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Slow HDTV sales impacting PlayStation 3 uptake http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/ slow-hdtv-sales-impacting-playstation-3-uptake Slow sales of high-definition television hardware in the US is holding back sales of Sony's PlayStation 3, as consumers feel the effects of the economic slowdown. 消费者对经济衰退的感受使得美国高画质电视市场疲弱也拖累了 PS3 的销售。 That's according to analyst Michael Pachter, who also said that consumers had been opting for cheaper Xbox 360 console deals, rather than the more expensive PlayStation 3 offerings. 这是分析师 Michael Pachter 的见解,他同时也说消费者宁可选择较便宜的 XBOX360 而不选择较昂贵的 PS3 。 "There was likely some substitution of Xbox 360 for PS3 purchases, due to recent price reductions for the Xbox 360 and the bundling of the console with two free games," said the Wedbush Morgan specialist. "XBOX360 成为 PS3 的替代选项看来是有其原因的,因为 360 最近降价以及搭配 两款免费游戏进行同捆销售" Wedbush Morgan 专家如是说。 "In addition, we believe that PS3 sales are being impacted by lower demand for HD televisions as a result of the recession." "此外,我们相信 PS3 的销售也受到经济衰退而高画质电视需求降低的影响" Cumulative US sales of the PlayStation 3 through to November were 6.1 million units, compared to 12.4 million Xbox 360 consoles. PS3 截至十一月为止在美国的销售量是 610 万,而 XBOX360 是 1240 万。 However, Pachter believes that during the first half of 2009, sales for Sony will begin to look up as consumers show interest in exclusive titles and Blu-ray capabilities. 然而,Pachter 相信在 2009 年前半年,随着消费者对独占游戏以及蓝光光碟性能的 兴趣提高,PS3 的销售量将会有所提升 "We believe that several PS3 exclusives, notably LittleBigPlanet, along with focus on the Blu-ray will drive hardware sales over the next six months," he said. 他说 "我们相信几款 PS3 的独占游戏,特别是小小大星球会与受瞩目的蓝光光碟一起 在往後六个月中带动 PS3 的硬体销售。 He also added that he expects December sales for the entire hardware market in the US to show further improvement over last year. 他又补充说他预期今年十二月份美国整体的硬体市场将会比去年更加成长。 "We do not expect the recession to impact videogames in December; rather, we think that as Nintendo increases Wii supply further, Sony markets Blu-ray, and Microsoft rolls out its New Xbox Experience, hardware sales will show year-over-year increases in December." "我们并不觉得经济衰退会影响十二月份的游戏市场;随着任天堂进一步提高 Wii 的 产量ˋ索尼推广蓝光以及微软展示了全新的 XBOX 体验,十二月份的硬体销售将会比 去年同期更多。" -- ▄▄▄▄▄ ▆ ▆▄▄ ╰▊Gatchaman ▏ ▕∵∴∵ Gatchaman▊╯ ▊ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ ▏ ▕∵∴∴ˍˍˍˍˍ ▃▃▃▃ ▏ ▕ “” ══ ═●═●═▏ ▕ ═══════●═●═ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ --

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