Fund 板

LINE 刚刚从基智网上看到的 大家参考一下 摘录如下 Alexander Scurlock, a 12-year veteran of Fidelity and former Director of Research, will take on the management of Fidelity Funds European Growth Fund from 1 January 2007. Alexander Scurlock (在富达工作12年的老手, 前 ?研究总监?) 2007-01-01 起接手富达 欧洲基金经理权. His appointment follows a decision by Graham Clapp, manager of FF European Growth Fund for the past four years, to take a career break after 22 years with Fidelity. Graham will work closely with Alexander between now and the end of the year to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities. 本项任命导因於 Graham Clapp (现任富达欧洲基金经理) 决定中断在富达22年来的事业 生涯 (离职). Graham (现任) 将与 Alexander (新任) 共同工作至本年末以确保工作责 任顺利交接. Like Graham, Alexander is a bottom-up stockpicker who scours the entire market in search of the most attractive investment opportunities. A former head of equity research and one-time assistant to Graham, Alexander makes maximum use of Fidelity's research resources to obtain a genuinely global perspective on the companies in which he invests. 如同 Graham (现任), Alexander (新任) 也是一位由下而上选股 (寻访整个市场以寻找 最有吸引力投资标的) 专家. Alexander 曾任股票研究主管与 Graham 的副手, 他 (具有 能力) 运用富达的研究资源到极致, 以达致对他投资的各公司睿智与全面性的观照/前瞻. In addition, Alexander supports this bottom-up approach to investment with a top-down assessment of the portfolio. He uses his understanding of macroeconomic trends, such as the workings of the Eurozone, to corroborate and reinforce the conviction behind his stock selection decisions. 此外, Alexander 以由上而下的类股分配规划 辅助/补强 其由下而上分析手段. 他利用 个人对总体经济趋势的了解, 如: 欧元区的运作, 来强化其选股决定的基础. Alexander will hand over his other portfolio management responsibilities to colleagues so that he can focus solely on FF European Growth Fund. As previously announced, Alexandra Hartmann will take over the management of the Fidelity Funds Euro Blue Chip Fund from 1 January 2007. Alexander 将交卸其他资产经理业务, 以便他能够专注於富达欧洲基金. 如同前番发布: 2007-01-01 起, 富达欧元蓝筹基金经理人由 Alexandra Hartmann 接任. The need to maintain broad continuity of approach for shareholders has been uppermost in our minds. This transition of responsibility does not signal any dramatic shift in strategy and the depth of investment talent within Fidelity allows us to take such changes in our stride, as demonstrated by a strong record of managing successful transitions. 本公司首要考良为 (为全体受益权人) 维持投资手段的延续性. 本次职务异动不表示任何 重大的投资策略转变, 就如以往成功的移转记录, 本公司也相信深植於富达公司组织内的 投资才能容许本公司进行此等异动. --
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1F:推 babyfisher:我是新手,想请问这样对这个基金的影响是好是坏,谢谢... 11/18 18:47
2F:推 kaogo:希望不要有影响...欧元蓝筹.欧洲平衡的绩效还是比富欧差一点 11/18 19:33
3F:推 ptpaco:请问原本的经理人要转到哪去啊?还是退休了? 11/18 23:29
4F:推 missingheart:那那那...投资欧洲不就又少个可考虑的目标了 11/19 09:12

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