09/15 12:48
150F:→ hanslins : 的行为没办法 让超过2/3 的老板干掉他,只能期待外 09/15 12:48
151F:→ hanslins : 界压力了 09/15 12:48
152F:推 shau7276 : 他歧视比他穷的 09/15 12:51
153F:推 chinhan1216 : 除了那个当人家面露老二 其它就白人惯老板 09/15 12:51
154F:→ magamanzero : 以这篇来说 我觉得史特林严重一些 09/15 12:51
155F:→ magamanzero : Saver除了老二那个 就一般惯老板 而且重要的是 09/15 12:52
156F:推 hanslins : 我认真想想如果我的好朋友做出杀佛举动,我会疏远 09/15 12:52
157F:→ hanslins : 他,但要我直接翻脸报警还差一点点 09/15 12:52
158F:→ magamanzero : 怀孕那个还是保住饭碗了 如果被搞走了 那才是爆炸 09/15 12:52
159F:→ magamanzero : 他没有针对种族歧视 他就惯老板... 09/15 12:53
160F:推 amen123 : 希望能开除杀佛 09/15 12:53
161F:→ chinhan1216 : 凤凰城廖老大 09/15 12:54
162F:→ hanslins : 就跟那个怀孕女员工,她最後保住工作了,她如果没 09/15 12:54
163F:→ hanslins : 保住杀佛也bye了,杀佛就是刚好差红线一点点就bye 09/15 12:54
164F:→ hanslins : 了,他每次都刚好差一点 09/15 12:54
165F:→ EZ78 : 律师团是想查最直接的雇佣上有没有歧视的情形啦 结 09/15 12:55
166F:→ EZ78 : 果太阳人资资料残破到查不了 笑死 09/15 12:55
167F:→ magamanzero : 所以..期待下一次吧 帮杨迷QQ 09/15 12:55
168F:→ hanslins : 真的帮QQ,他真的没有史特林严重 09/15 12:56
169F:→ EZ78 : 没 照阿银的说法 就算有下一次 也很难… 09/15 12:56
170F:→ EZ78 : 史特林那个没那麽严重 甚至证据薄弱很多 只是被他 09/15 12:57
171F:→ EZ78 : 老婆卖了XDD 09/15 12:57
172F:→ hanslins : 史特林是直接公开跟歧视火车对撞,还有老婆背叛, 09/15 12:57
173F:→ hanslins : 杀佛连八字都没一撇 09/15 12:57
174F:→ EZ78 : 本人没有意愿卖的话 谁都动不了… 09/15 12:59
175F:推 Eijidate : N-Word 是指尼哥吗? 黑人自己先不要讲吧 09/15 12:59
176F:→ EZ78 : 他那一块的问题不是他讲N word的行为本身 是动机与 09/15 13:01
177F:→ babyalley : 就垃X惯老板阿 但是没史特林严重 不可能开除掉Sarv 09/15 13:01
178F:→ babyalley : er 09/15 13:01
179F:→ EZ78 : 其他行为 09/15 13:01
180F:→ EZ78 : 你们把史特林当年的事情看太重了 他其实就是两句种 09/15 13:02
181F:→ EZ78 : 族不敏感发言 沙佛是长达18年的系统性问题… 09/15 13:02
182F:推 korgh413 : 标准老白男,很有钱ㄋㄚˋㄓㄨㄥ 09/15 13:07
183F:推 donkilu : 真的是烂人 09/15 13:10
184F:推 magamanzero : 但问题在米国 种族歧视是死罪 惯老板不是 09/15 13:12
185F:推 cross980115 : 他远比Sterling 严重啦 09/15 13:12
186F:→ magamanzero : 你做一件 种族歧视的事情可能就GG 但做一万件惯老板 09/15 13:12
187F:→ magamanzero : 顶多就医植被投诉 09/15 13:13
188F:→ magamanzero : 加权指数不一样XD 09/15 13:13
189F:推 timedilation: 尿老大笑死 09/15 13:13
190F:→ cross980115 : 是因为联盟上次Sterling 事件搞到让大多老板不太支 09/15 13:13
191F:→ cross980115 : 持,所以这次才打算草草了事… 09/15 13:14
192F:→ cross980115 : 这个最後一段有解释 09/15 13:14
193F:推 ARCHER2234 : 说句难听点的,就是那群左派嚣张到了极致所以这个爱 09/15 13:15
194F:→ EZ78 : 没有 Sterling有做的类似事情沙佛都有做… 09/15 13:15
195F:推 JayJayC : 生小孩就开出是某廖好大吗 09/15 13:15
196F:→ ARCHER2234 : 歧视的惯老板反而可能被保下来... 09/15 13:15
197F:→ EZ78 : 他都直接叫黑人N了欸 09/15 13:15
198F:→ ARCHER2234 : 物极必反,他又有种族和钱权三重加成 09/15 13:16
199F:→ EZ78 : 两个人罪名都有种族不敏感发言这条啊 09/15 13:16
200F:→ cross980115 : 什麽种族加成啦,Sterling犹太人一样下去好吗 09/15 13:18
201F:推 Leaflock : 推翻译 09/15 13:21
202F:推 hanslins : 我讲得很清楚,杀佛越过黄线但刚好在红线前停下来 09/15 13:22
203F:→ hanslins : ,他每次都闯黄灯但刚好没有针对越过红灯,无论他 09/15 13:22
204F:→ hanslins : 闯多少次黄灯但联盟这是第一次追查只能算一次,他 09/15 13:22
205F:→ hanslins : 就刚好都没有越过红线 09/15 13:22
206F:推 allse1032 : 台湾又领先世界了 美国廖老大 09/15 13:23
207F:→ EZ78 : 如果你觉得史特林踏的是红线 Sarver早就超过了 09/15 13:23
208F:→ hanslins : 他讲尼哥也刚好红线前停下,他质疑为啥黑人能讲白 09/15 13:24
209F:→ hanslins : 人不能讲?联盟无法解释到让他信服就离种族歧视还 09/15 13:24
210F:→ hanslins : 差那麽一点点 09/15 13:24
211F:→ EZ78 : 史特林跟贝勒爷打的种族歧视官司是查无不法的 09/15 13:25
212F:→ hanslins : 史特林是公开直接对撞美国媒体,你这麽不长眼还能 09/15 13:25
213F:→ EZ78 : 没 他是刻意叫的。那个问题是後面补的 而且对方都 09/15 13:25
214F:→ hanslins : 怪谁? 09/15 13:26
215F:→ EZ78 : 跟他讲不能这样叫了还持续叫欸。 09/15 13:26
216F:→ EZ78 : 难不成你真的天真到以为他的问题是认真的问问题? 09/15 13:26
217F:推 hanslins : 他就是类似台湾的馆长廖老大之类的,满嘴干话,你 09/15 13:29
218F:→ hanslins : 跟他讲这个不行他就干回来,我实在无法真的为这个 09/15 13:29
219F:→ hanslins : 判他死刑? 09/15 13:29
220F:→ hanslins : 要真正让他挂就必须抓到他的行为,例如让女性离职 09/15 13:30
221F:→ hanslins : 之类的,他真的差一点 09/15 13:31
222F:→ EZ78 : 你同理放到史特林 你要为了他跟情妇讲的吃醋气话判 09/15 13:31
223F:推 cross980115 : 这跟死刑差那麽多… 09/15 13:31
224F:→ EZ78 : 他死刑? 09/15 13:31
225F:→ cross980115 : 你拿他跟Sterling 比就好 行径远比Sterling 夸张, 09/15 13:31
226F:→ cross980115 : 还是持续18年来的行为 09/15 13:31
227F:推 lovemeteor : 凤凰城当地媒体Gambodoro讲NBA不想直接开除杀佛老 09/15 13:32
228F:→ EZ78 : 你找给Sarver的理由在史特林身上大多都适用喔。 09/15 13:32
229F:→ lovemeteor : 板资格导致要对簿公堂,而是揭露出来让太阳其他股 09/15 13:32
230F:→ lovemeteor : 东、赞助商、媒体来逼杀佛卖球队(公审) 09/15 13:32
231F:→ cross980115 : 联盟想丢给太阳股东自己处理就是踢皮球啊… 09/15 13:32
232F:→ EZ78 : 对 当地媒体讲得蛮正确的 阿银也是直接说让他脱手 09/15 13:33
233F:→ hanslins : 他就跟媒体对撞啊,你没看杀佛躲多好?重点是上次 09/15 13:33
234F:→ magamanzero : 没阿 史特林大多是种族歧视阿 这里有吗? 09/15 13:33
235F:→ EZ78 : 球队这个宪法保障的权利过程太过繁杂 09/15 13:33
236F:→ hanslins : 那次判决联盟老板其实後来很反感,这次就更难了。 09/15 13:33
237F:→ hanslins : 所以唯一机会就是除了待退老将外,其他联盟新星一 09/15 13:33
238F:→ hanslins : 起反才有机会 09/15 13:34
239F:→ lovemeteor : 所以阿银那软蛋发言看起来有烧到球员那开始叫杀 09/15 13:34
240F:→ EZ78 : 对啊 他卖掉球队是CNN造成的 但是被终身ban不是。 09/15 13:34
241F:→ lovemeteor : 佛滚蛋 09/15 13:34
242F:→ EZ78 : 他是跟情妇讲的气话被流出就被永ban了 09/15 13:35
243F:→ EZ78 : 不过两者对我来说都是不能接受的啦 09/15 13:35
244F:推 pennymarkfox: 这真的很扯... 09/15 13:39
245F:嘘 nolander : 只停权一年? 09/15 13:44
246F:→ magamanzero : 那个N-word太轻微了 可以往前翻翻 N-word顶多骂他 09/15 13:55
247F:→ magamanzero : 要定罪他种族歧视太难了 毕竟一堆人在说 09/15 13:55
248F:→ magamanzero : 所以说他躲得很好 09/15 13:56
249F:→ magamanzero : 像上面那个nohomo.. www 09/15 13:56
250F:→ TheoEpstein : 其实现在是看CP3他们要不要加重力道了。 09/15 14:06
amen123:转录至看板 PHX-Suns 09/15 14:38
251F:推 JayJayC : ? 09/15 14:46
252F:推 HOWyun2648 : 难怪之前流出来的新闻,板上也没什麽讨论,原来是美 09/15 14:49
253F:→ HOWyun2648 : 国和NBA的规范和我们不同 09/15 14:49
254F:推 hankwan1218 : 真的比Sterling还扯 09/15 15:02
255F:推 gp03dan : NBA宁王,动不动乱发飙 09/15 15:30
256F:推 bluemei : 好恶心 09/15 15:37
257F:→ wahaha2005 : 现在就是看球员等能否令其他老板支持他们,但看来很 09/15 15:43
258F:→ wahaha2005 : 难 09/15 15:43
259F:推 lwei781 : Sarver 比 其他两位的夸张啊 09/15 16:01
260F:→ lwei781 : 最轻和最不严重的罚最重 09/15 16:02
261F:→ lwei781 : Sterling 有做的事 沙佛都劝导後还做了 n 次 09/15 16:04
262F:推 waitwind : 藉由裸露与秀出生殖器2次造成男性员工的不适??? 09/15 16:06
263F:推 lwei781 : 不逼卖球队 也该终身禁赛 09/15 16:13
264F:→ lwei781 : 卖球队那边很麻烦, 禁赛时间至少比照 Sterling 啊 09/15 16:14
265F:推 cloki : 感谢翻译...其实也证明了那些措施阻止不到老板了吧 09/15 16:28
266F:推 malain : 感谢翻译 09/15 16:34
267F:推 shadow0326 : 太廖了吧 09/15 16:59
268F:推 ctttttt : 终身禁赛也没什麽用吧 主要还都是他在职场对 09/15 17:03
269F:→ ctttttt : 员工猥亵 不礼貌 09/15 17:03
270F:→ ctttttt : 但大家一起凝聚与论压力应该可以改变情况 不然现阶 09/15 17:04
271F:→ ctttttt : 段太恶了 09/15 17:04
272F:→ VL1003 : Sarver 跟 Sterling 最大不同就是跟其他老板间的关 09/15 17:15
273F:→ VL1003 : 系吧? Sarver 比较像看不起自己底下的人,但跟自己 09/15 17:15
274F:→ VL1003 : 平起平坐的应该不会这样,而能不能拔掉它的老板位置 09/15 17:16
275F:→ VL1003 : 的正是这些平起平坐的其他老板们,受薪阶级在肚烂他 09/15 17:16
276F:→ VL1003 : 也没办法让他丢掉这位置,除非舆论压力起来影响到这 09/15 17:17
277F:→ VL1003 : 些老板们感受压力,才可能让他们同意拔掉 Sarver。 09/15 17:17
278F:推 whhw : 推 09/15 17:40
279F:嘘 JackSmith : 都骂人N-word了然後跟我说没有种族歧视问题? 09/15 18:25
280F:推 tmactsai : 在台湾还有市长叫人玛丽亚呢! 09/15 18:34
281F:推 jackyu0810 : 呕呕呕呕呕呕呕 09/15 19:03
282F:→ xo1100 : 从老板下手有点难啦 大家都会忌讳自己变下一个 09/15 19:15
283F:→ xo1100 : 从媒体赞助商球员施压他自己卖掉比较有可能 09/15 19:16
284F:嘘 XXXaBg : 有够恶… 拜托SJW快把他烧下来 09/15 19:53
285F:推 YpFeron : Sarver 感觉就是抗压很强的老板,大家别想太多了啦 09/15 20:05
286F:推 AbdulRauf : CP3怎麽老是遇到这种事 09/15 20:29
287F:推 MK47 : 他搞这出比较大的争议点就是他是污辱所有的人 不是 09/15 20:31
288F:→ MK47 : 像Sterling那样只针对黑人 举个不太准确的例子 可能 09/15 20:32
289F:→ MK47 : 他讲胖子就说肥宅穷鬼 讲黑人就呛n-word 呛妇女就开 09/15 20:33
290F:→ MK47 : 黄色玩笑 所以就有模糊焦点的可能 不像快艇那个摆明 09/15 20:33
291F:→ MK47 : 就是针对有色人种 09/15 20:33
292F:→ MK47 : 这就让很多讨论变成他是没品的惯老板 而不单是种族 09/15 20:34
293F:→ MK47 : 歧视 09/15 20:34
294F:推 shau7276 : 楼上重点抓到了,杀佛没针对特定族群,他只是把所有 09/15 21:06
295F:→ shau7276 : 没他有钱的都当作次等人,他歧视穷人,不是黑人 09/15 21:07
296F:→ tco : 就一个糟老头,遛鸟侠,你能罚他甚麽? 09/15 21:08
297F:→ tco : 而且他整体看来就是对下属/女人/员工有歧视,不尊重 09/15 21:09
298F:→ tco : 讲话刻薄难听,但没有肢体接触,也没有动手 09/15 21:09
299F:→ tco : 如果他们其他股东或是老板相处上没有问题,联盟很难 09/15 21:09
300F:→ tco : 弄掉他。 09/15 21:09
301F:→ gowaa : 简单说 他是看你有钱没钱 决定要对你怎样的人? 09/15 21:44
302F:推 RoyeC : 他好像没特别针对种族歧视(都瞧不起算另类的平等 09/15 22:04
303F:→ RoyeC : 吗,比较歧视穷人或中产 09/15 22:04
304F:推 gm79227922 : 美国料老大 09/15 23:25
305F:推 Landius : 沙佛就那种:"我说在场的各位...都是垃圾"类型的,没 09/16 00:26
306F:→ Landius : 特别针对哪个定向,所以最多只能得到一个超级G8人的 09/16 00:27
307F:→ Landius : 结论. 09/16 00:27
308F:推 stja : 09/16 00:34
309F:推 DarkHolbach : 就是个没品的惯老板 09/16 07:33
310F:推 asidy : 审视18年喔...真厉害 09/16 09:38
311F:→ asidy : 起因看来是人本来就超g8吧,所以全中 09/16 09:39
312F:推 nuggets0916 : 美国廖老大 09/16 09:50
313F:推 SnoopDuck : 所有种族都喷,某种程度上也算是种族平等,尊重 09/16 11:27
314F:推 yeustream : 全都歧视就不算歧视了唷 09/16 12:28
315F:推 Ten6666 : On his knees应该是指男员工在跪着 09/16 12:40
316F:→ Ten6666 : 然後文章一堆? 应该是字元超出一行限制 09/16 12:41
317F:推 cross980115 : 楼上 那应该是手机app显示问题 用网页版看就不会有 09/16 13:07
318F:→ cross980115 : ?了 09/16 13:07
319F:推 goolgo : 大吼大叫的上司还蛮常见的,但会用性别调侃贬低以及 09/16 15:15
320F:→ goolgo : 露鸟的老板就没看过了 09/16 15:16
321F:推 dcoog7880 : 可惜不在台湾 09/16 16:10
322F:推 OFWGKTA : 很像废柴联盟里面的老白男 笑死 09/16 18:03
323F:推 zaza1128 : 恶名昭彰竟然就这样轻判? 09/17 01:25

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