若本文有最新一季剧情透漏 请将下列文字保留 本文有雷 剧情透漏 Spoiler 相关回文请保留本段文字 http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/08/17/how-i-met-your-mother-season-8-photo/ AUG 17 2012 10:30 AM ET 'How I Met Your Mother' season 8 First Look: Will Barney get cold feet? -- EXCLUSIVE PHOTO 「追爱总动员」第八季抢先看:巴尼得了婚前恐惧症吗? --独家照片 by Sandra Gonzalez Oh, no! Does Barney Stinson have a case of pre-wedding jitters? It certainly looks like he does in this exclusive first photo of How I Met Your Mother‘s upcoming eighth season, where the Barnicle is seen trying to escape his wedding! (See it after the jump.) 喔不!难道巴尼史汀森得了婚前恐惧症? 在即将播出的追爱总动员第八季独家首张 透露的照片中,巴尼看起来像是得了婚前恐惧症,Barnicle(巴尼某次取的小名)看起来 打算从他的婚礼中逃跑! Here’s what we know for sure: The episode will contain what executive producer Craig Thomas has billed as “the deepest flashfoward into that monumental future wedding day of Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) and Robin (Cobie Smulders)” that fans have ever seen. Additionally: “We’re going to show the fans a glimpse of something that we hope will blow their minds,” he told EW. 这是到目前为止我们能知道的:执行制作Craig Thomas透露「只能说首集将会直接进入 最重要的巴尼和罗宾的结婚典礼当天,那是目前影迷都知道的消息。」他又补充「 我们也会秀出一段小东西,希望这些影迷会大吃一惊」 Well, if Barney left Robin at the altar, that would certainly blow my mind — but I don’t think it’s what Thomas is referencing. In fact, it can’t be. Because it would break my heart too much. Also, they wouldn’t give it away in a photo. And Marshall (Jason Segel) and Lily (Alyson Hannigan) would totally be able to stop him. And… I need to stop rationalizing. We’ll just have to see for ourselves in the season opener, airing Sept. 24. 如果巴尼真会在婚礼上抛下罗宾,那真的会让我那吃一惊--但是我不认为那是编剧Thomas 所提到的。事实上,那不可能。因为那将会伤透我的心。而且,其他人也不会让巴尼离开 的样子。在照片中,马修和莉莉似乎已经阻止他。我需要停止再去想了。我们将会在九月 二十四日亲自看看是不是真的。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 mercido:真的逃走我会想摔电视= =!! 08/18 22:11
2F:推 yvonneimc:Barney有婚前恐惧症很正常啊XD 不过我猜还是会结成吧... 08/19 00:06
3F:推 akane0802:认真说起来Robin也有可能逃婚啊XDDD 08/19 12:43
4F:推 lucifer648:Robin逃婚的话有Ted这个Bestman啊:P 08/19 13:20
5F:推 mtyc:这部的婚礼都没办法顺利进行,是被诅咒了吗Q.Q 08/22 19:15
6F:推 Faoitohins:逃婚吧!!伤害Robin最好 反正巴尼都伤害那麽多女生了 哼 08/22 23:25
7F:推 adoy:巴尼伤过有够多人 最後要是真逃婚成功 我应该会很赌烂 08/23 17:48
8F:推 finalanter:什麽啊.....那Quinn呢= = 我还蛮喜欢她的说 08/25 23:03
9F:→ finalanter:现在对Barney, Ted, Robin这三角恋超反感 像鬼打墙 08/25 23:04
10F:→ finalanter:烦死了= = 08/25 23:04
11F:推 ooox:我好爱Quinn 08/27 12:10
12F:推 finalanter:有时我会把Quinn看成Blake耶@@ 08/27 12:42
13F:推 emind:领带又换回701那条了? 08/31 13:24
14F:推 gorhow:TED 已经out了阿 哈 09/10 15:54

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