[情报] Montrezl Harrell安全下庄 TMZ提供当天警察盘检Harrell画面 以下完整报导 Montrezl Harrell chopped it up with cops for over half an hour about all kinds of NBA topics during his weed stop in May -- including LaMelo Ball and free agency -- and the entire conversation was captured on police video, obtained by TMZ Sports. s The traffic-stop-turned-round-ball-talk all happened in Richmond, Kentucky on May 12 ... after Kentucky State Police pulled over Harrell and his friend in a 2020 Honda Pilot after cops say they were following another car too closely on the road. 警察在 5 月盘检 Harrell 时,和 Harrell 进行了半个多小时闲聊——话题包括 LaMelo Ball 和自由球员——整个谈话内容被 TMZ 体育取得。事情发生於 5 月 12 日,在肯塔基州的Richmond……州警发现 Harrell 和他的朋友开着一辆 2020 年的本田 Pilot ,说他们跟车跟得太近了於是拦下了他们。 During the stop, cops said they smelled an odor of marijuana coming from the ride -- so they detained the basketball player and his friend to check everything out. While probing the car and asking questions, video shows cops at the scene found out Harrell was an NBA player -- and then wanted to get all kinds of Association scoop from the former Hornets power forward. 在停车盘查期间,警察说他闻到了车上散发出来的大麻气味——所以他们扣留了Harrell 和他的朋友并进行查检。在探查车辆时,现场警察发现Harrell是一名 NBA 球员——然後想从这位前黄蜂球员那里得到各种独家新闻 At one point, a cop needed to know Harrell's opinion of Ball -- his famous teammate in Charlotte. "How's LaMelo?" the cop asked. "He's a cool person," Harrell responded. "I mean, regular kid. At the end of the day, people got to understand he's a kid." The cop later told Harrell, "I think his dad messed him up." 一名警察想了解Harrell对LaMelo的看法。s 警察问:LaMelo是怎麽样的人?s蜊Harrell:他是个很酷的人。但大家须明白他是个孩子。s 警察表示:我认为他父亲(LaVar Ball)把搞砸了他。 Cops eventually got Harrell out of the car -- and claim they then found three pounds of marijuana in vacuum-sealed bags in a backpack in the back seat of the ride. "Damn," Harrell said on the video. "Didn't know that was in there." But the cops were calm with Harrell and his friend -- even at one point saying in the footage, "We are not the weed police." 警察最後请 Harrell离开车辆,并在他们後座的背包中发现三磅大麻。 Harrell说:该死 不知道里面有。 但警察很平静地对他们说:我们不是大麻警察。 As they continued to search the car -- the cops peppered Harrell with NBA questions ... asking him about the playoffs, his former teammates, "the biggest prick in the" league, and "the best big guy you ever had to play against." At one point, Harrell was asked who had the worst facilities in the league -- and he said Philadelphia ... which was ironic, considering he went on to sign as a free agent with the 76ers earlier this month. Eventually, cops issued a citation to Harrell and the other man, before letting them go. Video shows one of the cops ultimately took the weed they found in Harrell's vehicle and put it into a squad car. 当他们继续搜查汽车时——警察向Harrell提出了一堆关於 NBA 的问题……问他季候赛、他的队友、联盟中最大的混蛋以及交手过最好的大个子。 其中被问到联盟中最差的设施—— Harrell 说费城…… 这很讽刺,考虑到他这个月才以自由球员的身份与 76 人队签约。最终,警察向Harrell和另一名男子发出了传票,并将搜索到的大麻带回警车,然後才让他们离开。 Harrell was charged with trafficking less than five pounds of marijuana -- a Class D felony -- over the stop ... but he cut a plea with prosecutors last month to close out the case. As we reported, Harrell agreed to enter a guilty plea to a reduced charge of simple marijuana possession. In exchange, Harrell -- according to his attorney, Drew Findling -- received a conditional discharge at the end of 12 months. Harrell 被指控贩运大麻——这是一项 D 级重罪——但他上个月向检察官认罪并在有附加条件的情况下获得释放 完整影片:
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (美国)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: love1500274 ( 美国), 09/15/2022 05:22:45
1F:→ gm79227922 : 轻描淡写的差点重罪 09/15 05:24
2F:推 tomclusu : 费城xD 恭喜 说了就有 09/15 05:24
3F:推 peter211183 : 这警察是办案还是聊天呀 09/15 05:46
4F:→ EZ78 : 就是个法庭看得很重 但是警察觉得根本没什麽的概念 09/15 05:53
5F:推 amen123 : LBJ: 我们黑人运毒是无辜的,白人警察 u r next. 09/15 05:58
6F:→ EZ78 : 不过原来那之前就已经签约了喔@@ 09/15 06:10
7F:→ EZ78 : 喔喔没事 我中文不好XD 09/15 06:25
8F:推 LBJ23 : 支持amen123 ! 09/15 07:25
9F:→ LBJ23 : 讽刺的好 让他知道台湾球迷的愤怒 09/15 07:25
10F:→ LBJ23 : 阿门123说出我们心声 09/15 07:26
11F:推 sathyathen : 警察阴他吧 套完话再卖掉 09/15 07:48
12F:推 kawazakiz2 : 等一下,所以联盟中最大的混蛋是谁 09/15 07:54
13F:推 frank901212 : 卡联盟最大浑蛋 09/15 08:31
14F:→ Alipapa : 费城场馆的设施这麽差喔XDD 难怪要盖新的 09/15 08:38
15F:推 benboy : 黑肉可以告警方外流录音档吗? 警察真会聊天XDD 09/15 08:54
16F:推 magamanzero : 大麻就某些地方很正常 警察大概习惯了 09/15 09:57
17F:→ magamanzero : 但法官要依法判 09/15 09:57
18F:推 nuturewind : 原来是车手角色呢,那应该在玩命光头里面尬一角 09/15 10:05
19F:推 liusim : 连警察都觉得没什麽,结果检察官觉得很大条XDDD 09/15 11:39
20F:→ tomoti : 大概警察看多了吧加上你又是名人最後会认罪协商轻判 09/15 12:16
21F:推 sokalula : 大麻在美国真的没什麽了 一堆卫道人士大呼小叫 09/15 13:25
22F:推 yutete : 其实就真的没什麽 09/15 13:25
23F:→ sokalula : 几乎每个人都抽过的东西 差别就是衰被查到而已 09/15 13:25
24F:推 bucksandone : 看起来是没什麽事 09/15 18:17
25F:推 Parazicecum : 检察官也觉得没什麽吧 只是该办的法律还是得办 09/16 02:01
26F:推 entsai : 名人通常最後都没事 09/16 08:48
27F:推 yeustream : 警察真会聊,所以最大的混蛋是谁?? 09/16 12:34

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