我好像不是美国学校的菜啊 几个月前 HBS, MIT, Kellogg Wharton 都给我拒绝信 但是也给了我申请 IMD 跟 INSEAD 的机会 感觉起来欧洲学校都比较喜欢我这种朴实不 aggressive 的宅工程师 刚刚缴了保证金 分享一下面试的经验 希望明年多一点台湾学生 My background: Female 30+ 大姐姐吗? @@ NCTU Applied Chemistry BS Tufts University Chemical Engineering MS MIT Certificate program 有几个 publication 运气好做了一个要申请 IND 的新药 Pharma R&D 7 Years (USA) IT 1 Year (Taiwan) GMAT 690 考很烂啦 Verbal 真难~~~ 志向: 改善全球医疗资源 降低新药开发的时间成本 (可能美国学校都觉得我是在唬烂所以都没收我,但是我去IMD的时候, case study 的教授特地在面试过後跑来跟我说很钦佩我的志向.....) === IMD Interview Process Key: BE YOURSELF 大概不会有任何商学院会像IMD这样 在你入学之前就想要透彻的了解你 在准备落桑管理学院 interview 的同时,也是你认识自己了解自己的好机会 不用为着要进入某某学校而扭曲自己 现在洛桑的学长跟我说 你一定要 be yourself,这样你进来才会开心 [Preparation] 1. Read Case in point. (just get the basic concept, should avoid using any of the frame work for your case study. It would look very awkward and stupid) One guy in my group used the "SWOT" stuff, and he was the ONLY ONE not accepted in my group. 2. Learn yourself very well: be calm during the one-on-one interview. They usually asked a lot of "surprise" question 3. Practice good handwriting for the 30 mins impromptu presentation (will have to write on transparencies) [Suggestion] 1. Contact IMD alums for interview tips! (if you are applying round 1 or round 2, contact alum instead of current student. 在校生太忙 大概没时间理你) 2. Meet with your teammates before the interview and get familiar with each other 3. Wear suit!!!! Does not have to be expensive suit, but make sure to wear FORMAL interview suit and bring your A GAME!!!! My interview group is packed with bankers and lawyers, and all of them wore very expensive suit (one wore all Hermes with Gucci shoes) 4. Do not eat too much for the lunch buffet!!!!!!!!!!! (the lunch in IMD is like 5 star-hotel buffet!) 5. Ask who is the Professor leading the case study (and try to get familiar with accent, since most of them are European). You can watch their videos on youtube IMD channel. 6. In the end of the day would be class visit - make sure to observe how people interact during the class. It's quite different compare to American programs. Make sure you like it. 7. Remember to send a THANK YOU note to the adcom, the Professor leads the case study, and your lunch host (usually would be a student from your country, could be me next year. :p) 8. If you are interviewing in Lausanne, book your flight to Geneva. There is a train from Geneva Airport directly to Lausanne (~30mins). [30 mins impromptu presentation] Very short case with some basic company balance sheet. Make sure you understand some basic business concept (such as: revenue, profit, competition.... that kind of stuff). Was given 4 different color markers (so you can draw with color too) and transparencies. You will have 30 mins to prepare (includes reading, analysis, writing tranparancies) for the 5 mins presentation. Make sure you mention all the key points and finish on time. After individual presentation, Adcom would put everyone together for another follow-up business deal for the entire group for another presentation. [IMD 1-on-1 interview (the easiest part of the entire interview process)] Tell me about yourself. And what do you want to do after MBA? What do you think the difference of a "leader" and a "manager"? And what would you do to lead your team as a leader? Do you think lack of business background would be a disadvantage? Why did you apply for IMD? (Why not schools in America?) What is your strength? And what's your weakness? What would you change if you can change one thing about yourself? How do you adjust yourself when you are under high pressure? Tell me three things that you like? 以上的问题会根据申请者有 "巨大的变化" 但是基本上所有的 interview 问题都是针对该 applicant 的特点 像我因为都是做 R&D 没有带过人 所以问我的都是 leader/manager/没有商学背景 那方面拼命打转 反正就是要摸清楚我为什麽想要读MBA 如果够了解自己的话,很清楚自己为甚麽要读MBA的话,这一步应该很容易 你人生当中的每一个细节都很重要 IMD的 ADCOM 都会仔仔细细的问一轮 你每个工作到底学到了甚麽,为什麽选择这个工作行业领域都要搞清楚。 [IMD Case Study (after lunch)] The case was ~ 15 pages (given out 2 weeks before interview) Start with round table discussion (blah blah blah蔠no big surprise) And then divided into 2 groups for discussion and summarize the task (given by the professor right after panel discussion). During the group discussion, make sure everyone participated for some task, and build teamwork. The adcom would stop by each sub-group from time to time to observe each candidate. In the end the professor gave us opportunity to ask him questions. 最後是 class visit 要准备一个两三句的自我介绍 然後就可以轻松的观察 current student 罗 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: espana 来自: (08/31 10:55)
1F:推 surfingdream:IMD听说超硬 恭喜! 08/31 15:54
2F:推 airturtle23:Absolutely fantastic sharing! You'll be successful 09/07 11:42

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