作者wishfreedom (啊~ DSLR让我很头痛)
时间Thu Sep 18 11:44:50 2008
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《ID昵称》balaja (In My Life) 《经济状况》小康
《上站次数》5614次 《文章篇数》334篇 (优:242/劣:0)
《目前动态》不在站上 《私人信箱》所有信件都看过了
《上次上站》09/18/2008 08:15:01 Thu 《上次故乡》
《五子棋战绩》 6 胜 1 败 0 和 《象棋战绩》 0 胜 0 败 0 和
《竞标评比》 优 0 / 劣 0
There are places I'll remember
All my life though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more
In my life I love you more
这是Beatles的歌”In my life
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 aloft:看拢无 09/18 11:52
2F:推 WELDOM:新专辑加油!!!!! 09/18 11:55
3F:推 KaiMao: 大丈夫!!五月天还有我们这群可爱的歌迷永远相挺!!! 09/18 11:57
4F:推 coo2001:好想来一首「一颗苹果」 09/18 11:58
5F:推 heeheeching:是Beatles的In my life! 09/18 11:59
6F:→ wishfreedom:披头四的歌”In My Life” 09/18 11:59
※ 编辑: wishfreedom 来自: (09/18 12:10)
7F:推 daer:人生﹐向开心看齐~远离纠结吧﹗~XD 09/18 12:13
8F:推 aloft:差点以为是邦乔飞的is my life @@" 09/18 12:17
9F:→ sp89005:我的英文进步了 XD 因为我看懂了! 09/18 12:30
10F:推 WAXIANG:这就是人参啦... 09/18 12:34
11F:推 mayday7710:有看没有懂XD 09/18 12:52
12F:推 dolphin55:In Our Life, We Love You More, too!!!!!! 09/18 13:05
13F:推 etrana:MayDay In my life! 09/18 14:34
14F:推 aria:哈哈 我也以为邦乔飞的 is my life XD 09/18 15:48
15F:推 pisces2999:thx 4 the message in Baidu. We're happy u think so 09/18 16:39
16F:推 shihhua:Orz...完全看不懂 09/18 16:55
17F:推 suixin:继续期待新专辑哈。。。加油﹗ 09/18 17:18
18F:推 thelazydog:期待新专辑+1 09/18 17:51
19F:推 kobe75525:邦乔飞不是 if my life吗? 09/18 20:53
20F:推 chimd:加油! 09/18 21:01
21F:推 phoebe08:但是Bon Jovi 其实是 It's My Life.... 09/18 22:14
22F:推 kobe75525:自己也错了!搞笑了 09/18 22:24
23F:推 iceu:Though I know I'll never lose affection ^_______^ 09/18 22:33
24F:推 aloft:@@我英文真的整个烂到不行耶 09/18 22:59
25F:推 bubu1209:刚看到还想说兽老大英文不错 结果是抄歌词呀~~XD 09/18 23:44
26F:推 danna793090:同意楼上XDD 09/19 00:38
27F:推 hiakhiak:Though I know I'll never lose affection... Probably:) 09/19 02:58
28F:推 sureday:huh.. yeah... high一下 09/19 04:54
29F:推 slove:.後.青.春.期.的.诗. 09/19 10:40
30F:推 c50727:新专辑加油 09/19 23:06
31F:→ maydayfudan:pisces2999同学 不要随便代表大众 用I比较好一点啦 09/20 13:56
32F:→ maydayfudan:看到怪兽的留言 我只感觉sad 09/20 13:56
33F:推 alyu:让我想起一首歌Coldplay的Fix You 09/23 16:47