作者xiezl (【经典美语】谢忠理)
标题Re: [文法] 关系副词的用法?
时间Tue Mar 7 07:36:07 2023
※ 引述《trtr112 (pk)》之铭言:
: 想请教各位先进,
: 以下是我看到的一些关系副词的用法, 不知以下我的判断是否正确?
: (第一题都是原来的写法, 正确无误. 二, 三题是我自己改写和判断的)
: 1. This is exactly the reason why millet is widely grown as the main crop in
: certain region of Asia, such as India, where the average temperature
: tends to be high.
: 2. This is exactly the reason why millet is widely grown as the main crop in
: certain region of Asia, such as India in which the average temperature
: tends to be high. (正确)
关系子句藉由是否有逗点,分为「限定」(无逗点) 与「非限定」(有逗点) 关系子句。在
此处的 India 就是「那个 India」而非「某个 India」所以在语意上应该采用「非限定
更改为:such as India, in which (= where) the average ... be high.
: 3. This is exactly the reason why millet is widely grown as the main crop in
: certain region of Asia, such as India which the average temperature
: tends to be high in there. (正确)
除了上面说的缺逗点之外,这里改用 which,是第二个错误。
因为原本 in which 的 in 被搬到句尾,但是加上了 there,所以原本正确的 in which
变成了 which ... in there,因而使得 which 在本句中成为「关系代名词」,而非「关
关系代名词在关系子句里,有三种可能的功用:当主词、或当受词、或当补语 (此三功能
更改为:such as India, in which (= where) the average ... be high.
: 1. This is the university where my father used to attend.
因为 attend 作为「上学」用时,是及物动词,後面要接受词,而受词一般都是名词 (少
数特殊情况下,会把副词拿来当名词用,如 over there 中的 there)
例:Our children attend the same school. 我们的孩子上同一所学校。
所以原句若用 where 的话,会使得 attend 找不到受词。
更改为:This is the university that/which my father used to attend.
: 2. This is the university at which my father used to attend. (错误)
更改:将 at 删掉就可以了。
: 3. This is the universtiy which my father used to attend at. (错误)
更改:将 at 删掉就可以了。
: 不知道这两组的第二和第三句, 我的判断是否正确?
: 谢谢各位!
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Eng-Class/M.1678145769.A.4AB.html
1F:推 chrisjohn214: 虽然不是我问的,也学到了,感谢老师指导 03/07 11:57