作者chenzhishun1 (chenzhishun1)
标题Re: [单字] 水果礼盒的英文?
时间Mon Feb 22 15:32:33 2010
※ 引述《lolosu (NOU)》之铭言:
: 如题,水果礼盒的英文该如何写@@
A 水果礼盒 is an Asian invention.
They typically look like the ones on the page:
Some people in the western world would probably choose to
put fruits into baskets rather than into paper boxes.
So I would suggest the term "fruit baskets,"
but then you may protest because they look so different.
See examples in the page below to see what I mean:
Since an object 水果礼盒 is a chinese word referred to a chinese thing,
shouldn't we just call it whatever we feel comfortable?
I don't know... "shie-wa-li-ha"?
cheers ^^
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 robinlee:fruit gift box? 02/22 16:23
2F:→ chenzhishun1:^^ ha i like it !! 02/22 16:51
3F:推 ashurali:Financial Affairs is Everywhere Long(So brilliant :P) 02/22 19:04
4F:推 eggimage:外国的大包礼盒叫gift basket 02/22 19:42
5F:→ chenzhishun1:yeah 财务处处长 XD 02/22 23:16
6F:→ elphie:"a box of fruits as a gift"呢? 可惜是好长一句 听起来又 02/24 01:50
7F:→ elphie:不精致 = = 02/24 01:51