Emulator 板


https://github.com/Vita3K/Vita3K-Android/releases/ You may need to clear your shader cache when switching back and forth between dr ivers Installing some games can take a while as they need to be decrypted. Please do n ot close the application while an application is installing. Backscreen touch is not supported yet. If a game requires it, a workaround for m any of them is to enable PS TV mode (Settings -> System) If the text you entered on the virtual keyboard does not show up, click on it on the keyboard suggestion. Vita3K is still an experimental emulator and this is the first release so don't be surprised if the emulator crashes when trying some games. It will only improv e over time. The apk and its updates will be available below this message in thi s channel. Minimum requirements: - ARM64 device with - Vulkan 1.0 support - Android 7+ (Note: if your device supports Vulkan 1.0, then it is running at le ast Android 7) Recommended requirements: - To be updated (but if your device only has the minimum requirements, don't exp ect to be able to run anything more than some homebrews / 2D games) The Android version will not be open source for at least a few months. This mean s that nobody else is able to build / modify it. If you were to install a versio n that is not an apk downloaded from this channel, you'll get nothing out of it except possibly a virus. The android version supports custom drivers for Adreno devices. If you have an A dreno 6xx GPU, it is recommended to use Turnip drivers to get a big speed increa se. Vita3K is compatible with adpkg drivers. 如果有关注skyline模拟器的话 高通的驱动可以去那边载 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Emulator/M.1676213652.A.BE0.html
1F:→ BadGame: 对岸的测试讨论 天玑用公版GPU mali 目前不用调反而流畅 02/13 12:40
2F:→ BadGame: 但是作者开发环境是用 骁龙870 02/13 12:41
3F:→ BadGame: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13s4y1a776 s870测试 02/13 12:41
4F:→ BadGame: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1HM411P7eC D8000 02/13 12:42
5F:→ a760981: 这个才刚出来还有得等优化 目前只有魔龙宝冠可以顺畅玩 02/13 13:59
6F:→ a760981: *手边上 还有胧村正 02/13 14:00
7F:→ a760981: 反而奥丁领域不管什麽版本要嘛黑影要嘛闪退 02/13 14:02
8F:→ pttpu: 喔~原来有可以顺玩的游戏了 02/13 21:32
9F:→ pttpu: 以为还在魔术方块阶段 02/13 21:32
10F:→ a760981: 官方有兼容表 可以参考看看 02/14 02:47
11F:→ RozenMaiden: 看日本乡民讨论 机战V除了人物头像会黑 执行大致没 02/14 04:01
12F:→ RozenMaiden: 问题 日式AVG除了一些小bug大多都能玩 02/14 04:01
13F:→ kenryu: 会挑cpu吗 02/17 14:09
14F:推 ceming: 原来有东西可以玩了 我真的以为还在方块测试阶段 02/17 14:11
15F:→ ceming: 当初citra也是这样状况然後发展成现在的样子 就剩下期待吧 02/17 14:12
16F:→ a760981: 目前天玑处理器优化的还不错 反而这次高通处理器变成受害 02/17 16:27
17F:→ a760981: 者 ww 只能等优化 02/17 16:27
18F:推 ceming: 用865的我终於有理由可以换手机了(? 02/17 20:07
19F:→ a760981: 要换的话建议就直接8G2了 02/18 19:18
20F:推 wanggavin: 我记得这个windows还不太能用不是?怎麽安卓看起来可 02/19 09:20
21F:→ wanggavin: 以了@@ 02/19 09:20
22F:→ a760981: PC版看你是玩什麽的 作者自己有说两版本会同步开发 02/20 02:58
23F:→ a760981: 然後PSV本体架构其实跟手机有87%像了 02/20 02:59
24F:推 zebra79979: 测试p4g中文版,到一开始主人公输入大名的地方就不能 03/09 02:32
25F:→ zebra79979: 继续执行下去了 03/09 02:32
26F:→ zebra79979: 跟我用高通s870有关系吗? 03/09 02:33

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