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如题,有人知道选英雄的时候他们会说些什麽话吗? 我只知道Ashe会说"Smart choice"之类的 如果重复自D 感谢 -- ◢■◣ ■■◣ ◢■◣ ■■◥ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■ ■ ◢■◣ ■◣■ ■◢■ ■◣ ■■◣ ■◣■ ■ ■ ■◣■ ■◣■ ■ ■ ■ ◣ ◥■■ ■■◢ ■◥■ ■■■ ■◥■ ■ ■ *hotqiqi /﹌﹌﹌﹌\ ★ /﹌﹌﹌﹌\ ☆ /﹌﹌﹌﹌\ ★ /﹌﹌﹌﹌\ \/∥∥\/ ☆ \/∥∥\/ ★ \/∥∥\/ ☆ \/∥∥\/ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ wulouise :找找看lol wiki 10/31 23:12
2F:→ peter76616 : LOL WIKI网址 10/31 23:13
3F:→ peter76616 :选择英雄时说的台词在英雄background标签下的Quotes 10/31 23:14
4F:→ peter76616 :底下的第一项Upon Selection,就是他们被选所讲的台 10/31 23:15
5F:→ peter76616 :词。 10/31 23:15
6F:→ loveofazure :感谢楼上大大^^ 10/31 23:36
7F:推 ken760627 :我知道Yi 会骂丑女台语(卖路).............. (逃走) 10/31 23:45
8F:推 Leavesb :amumu 是说 I thought u never pick me 11/01 00:10
9F:推 Nixi :i wanna shoot something ~ 11/01 00:13
10F:推 wulouise :I thought you'd never pick me? 11/01 00:14
11F:推 MoonKiWi :We'll bring them pain. 11/01 00:17
12F:推 hardyuse :My blade, is yours. 11/01 00:40
13F:推 bowplayer :I'm blind, not deaf(错棚) 11/01 00:42
14F:→ LuciferRT :Morde: I shall bring GREAT SUFFERING 11/01 00:51
15F:→ peter76616 :more work?(被拖走) 11/01 00:53
16F:推 BachXXX :Mun~Do 11/01 01:20
17F:→ BachXXX :the river will run red 11/01 01:22
18F:推 kidolin :Let's make things fun.... 11/01 01:26
19F:推 Kennen :Captain Teemo on duty ~ (本日最认真回应) 11/01 01:29
20F:推 Loch :1 2 3 4 11/01 01:30
21F:推 gabebomb :size doesn't mean everything 11/01 01:37
22F:推 ha09875978 :Xin Zhao:It shall be done!(其实我是不死族!) 11/01 01:46
23F:推 coolboy16 :楼上那句不是圣武士的吗? 11/01 01:46
24F:推 coolboy16 :不对还是血法师的-.-?忘了 11/01 01:53
25F:推 dogchaos :I am your father 11/01 02:56
26F:推 jackfrost :Lux:... 11/01 03:08
27F:推 yuke11937 :Galio:Galio is alway prepared 11/01 03:11
28F:推 taibobo :Nasus: The cycle of life and death continues. 11/01 03:13
29F:→ taibobo : We will live, they will die. 超多话 XD 11/01 03:13
30F:→ Loch :ready to work 11/01 03:53
31F:推 volare929 :Nidalee: I will guide you. M type 玩家最爱 11/01 06:27
32F:推 kkemma :Rammus:恩.痾.ya. 他讲话好像都只讲一个字的@@ 11/01 07:35
33F:推 trfsonic :Heim:Indeed, a wise choice. 11/01 07:44
34F:推 zooxalju :Sona:Only you can hear me, summoner. What 11/01 07:55
35F:→ zooxalju :masterpiece shall you play today? 11/01 07:55
36F:推 andyleeyuan :akali:As Balance Dictates... 11/01 08:23
37F:推 unendless314:Kayle : into the fray! 11/01 08:32
38F:推 p21077 :Rammus:bo ger.(不会说话 11/01 09:51
39F:推 theorigin :Jux: Let's do this! 11/01 11:08
40F:→ ali100 :Yi:来追我阿笨蛋 11/01 11:09
41F:推 Orutenshia :eve : carry me plz 11/01 11:43
42F:→ Yadsmood :Rammus: ok 11/01 12:01
43F:→ Nixi :Ready to work (误 11/01 12:52
44F:推 i14d14 :No~No (XD 11/01 13:12
45F:推 odintoby :justice has come! 11/01 13:26
46F:推 wolf2008 :worriers of the night, assemble!(Grrr!!! 11/02 01:03
47F:推 johnruby :I wanna shoot something ... 11/02 21:23

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