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※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1LvFSMR6 ] 作者: qn123456 (Q.N.) 看板: Gossiping 标题: [新闻] 欧巴马将参加《荒野求生全明星》 时间: Tue Sep 1 08:53:25 2015 美国总统巴拉克˙欧巴马(Barack Obama)目前正在阿拉斯加进行为期3天的全球暖化视 察,在此行中,他也将作为第一位参加《荒野求生全明星》的总统,与贝尔˙吉罗斯( Bear Grylls)一同挑战荒野求生。 1.媒体来源: BBC 2.完整新闻标题: Barack Obama to test survivor skills on Bear Grylls show 3.完整新闻内文 US President Barack Obama will trek through the wilderness in Alaska this week with British TV adventurer Bear Grylls, the NBC channel has announced. He is due to tape an episode of Running Wild with Bear Grylls to observe the effects of climate change on the area, it said. He is the first president to appear on the show, to be aired later this year. President Obama is on a three-day tour of Alaska aimed at highlighting the pace of climate change. It is part of his administration's efforts to build support for new legislation significantly capping carbon dioxide emissions from power plants in the US, as well as raise attention to the ways climate change has damaged Alaska's natural landscape. Mr Obama follows several other high profile figures, including actresses Kate Winslet and Kate Hudson, who have tested their survival skills on the show. Bear Grylls - a former British special forces soldier - puts celebrities through their paces in remote forests and mountains across the world, "pushing their minds and bodies to the limit to complete their journeys". This week Mr Obama will become the first sitting US president to visit the Alaskan Arctic, where he is due to address foreign ministers from Arctic nations at a conference on climate change. He is also scheduled to visit glaciers and meet fishermen and native leaders to discuss rising sea levels, shrinking glaciers and melting permafrost in the sparsely populated US state. Before he departed for Alaska, President Obama announced he was changing the name of Mount McKinley, the tallest mountain in North America, to its original native Alaskan, Denali. Earlier this month, the president unveiled plans to cut greenhouse gas emission s from US power stations by nearly a third within 15 years. 4.完整新闻连结 (或短网址): 5.备注: 嘎崩脆,鸡肉味 -- [讨论]买票进电影院看.却发现是大烂片时.. #1KQTylTU(movie)
1F:→ webster1112: 跟女朋友去发生这种事 我绝对是二话不说直接开干了11/17 20:18
2F:推 fatotaku: 楼上那样算妨碍风化吧......11/17 20:19
3F:→ webster1112: 我是说大声骂出来11/17 20:20

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址:
4F:推 frf2pujols17: 美国马英九 09/01 08:54
5F:→ kutkin: 希望他参加谁是接班人 09/01 08:54
6F:→ gay7788: 特勤都部署好了,求死都比求生难了 09/01 08:54
7F:→ yafx4200p: 让他挖骆驼内脏取水 09/01 08:54
8F:推 uhmeiouramu: 会裸体吗? 09/01 08:55
9F:推 yyc1217: 想看他喝尿吃虫 09/01 08:55
10F:推 ji394su33000: 我看他会被罩得死死的 09/01 08:55
11F:推 Roobamm: 要喝贝尔的尿吗wwww 09/01 08:55
12F:→ godbar: 干 贝尔会被他吃掉吗 09/01 08:56
13F:推 bg00004: 死不了..附近一堆特勤XDDDD 09/01 08:56
14F:推 tomdeng5566: 跟普丁一起好了 09/01 08:56
15F:推 ls4860: 最累的不会是他… 09/01 08:56
16F:推 mengjertsai: 其实这是USSS的野外求生训练吧 09/01 08:56
17F:推 kawazakiz2: 拿天蚕王给他吃 09/01 08:57
18F:推 yaya: 马英九吃屎 09/01 08:57
19F:推 dunhiller: 请他吃熊大便里的莓果 09/01 08:57
20F:→ mengjertsai: 如果是台湾的话.......... 09/01 08:58
21F:推 aq10203040: 须要全裸吗 09/01 08:59
22F:推 kawazakiz2: 搞不好他会带十个一样名叫欧巴马的特种部队 09/01 09:00
23F:推 Philethan: 推推!希望大家关注气候变迁问题! 09/01 09:00
24F:→ kawazakiz2: 跳崖吃虫都叫他们去,自己坐在旁边的躺椅 09/01 09:00
25F:推 demonlogy: 做秀的最高境界 09/01 09:00
26F:推 bee12: 要喝尿了 09/01 09:01
27F:推 peter080808: 镜头後方是上百名持枪特勤 09/01 09:01
28F:推 william0607: 直升机空降卖当当 09/01 09:02
29F:推 godbar: 方圆五百公里全都被监控 每两公尺一特勤 远方还有狙击手 09/01 09:04
30F:→ wasijohn: 真的假的 XD 09/01 09:04
31F:推 jun1981: 作秀王 09/01 09:04
32F:推 bluway369: 部署特勤已经把野兽都清光了 放几只兔子进去就好 09/01 09:05
33F:推 joety1103: 这边有只奄奄一息的和牛 09/01 09:06
34F:推 milker: 作秀最会.....但大家都吃这套 09/01 09:06
35F:→ joety1103: 开始五分钟: 我们找到水源了 09/01 09:06
36F:推 huani: 还蛮想看的 09/01 09:06
37F:推 bill6613: 整个空域都封锁,卫星直接定位欧巴马,特勤人员扮成树 09/01 09:07
38F:推 F0314: 到时贝尔会利用野外食材做出牛排给欧巴马吃 09/01 09:07
39F:推 Comebuy: ..... 09/01 09:07
40F:推 kd1523: 负责聊天打屁 09/01 09:07
41F:推 tsubasawolfy: 这集收视率会创纪录 不过贝爷会累死 09/01 09:08
42F:→ bill6613: 木什麽的,然後海豹,三角洲都清光所有野兽 09/01 09:08
43F:推 gsuper: XD 假的吧 09/01 09:08
44F:推 victoryman: 节目变成 找找CIA在哪里? 09/01 09:08
45F:推 joety1103: 这边有块天然的岩盐 09/01 09:09
46F:推 yoshro: 特勤是会让他出事吗..... 太假了 09/01 09:09
47F:嘘 hushiang: 红明显,当他们遇到野生动物准备要抓,下一秒一看已经 09/01 09:09
48F:推 bee12: 刚好贝尔猎到火鸡、野牛、野猪 还有乾净的泉水从旁边流过 09/01 09:09
49F:→ hushiang: 变成烤肋排了 09/01 09:09
50F:→ hushiang: 贝尔设陷阱,隔天发现陷阱里面是起司堡和杯子蛋糕 09/01 09:10
51F:→ triplee: 摄影镜头外全是随扈跟FBI 09/01 09:10
52F:→ bee12: 野生的麦子 做成啤酒给总统喝 09/01 09:11
53F:推 jovialguy: 想看两人好酸爽 呵呵 09/01 09:11
54F:推 kungen: 和牛XDDD 09/01 09:11
55F:推 F0314: 贝尔: 我从土里挖出野生的1975年红酒 09/01 09:11
56F:推 tonyhom: 总统渴了吗?来杯阿拉斯加天然雪泉水吧 09/01 09:11
57F:推 kawazakiz2: 晚上要睡觉在树林里发现一间豪华饭店也是情有可原 09/01 09:12
58F:推 flare5566: 在荒郊野外跟普丁碰上怎麽办 09/01 09:12
59F:推 danel801003: 求喝尿跟吃虫WWWWWWWWW 09/01 09:12
60F:推 mengjertsai: 月工月工女子 09/01 09:12
61F:→ qn123456: 推文害我笑到肚子好痛 09/01 09:16
62F:推 sixteen: 推文超好笑xddddd 09/01 09:16
63F:推 Moratti: 不会死吗 09/01 09:17
64F:→ Moratti: 可以参加BB吗 09/01 09:17
65F:推 gn01914120: 没东西吃 特勤去抓 抓不到自尽献总统 09/01 09:18
66F:推 yu0117: 反观XD 09/01 09:19
67F:推 j68345517: 喝尿吧! 09/01 09:19
68F:推 eqmblcor: 反观马英九做秀只会露奶 09/01 09:20

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
※ 转录者: qn123456 (, 09/01/2015 09:20:36
69F:推 Ciokk : 那这集肯定是百分之百做假的 09/01 10:14
70F:推 xtt : 八卦板的推文 XD 看来爱看求生节目的人还不少~ 贝 09/01 16:52
71F:→ xtt : 尔:总统小心那里有一只危险的北美棕熊! 然後下一 09/01 16:52
72F:→ xtt : 秒就被狙击手击毙了… 09/01 16:52
73F:推 Yyyyyy : 为啥不请川普上?一定很有话题 09/03 16:26
74F:→ Pietro : 他会被野生的拉美裔击毙 09/03 23:10
75F:推 caeasonfb : 想看普丁vs欧巴马 09/04 12:43

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