※ [本文转录自 NBA 看板 #1cMHbBBx ] 作者: RadioMan (电台男) 看板: NBA 标题: [外絮] 乳摸-勇士与Ham接洽助理教练 时间: Fri May 31 08:26:48 2024 网址:https://reurl.cc/Aj9EbE B/R 记者 Timothy Rapp Warriors Rumors: Darvin Ham Discussed Role on Steve Kerr's Staff After Lakers Firing 勇士队与前湖人总教练Ham在讨论他可能在Kerr教练团内的角色 https://i.imgur.com/eqofZJn.jpeg
The Golden State Warriors are reportedly "contemplating a coaching staff addit ion" this offseason regardless of whether Kenny Atkinson departs Steve Kerr's staff to take the Cleveland Cavaliers' vacant head-coaching job, per Anthony S later of The Athletic. 据传勇士队正在这个休赛季找教练团的成员,不论助教阿金会不会离开Kerr的教练团,前 往克里夫兰的总教练职缺。 And former Los Angeles Lakers' head honcho Darvin Ham was reportedly considere d. According to Slater, the Dubs "had some conversation" with Ham recently, thoug h he added such a hiring "isn't expected to materialize. But it is a signal of the Warriors' desire to add a big-name assistant, and indications are they ar e in search of either a former head coach or former player to fill the role. I f Atkinson leaves, they may add two assistant coaches." 据传勇士队认真考虑前湖人总教练Ham,勇士队跟Ham有一些对谈,但他们没有想到这件事 会浮上台面。 但勇士队在这个休赛季有意在教练团增加一名「知名的」助教,而且他们 目标放在其他队的前总教练,或是退休球员来担任这个角色。如果助教阿金离开, 勇士 队可能会找两名助教。 Ham, 50, went 90-74 in his two seasons as the Lakers' head coach, leading the team to the Play-In Tournament in both campaigns. The team qualified for the p layoffs as well, reaching the Western Conference Finals in his first season bu t only the first round in 2023-24. The team was eliminated by the Denver Nuggets in both series. Ham, 50岁。 这两年在湖人的战绩90-74, 在这两年带领湖人对在play-in中取胜,也都 顺利晋级季後赛。去年打进西区冠军赛,而今年止步首轮。两次都是被金块队淘汰。 Kerr, meanwhile, has seen a lot of turnover on his staff in recent years. Alon gside the possibility of losing lead assistant Atkinson this summer, Mike Brow n left in 2022 to become the head coach of the Sacramento Kings and Jama Mahla lela left in 2023 to join the Toronto Raptors' staff. Kerr在这几年的助教团大换血。 除了这个夏天可能会失去助教阿金。在22年失去了Mike Brown,而MB成为了国王队的总教练。Jama则在2023到了暴龙队的助教团。 The Warriors may be facing an offseason of change on the roster as well. Longt ime franchise staple Klay Thompson is set to hit free agency, Chris Paul's $30 million salary is non-guaranteed and he's likely to be cut and the team proba bly needs to reconsider completely shaping the roster around Stephen Curry aft er going just 46-36 this season and losing their lone game during the Play-In Tournament, keeping them from the postseason. 勇士队除了在教练团可能面临大换血外,K汤也正面临签约问题,而CP3的3000万是非保障 的合约,很大机率会被勇士队裁掉。勇士队可能需要重整球员,在经历过46-36的2023-20 24赛季,Play-in的失利,使他们今年没有进入到季後赛。 It's very possible that the championship window for the trio of Curry, Thompso n and Draymond Green has closed altogether, outside of some adept roster restr ucturing. More than likely, the Dubs will have a much different look in the 20 24-25 campaign. 在勇士队三老的夺冠机率变低,可以想见勇士高层在2024-2025会有大动作,让整个团队 有不同面貌。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NBA/M.1717115211.A.2FB.html ※ 编辑: waderu ( 台湾), 05/31/2024 09:46:51
1F:推 killuaz: 火腿教防守的功力如何啊?勇士这2年很缺防守体系的建立 05/31 09:48
2F:推 Kai877: 如果是助教应该还行吧 05/31 09:57
3F:推 chenliu0716: 缺的是防守助教吧 05/31 10:07
4F:推 kellenabc: 最近很多球团开除一堆助教,不知有执教防守较好的助教吗 05/31 10:42
5F:推 Sc30Fmvp: 对阿 需要的是防守助教吧 05/31 10:50
6F:→ waderu: 主要是牌子要够大可以挡下柯学家狂放4後卫阵的防守助教 05/31 11:11
7F:→ waderu: 感觉阿金强项似乎在新年,在攻防战术上跟柯似乎没有互补性 05/31 11:12
8F:推 ccccccccccc: 4卫没救 要靠操盘把科学家爱用的球员身高拉高 05/31 11:17
9F:推 kaede0711: 火腿当助教没啥问题 而且应该是预备阿金走了能接手 05/31 11:47
10F:推 malain: 然後那些高的再跟穆迪一起坐在开特力旁边? 05/31 11:47
11F:推 Erishcross: 找火腿是强化四喂 稳稳的 05/31 13:04
12F:推 candbilly153: Cooper Flagg 稳的 05/31 13:56
13F:推 XXXaBg: 比较希望我哥 05/31 17:17
14F:→ hiro1221: Ham当防守教练应该还可以吧,不会不会比现在烂了 05/31 19:15
15F:推 YuChanChung: 所有人都是没放对位置 ham执教湖人不成功 助教未必 05/31 20:00
16F:→ Sc30Fmvp: 他当防守教练有很好吗? 找我哥吧 06/01 00:10
17F:推 matsuwu: HAM在公鹿就是当bud的防守助教 06/04 14:43
18F:→ matsuwu: 湖人签他实大部分预测都是能建立好防守体系 06/04 14:43
19F:→ matsuwu: 他当助教算是非常顶的选择 06/04 14:43
20F:→ matsuwu: 场与场之间的调整也没问题 06/04 14:44
21F:推 Sc30Fmvp: 原来是这样? 想说他的评价很差 以为是不太行 06/06 18:09

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