※ [本文转录自 Baseball 看板 #1d7vm7LA ] 作者: zxc906383 (无无) 看板: Baseball 标题: [情报] 费城人预计会强烈追求Soto 时间: Mon Oct 28 22:13:24 2024 The Yankees haven’t hidden their desire to have him return. The crosstown Mets, with the richest owner in baseball in Steve Cohen, could be beckoning. 除了洋基、梅子外 The Philadelphia Phillies are expected to strongly pursue him to team up with Bo ras client Bryce Harper. 费城人也预计会强烈追求Soto 来和前队友哈波组团 The Toronto Blue Jays and San Francisco Giants, who were left at the altar in th e Ohtani bidding war last winter, will now turn their attention to Soto. 去年竞标大谷失败的蓝鸟、巨人也将把目光放在Soto上 另外Boras透露 如果教士前老板Peter Seidler没过世的话 Soto应该就是终身教士人了 “If (Padres owner) Peter Seidler were still alive," Boras told USA TODAY Sports , “none of this would be happening. Juan would have been with the Padres. He ne ver would have been traded to the Yankees. “He’d be a Padre today." And a Padre for the rest of his career. “Peter and I were knee-deep in Juan Soto (contract) discussions," Boras reveals . “Well advanced. His illness really stopped the process because we knew the or ganization would be different. He wanted to push it through even though he was i ll." 他和Peter Seidler已经在深入谈Soto的续约 当时Seidler也深陷重病 The contract was never consummated. Seidler died of cancer on Nov. 14, 2023. 之後癌症过世 “I have a text message from him four days before he died," Boras said. "'Be bac k online real quick.' " Boras也在Seidler过世前四天收到对方简讯 Three weeks later, Soto was traded to the Yankees. “That doesn’t happen if Peter is alive," Boras said. “Where we were at, Peter would have gotten the deal done. We were very close. Peter was not afraid." 如果Seidler还在的话,约应该会谈成 --

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※ 转录者: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 10/28/2024 22:13:36
1F:推 hard9977: 费城国民队 10/29 00:24
2F:推 madduxking: 组大团的球队越多越好看 10/29 00:45
3F:推 yw1002: 没有Soto说不定洋基只能外卡进季後 遑论打WS 10/29 01:38
4F:推 sylviehsiang: 直接说哪队不来抬轿比较快 10/29 02:58
5F:→ ashilol: 费城国民组起来 10/29 03:21
6F:推 laking: 说不定是意外的黑马能拿到他的球队 10/29 07:08
7F:→ saidon: 可是口袋不够深不太可能签到索托 所以理论上就那几队而已 10/29 08:32
8F:推 hoelen: 巨人又要来抬价罗~ 10/29 08:32
9F:→ DorkKnight: 我相信巨人很想要啦,对法官也有出价,签不签得到一 10/29 08:52
10F:→ DorkKnight: 回事… 10/29 08:52
11F:推 Fukudome: 东岸:基、费、梅,西岸:躲、教、巨 10/29 08:58
12F:推 cagepig: 巨人又要来陪跑了~~~还没33不到旧金山 10/29 08:58
13F:→ Fukudome: Soto落脚处不出这6队 10/29 08:59
14F:→ Fukudome: 更限缩的话就是基费梅躲 10/29 09:00
15F:推 bkm1: 费城没半张千万约跑完 外加Wheeler 23M转42M 哪来的钱? 10/29 10:34
16F:推 stephanal: 喜娃波跟Casty约都快了吧 10/29 10:46
17F:推 ashilol: 瓦伯 真木头都到明年啊 10/29 10:57
18F:推 cczx123123: 巨人去旁边喘阿.... 10/29 12:04
19F:推 cl3bp6: 巨人那球场 左打的soto也不会想去 10/29 12:12
20F:推 a1wyzz: 这什麽国民同学会== 10/29 14:46
21F:推 IRPT001: 国民系的全挖来 10/29 20:21
22F:→ beastie: 来条子啦 10/30 00:34
23F:推 ChrisDavis: 他们约一堆都快到期的哪里没钱== 10/30 02:16
24F:→ dinos: 至少有BOS,TOR,熊巨躲勇鼓猴比PHI能砸钱抢人,甚至莺虎也行 10/30 20:14
25F:推 BMW740Li: 巨人跟红袜每个都有兴趣 11/04 00:40

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