Mavericks 板


内容来源请分立大补上 (我懒..我承认) 一样 附上原文 ===== > 68. What is the traded player exception? 有关 Traded Player Exception > Trades are typically completed all at once. Such trades are dubbed > simultaneous trades. However, teams actually have up to one year to acquire > the replacement player(s) to complete a trade. These are considered > non-simultaneous trades. In a non-simultaneous trade, a team can only > acquire up to 100% plus $100,000 of the salary it gives up (as opposed to > 115% plus $100,000 in a simultaneous trade). A trade in which more than one > player is traded away can only be simultaneous; non-simultaneous trades are > allowed only when a single player is traded away. 球员交易可以分成两种 一般大家所熟悉的交易大概都是同步交易 (simultaneous trade) 也就是一球队付出一定价值的球员 以换得约略对等价值的球员 规定是不得超过原值的 115% 加上 $100,000 ($0.1m) 另一种交易形式则就称为非同步交易 (non-simultaneous trade) 球队被允许不把交易一次完成 而可以在一年的期间内把交易额补足 但是在这种型态下的价值限制只能有 100% 加上 $100,000 并且, 非同步交易不能用在多人交易上 而只能用於一对一或零对一的球员交易 > Here is an example of a non-simultaneous trade: a team trades away a $2 > million player for a $1 million player. Sometime in the next year, they > trade a draft pick (with zero trade value itself) for a $1.1 million player > to complete the earlier trade. They ended up acquiring $2.1 million in > salary for their $2 million player -- they just didn't do it all at once, or > even necessarily with the same trading partner. 举个例子 某队用一位价值 $2,000,000 ($2m) 的球员去换来一个 $1m 的球员 之後又用了一个选秀权 (自身价值 $0) 去换了个 $1.1m 的球员来完成前面的交易 总的来看, 这支球队付出了 $2m 而得到 $2.1m 也就是符合了非同步交易的规则 而非同步交易的用途就在於 球队可以用这个方式把交易分段完成 或甚至 各部分的交易分别向不同的其他球队完成! > In the above example, after the initial trade of the $2 million player for > the $1 million player, it was like the team had a "credit" for one year, with > which they could aquire up to $1.1 million in salaries without having to send > out salaries to match. This credit is often referred to as a traded player > exception or simply a trade exception , although the CBA doesn't actually use > either of these terms -- it is simply a component of the assigned player > exception. 上面的例子可以这样看 在第一部分的交易後 这个某队可以看成拥有了 $1.1m 的 "额度" 期限是一年 球队可以用这个额度来换球员 而不用送出对等价值的球员 这个额度就被称做 "traded player exception 已易球员余额" 或简称 "trade exception 交易余额" > There are some common misconceptions about this exception. For one, teams > cannot use this exception to sign free agents; it can be used only to acquire > existing contracts from other teams. For another, teams cannot combine this > exception with the 115% plus $100,000 margin from the assigned player > exception in order to trade for a more expensive player. For example, while > a $2 million player can be traded for a $2.4 million player using the > assigned player exception, a team with a $1 million trade exception cannot > combine the two together and trade their $2 million player for a $3.4 million > player (see question number 71 for more information on combining exceptions). 这个规定有些地方不能误用 这里澄清一下 第一 球队不能用交易余额来签自由球员 第二 交易余额不能用来放在 115% 加上 $0.1m 的交易类型里当筹码 来换得更高价的球员 举例说明 球队可以用 $2m 的球员换得 $2.4m 的球员 (2m * 1.15 + 0.1m = 2.4m) 却不能用他们既有的 $1m 交易余额 来用 $2m 的球员换得 $3.4m 的球员 ====== 这些是基本知识 下面的内容比较奸诈...喔不是 是活用 所以就再说吧:P -- Les grandes et les meilleurs tone from "Zadok the Priest" Eine grosse stattliche Veranstaltung by F. Handel THE MAIN EVENT! These are the men Sie sind die Besten "Champions League" by Tony Britten THESE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! --

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1F:→ yuhtian:NBA交易需要数学好才行的样子...:P 推 01/28
2F:→ Finley: 推 01/28
3F:→ Finley:大家加油XD....17 的大鸟条款比较常用啦 推 01/28

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