作者ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)
标题Re: [问题] 下ㄧ步
时间Sat Sep 3 02:32:46 2011
※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之铭言:
: 你好 askMBA
: 我现在大学毕业正在考研究所
: 我想请问我想申请哥大和纽约大学
: 这两间TOP20的学校
: 请问我除了托福和GMAT要考高分
: 我要先念完国内研究所然後再去工作3 4年
: 这样才会比较好上吗
: 还是还有其他的方式
: 虽然很自不量力
: 但还是希望你能帮我解答
: 谢谢><
Top MBA programs like Columbia and NYU value work experience much more than
having a prior master degree. So, unfortunately, getting a Taiwan master
degree first will not help you much in the admissions process for Columbia
and NYU. Of course if you performed very poorly academically in college, you
can use a strong master degree performance to somewhat make up for your poor
GPA in college. But, if your college academic performance was already strong,
you would be better off trying to build a great professional profile right
away rather than spend more time in school.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
Kevin Chen
Clear Admit
[email protected]
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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