作者MRZ (台大历史系教授......Orz)
标题Re: [空想] 干麻一直满嘴氢弹核弹的
时间Sun Apr 29 16:44:35 2007
※ 引述《goetz (虽九死其犹未悔)》之铭言:
: 不过说到这,我忽然间有一个很大的疑问:
: 美军丢在广岛的原子弹是刻意要杀伤平民的吧?
: 要不然,为什麽不把原子弹直接丢在第二总军军部的头上?
: 以战略效果而言,把火田俊六变成飞灰和把广岛市变飞灰,哪个比较好呢?
: 这点请教一下...
From " Atomic Bomb: Decision — Target Committee, May 10–11, 1945.
Retrieved on August 6, 2005."
The Target Committee at Los Alamos on May 10–11, 1945,
recommended Kyoto, Hiroshima, Yokohama, and the arsenal
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at Kokura as possible targets. The committee rejected the
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use of the weapon against a strictly military objective
because of the chance of missing a small target not surrounded
by a larger urban area. The psychological effects on Japan were
of great importance to the committee members. They also agreed
that the initial use of the weapon should be sufficiently
spectacular for its importance to be internationally recognized.
The committee felt Kyoto, as an intellectual center of Japan,
had a population "better able to appreciate the significance
of the weapon." Hiroshima was chosen because of its large size,
its being "an important army depot" and the potential that the
bomb would cause greater destruction because the city was
surrounded by hills which would have a "focusing effect".
时没有smart bomb,那麽老百姓就只好倒楣.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 slcgboy:到不是 是丢到天皇 日本人真的会跟你战到最後一人= = 04/29 16:53
2F:→ slcgboy:既然丢不准= = 那不如换个安全又高CP值得地方 04/29 16:53
3F:→ slcgboy:丢错就真的打不完 还得打登陆战 想想 这消耗太大了!!! 04/29 16:54
4F:推 ThomasJP:其实根本不需要登陆...摆着到柏林危机之前日本就灭国了 04/29 19:00
5F:推 paulyung:反对京都是一个美军准将,战前去过京都,认为京都文化应 04/30 12:40
6F:→ paulyung:该保存而反对。 04/30 12:41
7F:推 Transfinite:这就叫伪善吗-_- 04/30 17:42
8F:推 MRZ:怎麽会是伪善?保存人家的古蹟文化叫做伪善,那我还真支持这种人 04/30 18:51
9F:推 Caesar0712:不是梁思成建议不要丢京都的吗? 06/06 03:11