*[1;33m戴尔美语练功坊 全民英检中高级阅读解题技巧(02/10) *[m *[1;33m全民英检中高级检定阅读测验解题技巧Peter明道老师 *[m 全民英检中高级检定阅读测验往往会出现主题推论的考题,其解题较巧极 为简易与迅速,因此只要受过阅读技巧训练者,都可克服阅读速度过慢与 答题准确度不佳的现象。 The world's highest medical clinic opened on April 1st in Nepal at Mount Everest Base Camp, the spot where climbers place their support crew and reserve supplies before setting off on the dangerous journey up the world's highest peak. It opened as many of those who had conquered the summit-or dared to believe they might-began to arrive to mark the 50th anniversary of its first ascent. Located at 5,330 meters above sea level, the tent-based clinic will be run by a member of the Himalayan Rescue Association (HRA), Dianne Frump, and staffed by volunteer physicians who will treat visiting hikers , climbers , and Base Camp staff for ailments such as high altitude sickness, frostbite, and snow blindness . Frump told reporters that the main mission of the non-profit HRA is to prevent, reduce, and treat serious altitude sickness in the rugged Himalayan Mountains, which lie between Nepal and China. "What upsets us most is that death from altitude sickness is almost always preventable , so we will strive to offer education as well as medical care to visitors and to poor local residents ," said Frump. Frump also said that having a clinic at Base Camp was a good idea as not all expeditions brought their own physicians. While the leaders of expeditions without doctor s are quite knowledgeable about the treatment of high-altitude sicknes s, she said, they often have trouble coping with common ailments like bronchitis and diarrhea. "So I thought," said Frump, "Why not set up one clinic that has physicians with both altitude training and experience with common local problems, and improve care and reduce expedition costs?" 42. Where is the above passage most likely to appear? A. In a travel guidebook for tourists to Nepal B. In a research-oriented medical journal C. In a practical book that tells people how to climb the Himalayan Mountains D. In a magazine for people interested in adventure sports 破题解析: 42. Where is the above passage most likely to appear? A. In a travel guidebook for tourists to Nepal B. In a research-oriented medical journal C. In a practical book that tells people how to climb the Himalayan Mountains D. In a magazine for people interested in adventure sports 主题推论考题: Where…..most likely to appear? 解题:首句开头解题 解题技巧分析: 由题目中所表达Where…..most likely to appear? 此种题型只要确认判断题目 并确认文章的首句开头说明,便可破解选项答题,无需大费周章阅读全文: 首句开头说明: The world's highest medical clinic opened on April 1st in Nepal at Mount Everest Base Camp, the spot where climbers place their support crew and reserve supplies before setting off on the dangerous journey up the world's highest peak. 由开头说明知道主题并非A选项所说的In a travel guidebook for tourists to Nepal 尼泊尔的旅游观光导览。也并非B选项In a research-oriented medical journal 所说明研究导向的医学期刊。也并非C选项In a practical book that tells people how to climb the Himalayan Mountains所表达为一本实用的书告知人们如何爬 喜马拉雅山脉。答案为D可推论主题为喜爱冒险运动的杂志所提供的杂志。 --

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