Holland 板


※ 引述《fuggy (No Name)》之铭言: : 这个指的是NT2入籍考试吗? : 在荷兰连续居留五年,或是与荷兰公民结婚或同居三年後, : 可以参加入籍考试,通过的话可以拿荷兰护照, : 不过NTIO也可以考NT2喔? : 我还以为在NTIO只有考办伴侣居留MVV用的civil integration test哩 : 如果这个是civil integration test的话,嗯,实质效益趋近於0 : 只是没通过的话就不能办伴侣居留MVV签证,考一次要350欧元 连结失效,看不到更详细的资讯@@a 不过移民局的最新资讯说 这个考试会取代入籍考试 级数一样,就是换个名称而已 不过台湾办的这个课程说的是这个考试吗?O_o 我怀疑是办理MVV用的初级考试耶 On 1 January 2007, the Integration Act comes into effect. This means that, in phases, the naturalisation test will be replaced by the integration examination. From 2 January 2007 onwards, foreign nationals who want to become Dutch citizens can take the integration examination before they submit their naturalisation application. The integration examination has a different format than the naturalisation test. However, the integration examination has the same level as the naturalisation test and costs about the same. For further information about the Integration Act or the integration examination please visit www.inburgeren.nl. 如果是高知识移民的配偶与子女 是不需要参加考试就可以到荷兰居留的 如果不是,那就必须在台湾先参加考试 通过後才可以申请MVV 也就是说...如果你不是高知识移民,想接家人到荷兰住 家人必须要先通过考试 Civic integration examination abroad introduced As of March 15th migrants wishing to settle in the Netherlands for, in particular, the purposes of marrying or forming a relationship are required to take the civic integration examination abroad. Many people aged between 16 and 65 who need an authorisation for temporary residence (MVV) in order to come to the Netherlands will first be obliged to complete the civic integration examination abroad in their country of residence. This applies, amongst others, to people who wish to form a family with someone in the Netherlands (for example, through marriage or by forming a relationship) and to religious leaders coming to the Netherlands for employment, such as imams or preachers. In many cases, obtaining the integration examination becomes an additional condition needing to be met before an MVV can be issued. The examination tests fundamental knowledge of the Dutch language and Dutch society. The examination is held orally, in Dutch, at the Dutch embassy or consulate general in the foreign national’s country of residence. Taking the examination will cost approximately €350. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 fuggy:我也想说是办MVV用的,64小时上入籍考试太短了,可是中文说明 04/09 17:13
2F:→ fuggy:写得很夸张啊,感觉很像是要拿公民资格,也就是入籍用的 04/09 17:14
3F:推 drama:是啊,中文说明写的模棱两可,拿居留证的也是荷兰公民啊= = 04/09 17:28
4F:→ drama:中文的吊诡?一般说公民应该是指有投票权的国民才对 04/09 17:29
5F:推 fuggy:拿居留证只是荷兰居民,要拿护照才是荷兰公民吧?! 04/09 17:31
6F:→ drama:英文都可以叫citizen啊,据说现在还在考虑要发身份证呢 04/09 17:53
7F:→ fuggy:有荷兰护照才叫citizen,有居留只叫resident,机场海关分 04/09 19:03
8F:→ fuggy:Dutch citizen跟all passports,拿居留证只能到all passport 04/09 19:04
9F:→ fuggy:不过发身分证是甚麽啊?我知道荷兰人也可以办ID卡,可是要付钱 04/09 19:06
10F:→ fuggy:所以大部分的人都只用护照,现在是要全国发放ID吗? 04/09 19:06
11F:→ drama:我目前看到的消息是荷兰准备推广随身携带ID卡 04/09 20:27

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