DiscoveryNGC 板


(CNN) -- "Sons of Guns" star Will Hayden lost his reality show, his company and his freedom when he was arrested Wednesday on rape charges. Hayden was booked on an aggravated rape charge at Louisiana's East Baton Rouge Parish jail on Wednesday, pending $200,000 bail, according to jail records. The arrest comes two weeks after Hayden was released on a $150,000 bond after his arrest on charges of child molestation and a crime against nature, according to Casey Rayborn Hicks, public information director of the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office. Because of the nature of the arrest, further details on the charges have been sealed by court order. The Discovery Channel, which did not comment on the first arrest on August 13, immediately canceled Hayden's show when news of Wednesday's arrest broke. "Given the serious and horrific nature of the charges against Will Hayden, we have decided to halt further production of 'Sons of Guns' and cancel the series," the channel's statement said. The show is based on Red Jacket Firearms, a custom weapons company Hayden founded and ran in Louisiana. The show ended its fifth season in May. The gun company posted a statement on its website Wednesday saying it has "initiated and received full legal separation as an entity" from Hayden: "With heavy hearts, we will be continuing to operate and ensure the fulfillment of new customer orders, back orders and to provide support to those affected by these new developments. WE are the Heart and Soul of Red Jacket and will remain steadfast in our commitment to quality and our customers, for years to come." Hayden's lawyer did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment on the case. 简短来说 万能改枪手因为红夹克的老板涉及与未成年相关的性犯罪所以节目被砍了 英WIKI也更新了 "The show was canceled after five seasons on August 27, 2014 due to child molestation charges against Will Hayden. Shortly thereafter the show's entire web presence, both on the Discovery Channel's website and on social media, was entirely removed." -- ┌─────┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬───┬───┐ │ 人种\行为│在家│微笑│留须│搭讪│看书│搭肩│运动│睡着│耍温柔│装豪迈│ │ 歪果仁 │ 帅 │ 帅 │ 帅 │ 帅 │ 帅 │ 帅 │ 帅 │ 帅 │ 帅 │ 帅 │ │ 帅哥 │孝顺│阳光│有型│开心│斯文│害羞│活力│可爱│ 体贴 │男人味│ │ 丑男 │无聊│变态│邋遢│报警│ 蠢 │骚扰│减肥│懒惰│娘娘腔│ 粗汉 │ │ 宅男 │ 宅 │ 宅 │ 宅 │ 宅 │ 宅 │ 宅 │ 宅 │ 宅 │ 宅 │ 宅 │ --

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1F:推 westgatepark: 啧啧啧 很久以前就不太喜欢这家子了 08/29 20:04
2F:推 xtt : 好险不喜欢这节目和这家子+1 看中文WIKI上的资讯, 08/29 23:13
3F:→ xtt : 是说 "先前因对12岁女儿毛手毛脚被捕,昨又爆出女儿 08/29 23:15
4F:→ xtt : 哭诉狼父性侵她长达一年" 也就是除了节目上那个女儿 08/29 23:16
5F:→ xtt : ,他还有其他女儿? 因为很少追这节目,所以也不清楚 08/29 23:18
6F:→ SnowMann : 啊? 跟吉米萨维尔一样让人跌破眼镜 08/30 22:11
7F:推 SnowMann : 只不过这还是片面之词,还未有他人说法 08/31 13:06
8F:推 SnowMann : 这小女儿应是威尔交往对象的拖油瓶,不然大女儿怎 08/31 13:12
9F:→ SnowMann : 不知威尔性向与行为? 08/31 13:15
10F:→ SnowMann : 红夹克网站声明 08/31 19:20
11F:→ SnowMann : Joseph现在是老板了 08/31 19:21
12F:→ huangfly : 自从这家伙会为了女儿的菜鸟男友而把资深员工逼走 09/01 23:21
13F:→ huangfly : 就知道这家伙没救了 从此以後弃追此系列 09/01 23:21
我对军火枪械系列本来就不是很喜欢...这节目看过後更是直接列入秒转名单-_- ※ 编辑: sakubo (, 09/02/2014 15:19:32
14F:→ SnowMann : 不知道会不会跟妈妈嘴那案件一样峰回路转 09/02 23:27
15F:→ SnowMann : 警方去年在那案里放了很多假消息给媒体想引蛇出洞 09/02 23:30
16F:→ SnowMann : 最後不在场证明全部找到而让供词中的嫌犯获释 09/02 23:30
17F:推 LIRCHEN : 最新消息是大女儿也站出来指控小时候被狼父性侵 09/09 23:40
18F:推 xtt : 请问大女儿就是节目上那位吗? 09/10 12:26
19F:推 LIRCHEN : 是的 正是Stephanie 09/10 21:28
20F:推 bearland : 连大女儿都惨遭毒手,电视上看不出异状,她忍了真久 09/11 00:00
21F:→ SnowMann : 说真的,女性面对这种 09/12 21:41
22F:→ SnowMann : 事情不说出来而是隐忍,其实是最傻的 09/12 21:41
23F:→ xtt : 不过说真的小朋友一定会害怕,或是似懂非懂,尤其面对 09/13 01:06
24F:→ xtt : 的是自己原本应该最信赖的父亲..只希望欺负小孩的人 09/13 01:07
25F:→ xtt : 都能下地狱~ 09/13 01:08
26F:推 APM99 : 不意外 09/13 02:11
27F:推 SnowMann : 我是挺难懂Will的家人 09/14 21:55
28F:→ SnowMann : 是怎麽想的,Will不只一次犯罪,还扩及亲友,却没有 09/14 21:56
29F:→ SnowMann : 一个人,包刮Stephanie都不去寻求协助,坐视Will胡 09/14 21:56
30F:→ SnowMann : 做非为,因为家里没有其他男性,如儿子可以打老爸? 09/14 21:57
31F:→ SnowMann : Will如果生个儿子,儿子叛逆期看Will这样绝对杠到底 09/14 21:58
32F:→ SnowMann : 如果要说,Will的妻子跟亲友都反而在保护Will 09/14 21:59
33F:→ SnowMann : 只有这个小女儿愿意举报他 09/14 22:00
34F:推 APM99 : 正常 09/15 23:44
35F:→ APM99 : 愿意举报是勇敢且难得的 目前这世上是少数 09/15 23:44

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