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Miss Fortune,the Bountry Hunter 初翻译...多多指教<(_ _)> 好运姐 --赏金猎人 For those who brave the harsh seas of Runeterra, attaining one’s own ship and crew is the pinnacle of success. 对於那些在Runeterra严苛而危险的大海上冒险的人们,能够带领自己的船只和船员是成功 的顶峰 Sarah Fortune, a well-respected (some would say legendary) bounty hunter from Bilgewater, was able to achieve this feat just after her sixteenth birthday, 沙拉˙好运 一个被受尊敬(或是被称为传奇)的赏金猎人 在她刚满16岁的时候就已经能做 到这一点 etching out her name as the go-to gal for resolving special troubles. 只要报出她的名号,任何特殊情况都可以解决 No bounty was too difficult or too dangerous for her feminine charm and her renowned use of her twin pistols, “Shock and Awe”. 在她的女性魅力以及着名的双枪"震惊和敬畏"下,没有任何一项任务是过於困难或危险的 Her success gave her the means to legitimately purchase her own ship… with a little flirtatious haggling, of course. 她的成功给了她合法的手段去拥有自己的一艘船..当然,其中也包含了一些小"技巧" Things weren’t always so fortunate for Miss Fortune, though. 然而对於好运姐来说,事情也不是每次都这麽"好运"的 When she was young, trade ships began to dot the horizon of her quiet home along the northern shores of Blue Flame Island’s largest chunk. 在她年幼的时候,贸易船只开始出现在她宁静的家乡--苍篮火焰岛北部沿岸的最大据点 Trade routes brought piracy, and the inhabitants soon found themselves caught in a frenzy of pillage. 贸易路线带来了海盗和他们的恶行,当地的居民很快便发现自己已经身陷在疯狂的掠夺中 One day, young Sarah returned home to hear gunshots and screaming. Her front door was smashed open; inside, she saw her mother lying in a pool of blood. 某一天,年轻的沙拉在回家时听见了枪声和尖叫,她看见大门已被撞破,而门内躺着 自己的母亲--倒卧在血泊中 A sudden blow to her head made her collapse next to her slain mother. 这突如其来的冲击使她在自己被谋杀的母亲身旁崩溃 The last thing she could remember were her attacker’s red eyes, as his face was blocked by a rogue’s bandana. 而最後她记得的只有凶手那双红色的眼睛--因为他的脸被面巾遮住了 Miss Fortune has a strong distrust for pirates and she finds herself constantly bickering with the infamous Gangplank (the only captain to resist her charms) over the direction of Bilgewater politics. 好运姐极度不信任海盗,而且与恶名昭彰的海盗船长Gangplank(也是唯一不受她吸引的船 长)在Bilgewater的政策方面争吵不断 Her two goals: to unite the people of Bilgewater, making them into a strong and independent society, and to find the pirate who killed her mother. 她的两个目标:团结Bilgewater的人民,使他们成为一个坚强而独立的民族以及找出那个 当时杀了她母亲的海盗 To that end, she has entered the League of Legends as a champion, trading her skills for the wealth and influence that will help her accomplish both. 最後,她加入了传奇联盟,使自己的技巧能帮她争取到足够的财富和影响力去完成她的 目标 "More men have voluntarily surrendered to the care of Miss Fortune than any other bounty hunter.” -Grinnick Torip, Bilgewater Bonds "在好运姐的""服务""下自愿投降的人远比其他赏金猎人来的多"((这句也不太确定囧)) -Grinnick Torip, Bilgewater Bonds 第一次翻译英雄故事...很多不够好的地方还希望大家提醒 有错误或建议欢迎推文告知!! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 yaqw :所以搞不好以後会出现红眼的英雄罗XD 09/03 17:24
2F:→ egghead1012 :我...我也要服务 我投降>///////< 09/03 17:24
3F:推 dOodoOhOw :"go-to gal"来自"go-to guy" 09/03 17:27
4F:→ dOodoOhOw :意思大概是有事找他就没问题的那种人 09/03 17:27
5F:推 mikejr :投降以後 GP跑出来嘿嘿笑着丢肥皂 09/03 17:28
6F:→ iceiceme :了解了解 我等等把那一句补齐!非常感谢 09/03 17:28
7F:推 suzuko :到底是什麽服务@@ 09/03 17:28
※ 编辑: iceiceme 来自: (09/03 17:30)
8F:→ truthseer :GP的左眼是红的,仇人应该就是他吧?! 09/03 17:29
9F:推 ZMTL :船长的眼睛好像就是红色的...? 09/03 17:30
10F:→ dOodoOhOw :「她逐渐成为有口皆碑的解决麻烦一姐」XD 09/03 17:30
11F:→ frank123ya :GALIO表示 我也红眼症 09/03 17:30
12F:→ dOodoOhOw :然後红眼睛的家伙很明显就是GP啊XDD 09/03 17:30
13F:→ frank123ya :其实红眼的还不少XD" 不过我也猜是GP 09/03 17:31
14F:→ iceiceme :我又想到GP碰一枪血就少一半...(抖 09/03 17:31
※ 编辑: iceiceme 来自: (09/03 17:37)
15F:→ Alleyn :但是身分是海盗又是红眼的只有一个家伙 09/03 17:36
16F:推 dknymaster :河蟹服务吗 XD 09/03 17:36
17F:→ iceiceme :刚刚修了一下错字囧> 09/03 17:37
18F:→ Alleyn :Gangplank:Sarah! I'm your father! 09/03 17:37
19F:→ Alleyn :Sarah: NO~~~~~ 09/03 17:37
20F:→ iceiceme :唔喔 所以kata新skin有客串吗XD 09/03 17:39
21F:→ iceiceme :2楼要服务还得先上悬赏名单~~ 09/03 17:40
22F:→ iceiceme :新SKIN应该跟好运姐有一点点关系 09/03 17:47
23F:→ iceiceme :名称叫Bilgewater Katarina 09/03 17:47
24F:→ iceiceme :Bilgewater就是好运姐的家乡~ 09/03 17:48
25F:→ egghead1012 :WANTED:Egghead1012 15IP XDDDDDDDDDD 09/03 17:51
26F:推 wulouise :care改成"关照"不知道怎麽样 09/03 17:54
27F:→ Alleyn :Bilgewater应该是一个海盗肆虐的区域 09/03 17:55
28F:→ Alleyn :是後来海盗跑到她家乡,才发生悲剧的 09/03 17:57
29F:推 Leebai :蒙面又红眼.. 当然是假扮海盗的shen阿 09/03 17:58
30F:推 benchen0812 :看来你对她超有爱的= = 跟你们玩的时候我应该完不到 09/03 18:02
31F:→ benchen0812 :这只了q_q 09/03 18:02
32F:→ iceiceme :嘎 看来我误会了囧 09/03 18:02
33F:→ iceiceme :没有 是打一打找点别的事做lol 09/03 18:03
34F:→ iceiceme :而且正姐谁不爱呢! 09/03 18:03
35F:→ benchen0812 :xddddd 09/03 18:03
36F:→ benchen0812 :不过今天竟然没有 窘 我一直以为今天更新完就有了.. 09/03 18:04
37F:推 Arnol :服务...XD?? 09/03 18:05
38F:推 coolisgood :warwick 红眼@@ 09/03 18:11
39F:推 wulouise :PTR跟release note不一样 09/03 18:12
40F:推 playperfloor:我一定要玩到她!! 09/03 18:20
41F:推 vuv :phreak玩她的影片不知道什麽时候出来... 09/03 18:45
42F:→ wayne0114 :shockandawe这不是我萨满的UI吗 09/03 18:49
43F:→ iceiceme :楼上我也玩萨满 看到的时候一阵眼熟的感觉XD 09/03 18:51
44F:推 kusoshun :那一句可以翻成"拜倒石榴裙下",我觉得还挺贴切的 09/04 00:45
45F:推 xxpp :我...我也要投降XD" 09/04 15:11
46F:推 demieric :纯推~~太厉害啦!!期待她的出现^ ^ 09/04 18:49
47F:推 bigheadwei :杀他妈的是劫.好运姐告诉我的~ 07/19 15:10

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