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不知道大家读了前头 TIME 报导的那一篇没有?今天在国际先锋论坛 报看到了另一篇关於此事的报导,里头的用字更棒了。真不愧是 IHT 啊,在此附上,并加上一些解说,和大家分享。 这篇真的赞。 我一段一段说,用黄色标示。 ============================================================================== Taiwan reads the election's tea leaves => 中国人想要知道未来的事可能会看井水、看星象,外国人很奇妙,他们会读茶叶 。喝完茶的时候,把茶包撕开,倒出少许茶渣,然後摇一摇看茶叶显示出来的形 状是否有什麽符号之类的,据说可以预测未来。(有点像是乐透求明牌...XD) 用法是 read the tea leaves,这里的 read the election's tea leaves 便是 从上星期六的选举结果 (<=茶渣...XD) 解读台湾的未来。 这个用法挺鲜的。 Philip Bowring TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2005 HONG KONG The result of Taiwan' s election on Saturday has put into perspective the cross-strait hype and hoopla of the previous two weeks. The opposition leaders Lien Chan and James Soong had been feted on the mainland, and visions of imminent cross- strait rapprochement were conjured up, not least by Beijing- based foreign news media. => put ... into perspective 表示透视了...,主词在後头的 the cross-strait hype and hoopla...,hype 是喧闹的刻意的宣传,hoopla 是投篮游戏,合起来 就是表示沸沸扬扬的大肆宣传。fete 是盛大款待的意思,这里是被动用法。 imminent 是即将来临的。rapprochement 是好字,来自法文,表示国与国之间 的 (<-此字暗示了什麽...XD) 友好关系。conjure up 这个片语是呈现的意思。 => 连宋访问大陆结束後,有两岸回归友好关系的趋向。 Despite the excitement and media attention at home and abroad, Taiwanese in the end seem largely unmoved. The polls for the National Assembly showed no significant discernible shift in the political balance within Taiwan itself. If anything, the visits may have increased adherence to the extremes of pro- and anti-unification forces, and reduced the middle ground occupied by a majority of Taiwanese. => at home 这里是指在国内,at home and abroad 就是国内外。unmoved 我翻做 不为所动,挺有趣的。discern 是分辨,discernible 是可分辨的。adhere to 表示拥护、支持,adherence to 是名词形式。 => 但选举结果表示,台湾人民大部分不为所动。不过,却增强了拥统和拥独的力 量,忽视了绝大部分持中间立场的人民看法。 Admittedly, the polling significance of the election was reduced by the low turnout. The two major parties are agreed on the main job of the National Assembly - to change the Constitution and voting system and vote for its own abolition, leaving power with the Legislative Assembly and the directly elected president. Bad weather also influenced the turnout. => turnout 投票率,出席率也是这个字。abolition 是废除的名词,动词是 abolish。Legislative Assembly 是指立法院,不过如果作者够细腻的话 ,用 Legislative Yuan 会更地道。 => 由上面这段看来,部份阿朵仔可能比许多台湾的选民对投票的内容更加清楚 呢...@@ Nonetheless the result must be judged as the first formal reaction by voters to the Lien and Soong visits. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of President Chen Shui-bian performed rather better than had been expected, with 42.5 percent of the vote. Add in the 7 percent of the fiercely pro- independence Taiwan Solidarity Union and the forces most skeptical of Beijing appeared in a small majority. Against that, Lien's Kuomintang mustered 38.9 percent and Soong's People First Party a mere 6.1 percent. Assorted independents got 5.4 percent. => 注意好文章的动词是怎麽用的。muster 表示总数达...。assorted 表示混杂 的,作者把四大政党以外的等其他小党和联盟都算成无党籍人士了,这里不 太对,我们仅代表新党、中国民众党、农民党等小党向 IHT 提出严正抗议... XD Though the People First Party may also have suffered from its opposition to constitutional changes that will work against small parties, Soong's poor showing could be seen as especially significant. The mainland-born populist and longtime presidential aspirant had just returned from a meeting with President Hu Jintao of China. The two claimed to have brokered a new deal using the catchphrase "Two Sides, One China," with an agenda for direct transport links and a free-trade deal between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. They backed a return to the so-called 1992 consensus on acceptance of the One China principle, the interpretation of which is more important than the phrase itself. Chen was quick to reject this so-called " breakthrough." => populist 指平民主义者,和一般民众贴近的人。在我看来,这个字用的很妙 ,'亲民党' 的 '亲民' 不就是 populist 的味道吗。aspirant 指的是有企图 追求某物的人,这个字很棒。写作的时候,常常我们用了好多字想表达的,人 家一个字就把所有意思讲完了。   broker 是经纪人、代理人,这里用动词表示以中间人的身分谈判出...。 catchphrase 就是标语。'Two Sides, One China' 叫 '两岸一中','1992 consensus' 叫 '九二共识',相信大家都很熟悉了。 On his visit to the mainland, Soong had been more effusive than Lien in emphasizing the ethnic brotherhood across the strait. This may also have reminded voters that most of them are descended from people who migrated ( illegally) from the mainland generations ago and did not retain the same ties as those who arrived when the Kuomintang was defeated on the mainland in 1949. => effusive 是过度热情的。ethnic brotherhood 表示民族的兄弟之情 (<-炎黄 子孙不忘本,两岸兄弟一家亲...XD) 从後面几句话看来,这个作者显然有听宋楚瑜在北京清大的演讲...XD The strong DPP showing also came in the face of widespread opinion that President Chen had badly mishandled the Lien and Soong visits, flip-flopping between lukewarm endorsements of their intent to ease cross-strait tensions and criticism of their pronouncements on the mainland. Chen had himself used Soong to send a private message to Hu. => flip-flop 是摇摆不定,之前谈到美国总统的媒体称号,对於我们的总统我就 很想推这个--The Flip-flopper...XD。lukewarm 是温和的,温水就是 lukewarm water,endorsement 是赞同、支持,代言也可以用这个字。 Chen's ambivalence reflected the difficulty any Taiwan president has in maintaining the middle ground of politics while not alienating his core support. Although Chen was much criticized by pro-independence groups within the DPP, the election suggests that core support for the party did not erode. On the other hand, Lien and Soong may have to note that playing to the mainland and international galleries is not a big vote winner at home. However much a majority favors trade, peace and the status quo, the concept of Taiwanese identity (not necessarily synonymous with independence) runs as strongly through local veins as their mainland birth runs through those of Lien and Soong. => ambivalence 是犹豫不决的意思。alienate 是疏远,等同於 estrange。 erode 於此,我翻作背离。play to the galleries 又是一个片语,表示迎合 ...的趣味,通常带有贬意。at home 同样是国内的意思。 最後一句,是作者的主观看法。However much ... = No matter how much ... the status quo 是现状。Taiwanese identity 台湾意识,'台湾意识不等同 於台独' 这也是宋楚瑜在清大演讲特别强调的 (<-更加证明作者有收看...XD) vein 是静脉,这里指的就是血液。最後一句写的很棒。 ============================================================================== 对於国外的报纸,想学口语的话,可以看 USA Today,想学一流用字的 话,New York Times, The Washington Post, The International Tribune 都是非常棒的选择。 不过在台湾,上面几份报纸都是贵死人不偿命,穷学生还是看网站就好 ^^ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 PINGU:...also for the sake of cut-and-paste. XD 05/18
2F:推 PINGU:Can you tell us this article's URL? 05/18
3F:推 sovereignty:http://tinyurl.com/angpu 05/18
4F:推 PINGU:Thank you for sharing. 05/18
5F:推 sovereignty:^^ 05/18
6F:推 maxisam:推 !!!!!!!!!! 05/18
7F:推 tinsly:推推推~~ 05/18
8F:推 vancegap:great article, thanks for sharing... 05/18
9F:推 smartia:Could i forward this article to my personal 05/18
10F:→ smartia:board? ^^ 05/18
11F:推 sovereignty:Of course^^ Just help yourself. 05/18
12F:推 thevias:national assembly是立法院?? 05/18
13F:推 aswing:是国民大会 05/18
14F:推 sovereignty:National Assembly 是国民大会没错啊,请见 05/18
15F:推 sovereignty:我之前 po 的 N/A vs. NA 那篇,这里作者写 05/18
16F:推 sovereignty:的是 Legislative Assembly,是指立法院哦。 05/18
17F:推 sovereignty:哦哦,我发现了,是我笔误了...@@ 05/18
※ 编辑: sovereignty 来自: (05/18 23:03)
18F:推 sonofbeach:版主~~请给个m~~ 05/19
19F:推 sovereignty:As you wish...^^ 05/21
20F:推 fruitgood:推 06/16

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