DragonQuest 板


(到城外逛了逛,也跟怪物们交手了几回,夜深了,回到Oracleberry) 酒保: Customers nowadays… all they do is complain! 兔女郎: Why hello there, handsome. Stay as long as you like… 酒店里防具店老板: Me? I may only own one tiny little armor shop, but my dream is to one day own a huge enterprise… To do that, I need to go to this castle said to exist to the North and take tons and tons of orders… But my darn wife… She won’t let me go! Dammit! *hick* … 酒店里老人: This store brews great ale, but the food is disgusting! See? Try some! What? It was good?! That’s unbelievable… what have your parents been feeding you? 妇女: A family, huh? Now that’s a good life… 小孩: Alright! Next time no one will ever find me! *mumble mumble* 防具店二楼老板娘: Recently, my children have been playing on the outskirts of the town… I’m so worried. I hope that the world will someday be peaceful enough that they can at least go outside. 赌场前男子: Woo! Today I won me a small fortune! Yep, you gotta live on the edge, but know when to quit when ya gamble. 旅馆老板: Oh dear… you look so tired. But I guarantee that a night here will make you feel 100 times better! (接下来与日间对话同) (小心!睡一觉就会变白天了) 旅馆楼上商人: According to rimor, there is a King somewhere that collects small medals. When you bring medals to this King, it’s said that he will exchange them for various items. If you find a medal, don’t throw it away, but keep it, or store it away in the Depository. 旅馆二楼浴室内女子: Aiee!! Pervert!! What do you think you’re doing, peeking at a girl after her bath?! You’re just lucky that I was already dressed… (O.S. 为什麽这是lucky??) 旅馆二楼士兵: You little monkey, that was my wife you just barged in on! I think you’d better leave… 屋内妇人: My grandpa is at that tavern again… *sigh* What to do with him… 预言家: I am a fortune teller… Would you like for me to peer into your future…? (No) So… Well, I suppose it’s better this way. Obviously you place no trust in the fates… (Yes) Very well. Since you’re so handsome, I’ll tell your fortune for free! Let’s see… you are… looking for someone… and that person… a woman most dear to you… But you are confused… for you do not know whether she lives or not… But take heart, for she lives! And she too anxiously awaits the day that you two can come face to face You must first go North. There you will find a place to this puzzle… 预言家的孙子: You have business with my Grandma? Well, she’s busy telling fortunes somewhere here in town… 後面草地上诗人: I heard this rumor that, someplace, they’re building a country of light where everyone can live happily. If it’s true, I’d like to go there one day… 左上商店: Are you travelers? Then you’ll need to buy a caravan! You can have more party members this way! Normally, I’d sell her for 3000 gold… but for you… how about 300 gold? (No) Thanks! Come again! (Yes) Alright! It’s a done deal! I’ll leave the caravan outside the city… good luck now! (到了镇外,果然看到了马车) (也不管时间多晚了,归心似箭的Henry赶忙往回城的路走去) 隘口内士兵: East of here lies the country of Reinhart! Under order of the Queen, I cannot let anyone pass without the proper papers! Henry: -- Henry心中自然是焦急又无奈 家 明明近在咫尺 却归不得 如果才能让城堡里的人知道 Prince Henry回来了呢? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 reallurker:接下来就是令人怵目惊心的归乡之旅.... 12/08 01:35
2F:→ superpigpig:谢谢r版友每次对我的支持 :) 12/08 07:46
3F:推 reallurker:用心文当然要一直推下去~~ 12/08 10:13
4F:推 johnson0625:加油喔 支持 12/08 19:52

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