France 板


salut, 我把行程整理过, 请大家过目一下, merci! a. 我住的地方是在 15 圈, 所以行程会以此当根据. b. 因为住在 15 圈, 所以我最後一天安排 Hotel des Invalides, 如此一来, 我可以逛完後拿行李再去搭 Eurostar. c. 考量到 Jan.2009 --- 9am sunrise and 5pm sunset. 因为白天短, 所以我是安排户外优先, 再室内 (没办法的事) d. 行程都在 Paris 市区, 1 天安排在郊区 (Versailles, 1 hour train) 我明白除非待好几个月, 否则我还是好好待在 Paris, 我明白我现在去是很差的时段, 又冷, 白天又短, 又湿, 树叶又掉光光, I will try my best to enjoy, taste and relax!! 1. 请问大家 Sacre-Coeur到底值不值得去, 我知道这是见仁见智, 可是实在好难安排, 主要是它在的位置太远, 附近又没什麽景点. 我唯一离它最近的时候就是我从 CDG to Paris, 还有从 Paris to London(Eurostar) 可是, 我又不能拖着行李. 2. 请问, 我抵达 CDG 是 Sunday, 我应该利用这天免费日去参观 Musee du Louvre, 还是选一个晚上去参观 ? 差别在於, 白天时间很短, 而 Musee du Louvre 是在室内. 我是否要多利用白天的时间多看看户外 ? ------------------------------- # Jan.11(Sun.) Arrive CDG at 7am Sacre-Coeur (?????) 这天未定! ------------------------------- # Jan.12(Mon.) Arc de Triomphe Metro : Place Charles-de-Gaulle from October 1 to March 31: 10 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Ticket : 9€ Walk around Avenue des Champs-Elysees Eiffel Tower - from 9:30am to 11:00pm, January 1 to June 12 ------------------------------- # Jan.13(Tue.) Notre-Dame The cathedral is open every day of the year from 8:00 am to 6:45 pm (7:15 pm on Saturdays and Sundays). For the towers: 7,50 € Pantheon Metro : Cardinal Lemoine Daily 10am-6pm 7€ Maison de Victor Hugo (if possible!!!) Centre Georges Pompidou 我可能只会在外面逛逛, 外面也应该够我逛啦! ------------------------------- # Jan.14(Wed.) Jardin Des Tuileries Metro : Palais Royal Entrance free Musee du Louvre Ticket : €9, €6(from 6 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.)on Wednesday and Friday evenings The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day except Tuesday Admission to the Louvre is free on the first Sunday of every month. a. Mona Lisa b. Glass Pyramid c. The Raft of the Medusa Focus on French Paintings/Sculpture, Italian Paintings/Sculpture. ------------------------------- # Jan.15(Thu.) Versailles Train: From Gare Montparnasse to Versailles-Rive Gauche ( ~ 1 hour) The Palace is open every day except Mondays. 1 November - 31 March 9am to 5.30pm Ticket : €16 ------------------------------- # Jan.16(Fri.) Hotel des Invalides Open every day of the year, except for the first Monday of every month Open from 10:00 to 17:00, from October 1st to mars 31st 8,5 € Pont Alexandre III Take Eurostar to London -- Hello ~~ ! Welcome to My Blog ---> --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: Xvictory 来自: (12/15 12:41)
1F:→ huice:我觉得圣心堂很值得去 那边地势高 是少数可以眺望巴黎的点 12/15 21:42
2F:推 phoebeF:圣心堂可以跟艾蜜莉工作的咖啡店还有红磨坊风车排在一起 12/16 06:50
3F:→ phoebeF:走路就能到了喔~~ 12/16 06:50
4F:→ fantome185:是15区不是15圈,圣心堂值得去,凡尔赛不用排一天 01/05 07:18
5F:→ fantome185:Invalide和Pont Alexandre 3更是连半天都不用...不过如 01/05 07:19
6F:→ fantome185:果你想很慢很慢的优闲参观,倒是可以 01/05 07:20

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