Gossiping 板


1.媒体来源: Reuters 2.记者署名: By Sakura Murakami November 11, 2023 7:13 PM GMT+8 3.完整新闻标题: Japan-led navy exercise starts with Philippines observing for first time 4.完整新闻内文: ABOARD USS CARL VINSON, Nov 11 (Reuters) - Japan's navy on Saturday announced the start of a joint annual military exercise, with the Philippines observing the operations for the first time as the two countries seek closer maritime cooperation. The Japan-led Annualex exercise started on Friday with operations conducted by the naval forces of the United States, Australia and Canada, with the Philippines attending as an observer, Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force Vice Admiral Akira Saito told reporters. "The Philippines is a very important country for us, and we are looking to coordinate with their navy at every possible opportunity," Saito said aboard the USS Carl Vinson as it sailed in an undisclosed location in the Pacific Ocean. The exercise comes as Japan, the U.S. and the Philippines seek closer ties and deeper security cooperation to counter China, though Saito said the operations are not being conducted to target a specific country. Last week, Japan said it would provide radar systems to the Philippines to bolster its security. The two countries also announced the start of negotiations for a reciprocal military access agreement. "The more that our navies work together, the more multilateral our operations and our exercises are, the greater the security for this region. So I'm thrilled that Japan invited the Philippines to observe this year," Vice Admiral of the U.S. Seventh Fleet Karl Thomas said. Saito added that strong cooperation between like-minded countries is crucial for the stability of the Indo-Pacific region. The operations will be conducted for 10 days and will involve 30 ships and 40 aircraft, Saito said. There has been a string of clashes between the Philippines and China in recent weeks, including a collision in October, while Japanese and Chinese ships also faced off in the East China Sea last month. Separately the Philippines' coast guard said on Saturday it would maintain its regular supply missions to troops stationed on a disputed atoll in the South China Sea even though it expects more Chinese vessels to be sent to the area. Reporting by Sakura Murakami; Editing by David Holmes 5.完整新闻连结 (或短网址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等转载媒体: https://tinyurl.com/mryweff8 6.备注: 大致翻译: 日本主导的演习,美国、澳大利亚和加拿大的海军部队皆有参加。菲律宾以观察员身分参加。 日本海上自卫队副司令官斋藤明表示 “菲律宾对我们来说是一个非常重要的国家,我们希望在每一个可能的机会与他们的海军 进行协调。” 日本上周表示,将向菲律宾提供雷达系统。 全文翻译: https://tinyurl.com/ye38a2a4 p.s.顺便问一下,外电是不是可以不贴原文? 上次贴被嘘了 --
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