Eng-Class 板


※ 引述《chrisjohn214 (明月照大江)》之铭言: : 32.________ over 500 applicants for a single job, she did not see the point in s : ending in her : resume. : (A)Because of : (B)Due to : (C)Since : (D)With : 答案是D,想请问前三个为什麽不行呢? : 烦请各位先进指教 一、原题目中除了 since 是连接词,不能接片语之外,其他三个都是介系词,在文法上 都对。因此差异在语意表达与使用时机上。 二、关於 because of, due to, with 用於表示「因为」时的差异,整理如下。 以下定义与例句取自於 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 与 「英语常用 词疑难用法手册」。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 because of https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/because-of-somebody-something ★ because of somebody/something used to say who or what causes something to happen or is the reason for something ■ He had to retire because of ill health. ■ We spent three hours waiting in the rain because of you! 说明:because 与 because of 是用来表示「直接因果关系」,亦即某个事件或情况直接 导致了另一个事件或情况。其强调了两个事件之间的因果关系。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2 due to https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/due-to ★ due to due to preposition because of something ■ The court of inquiry ruled that the crash was due to pilot error. ■ She has been absent from work due to illness. ■ The restaurant’s success was due largely to its new manager. ■ Attendance at the meeting was small, due in part to (=partly because of) the absence of teachers. Register Due to is mostly used in formal or official contexts. In everyday English, people usually use because of: ■ We cancelled the picnic because of the weather. 说明:due to 与 because of 意思相近,也是用来表示「直接因果关系」。但是在使用 上 due to 用在正式或官式文书场合,而日常用语则使用 because of 为多。 特别补充:有部分语言学家与考试 (主要是 GMAT) 认为 due to 是形容词,而非介系词 ,所以构成的片语不能当作「副词」来用,因此不能够放在句首。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.3 with https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/with ★ with 4 because of a particular feeling or physical state ■ They were trembling with fear. ■ Jack beamed with pleasure when he heard the news. ■ I was too weak with hunger to cry. ■ Mother became seriously ill with pneumonia. 13 at the same rate as something else and because of it ■ a skill which improves with practice ■ The risk of cancer increases with the number of cigarettes you smoke. 14 because of a situation that exists ■ With John away there’s more room in the house. 说明: 1. 根据朗文字典的定义, with 意思中包含 "because of" 的有三个定义。而根据本文 考题前後文语意,有关系的是第 14 义。但是值得注意的是,若用 4 或 13 义的话,其 意思与 because of 并无二致。 2. 至於第 14 义 "because of a situation that exists" 表示的是「由於某个存在的 状况」。这种意思与 because of 差别在:後者表示的是「直接因果关系」,而前者是「 虽然有因果关系,但并非直接关系」。简单说就是个附随关系,翻译上可以调整为「由於 、监於、在…情况下」。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 下面这本书有丰富的例句说明此种用法,详列如下,供有兴趣者参考。 英语常用词疑难用法手册 https://www.books.com.tw/products/CN10663620 (博客来) 作者:陈用仪 ISBN:9787308075923 页数:903 出版社:浙江大学出版社 with 在句首表示「在…情况下」。 【例如】 ■ But now, with the rest of the country desperately in need of oil, any extra will disappear fast.   但是如今国内其他地区需油迫切,有多少剩余都会很快用光。 ■ With the whole meeting in uproar, the chairman abandoned the attempt to take a vote.   眼看整个会场闹成一片,主席就打消了交付表决的打算。 ■ With the military under orders to get lighter and faster, several companies are designing new gear for special-forces units assigned everywhere from Afghanistan to the Philippines.   由於军方奉命要轻装化和快速化,因此好几家公司正在为那些派赴从阿富汗到菲律宾 的所有各地的特种部队设计新装备。 ■ With only a handful of these distinctive handmade timepieces in circulation, this exquisite wristwatch could only be found in the collections of the world's most distinguished gentry. (US News and World Report, 钟表广告 )   这种名贵的手工精制计时器只有寥寥少数在市场流通,因此这个精美的手表只能在世 界上最高雅的大户的藏品中找得到。 ■ With the talks in their 8th day, they underscored the urgency of completing the negotiations.   随着谈判进入第八天,他们强调尽快完成谈判的迫切性。 ■ With the country in the fledgling stages of its great democratic experiment, Washington had focused on the very concept of union itself.   正当这个国家还处於它伟大的民主试验的初始阶段时,华盛顿就专心关注联合这个概 念本身。 ■ With the propaganda apparatus that regularly assured Saddam was alive out of operation, rumors of every variety have emerged about his fate.(AFP, April 9, 2003) (注意这里out of operation不能和was alive直接联系,它是对the propaganda apparatus的说明)   由於那个老是断言萨达姆仍然活着的宣传机器已经失灵,於是纷纷出现了有关他处境 如何的五花八门的谣言。 说明:请就各句的前後文体会一下,为什麽这几个例句里的前半段并非是後半句的「直接 原因」。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 三、关於原题解答 由於 with 包含了 because of 的概念,差异只在是否是「直接原因」,而这种差异的决 定权在作者,而非读者。也就是作者认为是「直接原因」,那就是「直接原因」。虽然深 究下去,还是会有一点客观标准,但是在考试时,考生是没有办法跟出题者争辩整句内容 是否属於「直接因果关系」。 所以,解题时就依照原 po 文中的板友回覆:(1) 用文法规则删掉 since,(2) 用语意相 同删掉 because of 与 due to,(3) 选留下来的 with。 以上 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Eng-Class/M.1677550298.A.0FE.html
1F:推 tupacshkur: 强! 超清楚 02/28 14:07
2F:推 kee32: 解说的真是详细,太厉害了 02/28 15:58
3F:推 chrisjohn214: 让你花这麽多心力解释,我都不好意思了QQ 02/28 17:50
4F:推 chrisjohn214: 感谢指导~~~ 02/28 18:06
5F:推 VIATOR: 超强 03/01 00:25
6F:推 egduj: 感谢详细的说明 03/01 11:33

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