作者chougham (&&)
标题[翻译] 失败的王朝(1) - 前言
时间Thu May 8 10:15:54 2008
The failure dynasties
By Jonah Keri
It's really tough to build a winning dynasty in Major League Baseball, this much we know. Reeling off a streak of winning seasons is hard enough, never mind stringing together multiple World Series victories. So many teams came close to achieving immortal status only to fall short that we rolled out an entire series onfailed dynasties.
在大联盟中,就我们所知,要建立起一个获胜的王朝实在是很棘手的。 顺利地在一系列的球季中取得一定的优势就己经够困难,更不用提是加上要去赢得许多次世界大赛的最终胜利。 有那麽多队如此接近达成不被击败的地位,目前只缺乏我们去描述关於失败的王朝的整个系列。
Building a lasting loser, though? That's a lot easier. The Baltimore Orioles, Pittsburgh Pirates and Tampa Bay Rays are riding streaks of 10 or more losing seasons. Add in the Royals and Expos/Nationals, and those five teams have combined for more losing seasons than the Washington Generals. Forget failed dynasties. These are the failure dynasties.
然而,成为持续的一个失败者? 这件事情显然简单多了。 巴尔的摩金莺、匹兹堡海盗、坦帕湾光芒目前正持续他们十个或超过十个失败的球季。 另外再加上堪萨斯皇家队和华盛顿国民队﹝前身为博览会队﹞,这五个球队所失败的球季加起来超过了The Washington Generals。 忘记不成功的王朝。 这些是不及格的王朝。
译者: The Washington Generals是一支篮球队由Louis Red Klotz建立,除了当老板以外,他同时也身兼球员和教练〈三个愿望一次满足〉。 这支球队从1953起到1995为止,只赢六场比赛〈最後赢的一场是在1971年〉,输了总共超过13000场比赛。
1m对於上述所提到的五支球队,另外两支球队可以当做最好的范例。 密尔瓦基酿酒人队自从1982年後就没有尝试过季後赛的滋味,这是连续没有进入季後赛里第二长的纪录。 从1994年到2006年以来,密尔瓦基酿酒人队在球季结束时,胜率都没有达五成。 酿酒人在这十三的球季中,有七次是在最後一名或是倒数第二名,包含了从2002到2004连续三个球季都是在最後一名。 但是酿酒人现在是一只正在进步中的球队,有着一群被认为有能力挣取分区第一的天才球员,在上个球季﹝2007﹞,获得83场的胜利,在国联中区以分区第二名结束。
译者: in the cellar→美式口语用法,意指最後一名。
The Cincinnati Reds own the fifth-longest streak of losing seasons, with seven. Counting Ray Knight's one-game tenure, five managers handled the reins in those seven seasons, either in permanent or interim positions. That seven-year itch included a three-year stretch in which the Reds' arsonist pitchers were last in the National League in park-adjusted ERA. But Cincy misses the cut, partly because of optimism toward a team that suddenly looks like a contender, but mostly because Kansas City, despite
a more recent winning season, has a more impressive track record of losing.
辛辛那提红人队有着第五长的纪录,连续七个失败的球季。 将Ray Knight的一场比赛也算入的话,在这七个球季中,不论是持续的或过渡时期的,总共有五位经理在管理球队。 在这七年的痛苦中包含了一个国家联盟连续三年如纵火犯般最後一名的球场校正Era。 但是红人球迷们未注意到这个过去的伤痕,小部分的原因是对於球队现在突然看起来像是个奋斗者,但是大部分的原因是因为堪萨斯皇家队,虽然在最近有着不错的开季,但过去失败的纪录仍是令人印象深刻的。
The Texas Rangers have just one winning season in the past eight years, finishing last in the AL West five times in that stretch. The Rangers can't blame a lack of resources for the streak, either, as they've signed a number of players to big, multiyear deals. But Texas doesn't quite make it either: The Rangers won 89 games just four years ago, with a stretch of three division titles in four years in the late '90s.
在过去的八个球季,德州游骑兵只有一个胜率超过五成的球季(2007),其中五个球季是在美联西区垫底收场。 德州游骑兵也无法将这件事情归咎於资源的不足,当他们已经签下许多复数年合约的球员。
With those pretenders out of the way, here are the five teams riding the biggestlosing streaks in baseball, their signature moments and their hopes for the future.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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