一样,从巴哈转来的文 发文者:ccmell 感谢、感谢 内文 Off the Boat 5G Complete the first mission. One Hundred and Eighty 10G In a darts game score 180 with 3 darts. Pool Shark 10G Beat a friend at pool. King of QUB3D 15G Beat the High Score in QUB3D Finish Him 15G Complete 10 melee counters in 4 minutes Genetically Superior 25G Come first in 20 singleplayer street races. Wheelie Rider 30G Do a wheelie lasting at least 500 feet on a motorbike. Gobble Gobble 10G Score 3 strikes in a row, a turkey, in 10-pin bowling. Driving Mr. Bellic 10G Unlock the special ability of taxi. Rolled Over 30G Do 5 car rolls in a row from one crash. Walk Free 50G Lose a 4 star wanted rating by outrunning the cops. Courier Service 10G Complete all 10 package delivery jobs. Retail Therapy 10G Unlock the special ability of buying guns from a friend. Chain Reaction 20G You must blow up 10 vehicles in 10 seconds. One Man Army 40G Survive 5 minutes on 6 star wanted level. Lowest Point 5G Complete mission "Roman's Sorrow". Over Fulfilled 10G Complete all 10 Exotic Export orders. Manhunt 15G Complete the most wanted side missions from the police computer. Cleaned the Mean Streets 20G Capture 20 criminals through the police computer. Fed The Fish 5G Complete the mission "Uncle Vlad". It'll Cost Ya 5G Complete a taxi ride without skipping from one island to another. Sightseer 5G Fly on all helicopter tours of Liberty City. Warm Coffee 5G Successfully date a girl to be invited into her house. That's How We Roll! 10G Unlock the special ability of helicopter. Half Million 55G Reach a balance of $500,000. Impossible Trinity 10G Complete mission "Museum Piece". Full Exploration 20G Unlock all the islands. You Got The Message 20G Deliver all 30 cars ordered through text message. Dare Devil 30G Complete 100% of the unique stunt jumps. Assassin's Greed 20G Complete all 9 assassin missions. Endangered Species 50G Collect every hidden package in the game. Under the Radar 40G Fly underneath the main bridges in the game that cross water with a helicopter. Dial B For Bomb 10G Unlock the special ability of phoning for a bomb to be placed. Gracefully Taken 10G Complete mission "I'll Take Her". Liberty City (5) 20G After meeting all possible friends, the ones left alive all like you above 90%. No More Strangers 5G Meet all random characters. That Special Someone 10G Complete mission "That Special Someone". You Won! 60G Complete the final mission. Liberty City Minute 30G Complete the story missions in less than 30 hours. Key To The City 100G Achieve 100% in "Game progress" statistic. Teamplayer 10G Kill 5 players who are not in your team, in any ranked multiplayer team game. Cut Your Teeth 5G Earn a personal rank promotion in multiplayer Join The Midnight Club 10G Win a ranked multiplayer race without damaging your vehicle too much and with damaged enabled. Fly The Co-op 15G Beat our time in ranked versions of "Deal Breaker", "Hangman's NOOSE" and "Bomb da Base II". Take It For The Team 10G Be on the winning team in all ranked multiplayer team games. Top Of The Food Chain 10G Kill 20 players with a pistol in a ranked multiplayer deathmatch. Top The Midnight Club 20G Come first in 20 different ranked standard multiplayer races. Wanted 20G Achieve the highest personal rank in multiplayer. Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic 30G Win all ranked multiplayer variations, all races and "Cops 'n Crooks", as both sides. Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie 10G Kill a Rockstar developer in a ranked multiplayer match. 来源: 甘!我开始後悔当初没把英文读好了 强者来翻译吧Q___Q -- 我的肠子里有个叫大便的生物时常在里面蠕动...쨊 --
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1F:推 Enrique:... 03/30 22:09

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