作者roxetee (MIC)
标题[请益] 克漏字选择
时间Tue Mar 15 12:17:51 2022
A:It's our duty to make sure that the right people get chosen.
I'm not going to pass that up.
B:________ I'm with you on that!
选项:(A) That's correct.
(B) That's interesting.
(C) Neither do I.
(D) Me too.
答案是 (A)
想请问这题选 (D) 是否也可以?
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Eng-Class/M.1647317873.A.DB2.html
※ 编辑: roxetee ( 台湾), 03/15/2022 12:19:26
1F:→ imsphzzz: 这对话听起来超奇怪 03/15 12:50
2F:推 timmy999: me either 03/15 13:20
3F:→ roxetee: 它是一篇对话,我只截取最後想问的po上来 03/15 13:44
4F:→ roxetee: 谢谢版友回覆 03/15 13:45
5F:推 joinbee: me too 好像不能等於 I am agree 05/02 21:55
6F:推 joinbee: 打错了 应该是I agree 才对 05/02 22:27