作者ghost1006 (jones)
标题[请益] 连接词的使用次数
时间Sun Apr 17 00:20:29 2022
NASA says there are 10,000 known asteroids that are just as big or bigger that
could, potentially, cause major regional damage
if they ever hit the Earth,
lthough none of them are tracking this way.
以下是我的分析,帮忙看看是否有误 ?
that are just as big or bigger that could, potentially, cause major regional d
if they ever hit the Earth
there are这个句子,後面接上一个although的连接词。
there are 10,000 known asteroids that are just as big or bigger that could, po
tentially, cause major regional damage
if they ever hit the Earth,
although no
ne of them are tracking this way.
1. 以上分析是对的吗?
2. 连接词前面什麽时候要逗点,什麽时候不用。if前面没逗点,although前面有逗点。
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Eng-Class/M.1650126031.A.033.html
2F:→ dunchee: "连结词"有关)04/17 02:27
3F:→ dunchee: 一个「句子」里头可以包含多个(和不同层次)的「子句」04/17 02:36
4F:→ dunchee: 。这些子句之间是以连接词连起来。你会那样认为的一个可04/17 02:36
5F:→ dunchee: 能性是你过去(比如学校英文课本)所读的通常是只有一个连 04/17 02:37
6F:→ dunchee: 接词(换句话顶多连接两个子句)的简单句子所造成的错觉04/17 02:37
7F:→ dunchee: 1. 大致上yes. 改成这样更好:"...,里面有个if引导的子句04/17 04:27
8F:→ dunchee: (if-clause)"04/17 04:27
9F:→ dunchee: "there are这个 *子句*,後面接上一个although引导的04/17 04:27
10F:→ dunchee: 子句(although-clause)" 04/17 04:27
12F:→ dunchee: 查 if 和 although 然後你自行观察例句。比如if的位置和04/17 04:28
13F:→ dunchee: 逗号的关系。简单说就是这和个别字搭配的用法有关。04/17 04:28
※ 编辑: ghost1006 ( 台湾), 04/17/2022 09:54:13
14F:→ ghost1006: 谢谢dauchee经过你的解释和参考资料,让我对句子与子句 04/17 11:51
15F:→ ghost1006: 更加了解。祝你顺心。 04/17 11:51
16F:推 chiangnitw: 重点是有没有主要子句,不能有两个连接词的原因是会造 04/20 02:41
17F:→ chiangnitw: 成所有子句都变从属。只要主要子句存在,连接词数量 04/20 02:41
18F:→ chiangnitw: 不是问题。 04/20 02:41
19F:→ PPmYeah: if…earth -> 修饰 asteroids; although…this way -> 04/20 12:37
20F:→ PPmYeah: 修饰对象是 NASA says ; 这里的 if 前面如果又逗点,比 04/20 12:37
21F:→ PPmYeah: 较难看出主从结构 04/20 12:37