前阵子推文中提到我上了cornell後 陆陆续续有人站内信问我cornell的面试问题 本来因为上班忙碌有点懒惰 不过既然很多人想知道就来分享给大家吧! Submit date: Nov 30 (Round 2) Interview Notification: Dec 22 Interview: Jan 18 23:00 (Taiwan time) @Skype Interviewer: Ann AD: Feb 27 through phone W/E: 2+yrs in accounting firm (Semi-senior auditor) Academic background: NSYSU, BA, GPA 3.22(可以说是全班成绩倒数的了…) Test score: AT 730(V40/Q49/AWA4.5) 工作前就先考起来放的 T 110(R28/L28/S27/W27) 边工作边考的,大学时就有考过所以准备起来相对轻松 之前有分享过ESADE的面经,这次分享Cornell的,希望可以帮助更多的人 :) 因为在会计师事务所工作的关系 年底年初是我们最忙的季节 Cornell又是所有我申请的学校里面第一个通知我面试的 所以兴奋之余 也非常紧张 本来企图把面试延到过年後 可是发现已经延到不能延了(这期间我陆续出差长达三个礼拜>”<) 只好赶快压个时间… The interview with Cornell is basically quite relaxed. I interviewed with one of the adcoms named Ann through Skype. She was actually working at home that day, so she explained to me that what I saw through the webcam wasn't where she would usally work at. The interview is a blind one, meaning that the adcom hasn't gone through your resume and the essays. Therefore, feel free to restate the best performance that you have written in the essays. Ann started by introducing herself, explaining the interview process and some short conversations to break ice. Below are some of the questions that she has asked: 1. why do you think that you can be promoted so quickly? What are the skills that you hold? 2. what do you think your co-workers would say about you? 3. give me an example of motivating others, what do you usually say? 4. why makes you change focus from auditing to becoming a consultant? 5. why johnson? 6. what are the other schools that you applied? What do they have in common? 7. what are the clubs you would join in johnson? 8. if I have three things to write down and pass it to the adcom, what points should I be putting down? 9. long term short term goal? There are of course some personal questions that came directly from my answers to other questions. The interview lasted approx. 45 mins. 好吧~废话有点多... 接到AD後,保证金死线是3/20 可是我还很贪心的想等NYU 不晓得各位大大对於NYU,Cornell及UCLA这三间学校会怎麽做抉择呢? (我想往Consulting发展) GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 Dural:恭喜!! 03/22 16:46
2F:推 houng:牛人啊! 03/22 21:21
3F:推 aline:好想知道为什麽at的v可以考到49....好厉害呀!! 03/23 07:57
4F:推 Dorell:恭喜阿 ~~强 03/23 08:53
5F:推 FriDays:因为楼楼上看错了?XD 03/23 10:00
6F:推 rekodavid:推楼上!! XD 03/23 17:48
7F:→ itsmeg:谢谢大家~ AT可以考这麽高基本上要感谢对岸的同胞XD 03/24 14:09

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