作者baboosh (大王椰)
标题[心得] 从卢安达种族屠杀看台海问题
时间Sat Jul 30 17:48:54 2005
卢安达在1994年发生了惨忍的屠杀事件 80万卢安达人被杀
我看了一下发生背景 对照台海局势好像也有点相似之处
The two ethnic groups are actually very similar - they speak the same language, inhabit the same areas and follow the same traditions
但是为何後来却明确被区分了两个种族 原来就是殖民者搞的鬼 比利时人在1916年
开始殖民卢安达刻意区分两族人 甚至用识别卡强调区分为两族
But when the Belgian colonists arrived in 1916, they saw the two groups as distinct entities, and even produced identity cards classifying people according to their ethnicity.
而在比利时人的刻意操作下 给予Tutsis较好的教育资源 致使两方出现矛盾
The Belgians considered the Tutsis as superior to the Hutus. Not surprisingly, the Tutsis welcomed this idea, and for the next 20 years they enjoyed better jobs and educational opportunities than their neighbours.
几十年之间这鸿沟没有消除 反倒是发生危基时 常常将问题简化为种族问题
因此不断加深了彼此间的矛盾 虽然不断有冲突 但是还没有真正到达全面冲突的地步
而开始真正两方出现更为严重的对立在於 卢安达的经济开始恶化
Juvenal Habyarimana 卢安达总统开始失去民心
This was still the case in the years before the genocide. The economic situation worsened and the incumbent president, Juvenal Habyarimana, began losing popularity.
由於如此该国开始出现反对声浪 tutsis在海外开始组成反对阵营 目标就是推翻该国总统
At the same time, Tutsi refugees in Uganda - supported by some moderate Hutus - were forming the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). Their aim was to overthrow Habyarimana and secure their right to return to their homeland.
而糟糕的是该国总统不思检讨却打算利用这股海外势力制造对立 让hutus 族人
支持他 而将国内tutsis打成RPF 海外势力的同路人
而看来该总统用使方式的确出现了效果 只是代价是国内的和平
In August 1993, after several attacks and months of negotiation, a peace accord was signed between Habyarimana and the RPF, but it did little to stop the continued unrest.
而悲剧发现的最後一跟钉子 就是该国总统在搭机途中遭到击落 大屠杀於是开始
When Habyarimana's plane was shot down at the beginning of April 1994, it was the final nail in the coffin.
最後 对照两岸关系 把上文换成台湾 大陆 日本 台湾总统
呵呵 历史果真是一在重复呀
难怪人说 历史给人唯一的教训就是记不住任何教训
完毕 ........
Rwanda: How the genocide happened
Between April and June 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days.
Most of the dead were Tutsis - and most of those who perpetrated the violence were Hutus.
Even for a country with such a turbulent history as Rwanda, the scale and speed of the slaughter left its people reeling.
The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994.
A recent French official report blamed current Rwandan President, Paul Kagame.
The report - extracts of which appeared in the daily, Le Monde - said French police had concluded that Mr Kagame gave direct orders for the rocket attack.
Rwanda has rejected the report, describing it as a "fantasy".
Within hours of the attack, a campaign of violence spread from the capital throughout the country, and did not subside until three months later.
But the death of the president was by no means the only cause of Africa's largest genocide in modern times.
History of violence
Ethnic tension in Rwanda is nothing new. There have been always been disagreements between the majority Hutus and minority Tutsis, but the animosity between them has grown substantially since the colonial period.
The two ethnic groups are actually very similar - they speak the same language, inhabit the same areas and follow the same traditions.
But when the Belgian colonists arrived in 1916, they saw the two groups as distinct entities, and even produced identity cards classifying people according to their ethnicity.
The Belgians considered the Tutsis as superior to the Hutus. Not surprisingly, the Tutsis welcomed this idea, and for the next 20 years they enjoyed better jobs and educational opportunities than their neighbours.
Resentment among the Hutus gradually built up, culminating in a series of riots in 1959. More than 20,000 Tutsis were killed, and many more fled to the neighbouring countries of Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda.
When Belgium relinquished power and granted Rwanda independence in 1962, the Hutus took their place. Over subsequent decades, the Tutsis were portrayed as the scapegoats for every crisis.
Building up to genocide
This was still the case in the years before the genocide. The economic situation worsened and the incumbent president, Juvenal Habyarimana, began losing popularity.
At the same time, Tutsi refugees in Uganda - supported by some moderate Hutus - were forming the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). Their aim was to overthrow Habyarimana and secure their right to return to their homeland.
Habyarimana chose to exploit this threat as a way to bring dissident Hutus back to his side, and Tutsis inside Rwanda were accused of being RPF collaborators.
In August 1993, after several attacks and months of negotiation, a peace accord was signed between Habyarimana and the RPF, but it did little to stop the continued unrest.
When Habyarimana's plane was shot down at the beginning of April 1994, it was the final nail in the coffin.
Exactly who killed the president - and with him the president of Burundi and many chief members of staff - has not been established.
Whoever was behind the killing its effect was both instantaneous and catastrophic.
Mass murder
In Kigali, the presidential guard immediately initiated a campaign of retribution. Leaders of the political opposition were murdered, and almost immediately, the slaughter of Tutsis and moderate Hutus began.
Within hours, recruits were dispatched all over the country to carry out a wave of slaughter.
The early organisers included military officials, politicians and businessmen, but soon many others joined in the mayhem.
Encouraged by the presidential guard and radio propaganda, an unofficial militia group called the Interahamwe (meaning those who attack together) was mobilised. At its peak, this group was 30,000-strong.
Soldiers and police officers encouraged ordinary citizens to take part. In some cases, Hutu civilians were forced to murder their Tutsi neighbours by military personnel.
Participants were often given incentives, such as money or food, and some were even told they could appropriate the land of the Tutsis they killed.
On the ground at least, the Rwandans were largely left alone by the international community. UN troops withdrew after the murder of 10 soldiers.
The day after Habyarimana's death, the RPF renewed their assault on government forces, and numerous attempts by the UN to negotiate a ceasefire came to nothing.
Finally, in July, the RPF captured Kigali. The government collapsed and the RPF declared a ceasefire.
As soon as it became apparent that the RPF was victorious, an estimated two million Hutus fled to Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). These refugees include many who have since been implicated in the massacres.
Back in Rwanda, UN troops and aid workers then arrived to help maintain order and restore basic services.
On 19 July a new multi-ethnic government was formed, promising all refugees a safe return to Rwanda.
Pasteur Bizimungu, a Hutu, was inaugurated as president, while the majority of cabinet posts were assigned to RPF members.
But although the massacres are over, the legacy of the genocide continues, and the search for justice has been a long and arduous one.
About 500 people have been sentenced to death, and another 100,000 are still in prison.
But some of the ringleaders have managed to evade capture, and many who lost their loved ones are still waiting for justice.
可惜 人总抵不过自尊
不恨 听起来太愚蠹
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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5F:推 LenaPark:卢安达种族屠杀是历史 南京大屠杀也是历史 07/30
6F:→ LenaPark:所以结论交给七楼 07/30
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14F:→ lunarblue:这种可能是倒是比你认为的屠杀更大... 07/30
15F:推 baboosh:何必着重在种族杀这点上 重点是过程似成相似220.138.190.149 07/30
16F:推 baboosh:至於会不会发生种族屠杀 呵呵 难说呀220.138.190.149 07/30
17F:→ baboosh:某些人的偏激言论在PTT 都还看的到220.138.190.149 07/30
18F:推 cgi0911:某种程度来说 你贴这种文章做这种推论的目的 07/30
19F:→ cgi0911:不就跟那个卢安达总统的初衷一致吗? 07/30
20F:推 wdwd:呵什麽? 种族屠杀很好笑吗? 看你的推文表现出的态 07/30
21F:推 cgi0911:心存和平的人 不需要做非理性的受迫害联想吧? 07/30
22F:→ wdwd:度 实在怀疑你po文的目的是什麽.... 07/30
23F:推 wdwd:是要夸大台湾的对立? 还是对族群问题幸灾乐祸? 07/30
24F:推 baboosh:喔 反应过度喔 ... 那就不呵了220.138.190.149 07/30
25F:→ baboosh:我只是看到觉得有种相似的感觉贴出来分享罢了220.138.190.149 07/30
26F:推 hup:喔喔喔,椰子被人诛心了..... 07/30
27F:推 baboosh:下次我写大陆的少数民族教育政策 你不要诛我220.138.190.149 07/30
28F:推 hup:有种你就写,我就怕你不写 07/30
29F:推 baboosh:哈哈 算了 不写了 反应不是很好 还是收敛好了220.138.190.149 07/30
30F:→ hup:大陆也有类似民族政策,从汉族中硬是分出几个族,恩 07/30
31F:→ hup:不过都没什么大问题,主要还是新疆,新疆人太横了 07/30
32F:→ baboosh:喔喔 有听说过 ... 07/30
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