作者stive (章鱼)
标题[情报] StuffPlug 3.0.387 BETA
时间Mon Mar 5 20:00:36 2007
Changes from version 3.0.286 include, but are not limited to:
Can be loaded on WLM 8.0.0812, 8.1.0168, and 8.1.0178 (although only the
latter is officially supported)
Removed feature: AdHider has been removed (see further down)
New feature: replace default emoticons with custom emoticons
New feature: Ability to turn SP convo button on or off
New feature: Ability to turn SP contactlist button on or off
New feature: More than 5 custom emoticons per message
New feature: Timezone adjustable clock per contact
New feature: WordwheelAdd, type the email address of someone not yet in your
contact list in the word wheel, and you can add em
New feature: customizable timestamps.
Fixed feature for WLM 8.1: BlockTalk
Fixed feature for WLM 8.1: KeyboardLED
Fixed feature: CE/DP Stealer now shows animated emoticons.
Fixed feature: use better icons for status-icon features
Fixed feature: StatusIcons now also changes icon in window itself
New loader (Should fix Vista x64 problems)
Loads of (bug)fixes
Loads of UI updates
New silly alpha animation on drop down options (like chatname, timestamps,
Windows of the same type now only open once.
Fixed several memory leaks.
Made installation directory choosable
Removed button from login window
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 frad:还没有繁体是吗? 03/05 20:48
2F:→ CiC:Orz 没内建繁中 03/05 20:52
3F:推 kaiuisme:好物,推 03/05 22:06
4F:→ ada12:简中也差不多都看的懂吧...不然就看英文啦 03/05 23:31
5F:推 AllbertE:觉得简中 比英文要不顺的多哩 03/06 17:53
6F:推 queeney:推楼上~虽然我英文很差~不过看简中...会脱窗 ~___~;; 03/07 14:03
8F:推 mavischerry:楼上连结已失效...Orz 03/08 10:29
9F:嘘 josesun:没有啊...Q.Q 03/08 17:37
10F:推 josesun:我知道了,要注册才可以,这是免注册的载点 03/08 17:40
12F:推 garychiang02:请问要把这个档放到哪里呢?(中文化的) 03/08 20:42
13F:推 CiC:\StuffPlug3\Languages 03/08 21:23
14F:推 garychiang02:感谢楼上的C大。 03/09 13:01
15F:推 CiC:应该感谢的是楼上上上上的josesun 03/09 14:40
16F:推 garychiang02:都感谢,呵呵。 03/10 10:04
17F:推 zxcvbnmnbvcx:我复制过去了 可是还是英文! 需要设定什麽吗 03/10 21:44
18F:推 CiC:在Stuffplug的Welcome screen点language,改繁中 @@ 03/11 01:09
19F:推 blue666666:我都确实下载 移到languages资料夹了...但是选单里还是 03/19 02:07
20F:→ blue666666:没有繁中的选项怎麽办...(先谢谢上面的大大了Orz) 03/19 02:08
21F:推 skykate0127:请问这版有办法侦测到别人开启你的视窗吗 03/23 16:23
22F:推 dtlovedodo:我也知道楼上问题的答案,谢谢! 03/23 21:40
23F:推 blue666666:我的看不了...有办法可以看的盗吗... 03/26 17:10
24F:推 Rydica:可以侦测别人是否开启自己的视窗 我用两个帐号试过了 04/06 02:39
25F:推 partner27:试不出侦测开启视窗耶,是不是要勾什麽? 04/06 13:28
26F:推 Dong007021:我也试不出来耶 要怎选取呀 04/09 22:01
27F:→ shugh:试不出来+1 04/10 16:34
28F:推 wayne75512:没办法中文化。 04/11 14:39
29F:推 adase:我也没法子中文化..@@ 04/11 22:28
30F:推 rainsday:试不出来,而且想不到要勾选什麽了... 04/13 10:52
31F:→ BlackShyang:选择欢迎画面这个选项,就有可以选取语言的地方了 04/16 16:47
32F:推 datomato:我将中文化档案解压缩到资料夹 但是语言选项没有繁中可以 05/14 12:35
33F:→ datomato:选 是不是我漏掉什麽步骤呀?@@ 05/14 12:36
34F:推 asklove:请将档案放到安装目录下,我的安装目录如下 05/18 18:40
35F:→ asklove:C:\Program Files\StuffPlug3\Languages 05/18 18:41
36F:→ asklove:我有中文化成功,如没出现繁中选项,就是档案放错目录 05/18 18:42
37F:推 datomato:果然放错了 谢谢上面ask大 orz 05/21 18:07
38F:推 abiglp:中文化之後,进入msn要记的选语言哦welcome->下面language 06/09 18:02
39F:推 louSnall:官方网站在F&Q有写说以後绝对不会再出开关视窗提示了。 06/15 02:02
40F:→ louSnall:详细原因请自行参考,他们把口气说的很重。 06/15 02:03
41F:推 hotstuff:没试出有侦测开启你的视窗功能~~~该到哪里修正阿!!!! 06/20 03:51
43F:推 repository:我照上面的方法能用,终於不用用简体了 07/16 12:05
44F:推 s81010:中文化成功,多谢乡民们的辛苦付出 09/13 17:39
45F:推 poiuy:感谢ASK大 帮我走过步骤一遍 结果问题是放对了 却忘了解压缩 09/14 22:23
46F:→ poiuy:阿哈哈 希望有人以後可别跟我一样XD 感恩这个版 谢谢!! 09/14 22:24
※ tony1022002:转录至看板 PJJH_29_318 09/22 01:12