CMWang 板


NEW YORK -- Before Alex Rodriguez's liberating walk-off home run made the rest of Wednesday's game seem obsolete, there was Yankees starter Chien-Ming Wang. 虽然在$-ROD的两分逆转全垒打让前几局的洋基比赛都相形失色,小王还是有八局好投! While Rodriguez's day ended with his team waiting to pounce on him at home plate, Wang's day was rather businesslike. You know, just eight innings of two-run ball. That's all. 所有洋基队员都待在本垒板准备给击出walkoff HR的$-ROD一顿拳头之时,小王的上场 就像是上班一样。ya,you know,baby.就是八局失两分。 The thing is, that kind of start has become almost ordinary from Wang. 这样子的先发内容几乎已成为小王的「常态」了 "You have to keep reminding yourself how old he is," manager Joe Torre said. "You send him out there and expect something like this, and it doesn't surprise you when he does it. But it's unfair to keep expecting that from him, even though he's certainly been capable of it." 「你必须要不断提醒自己他几乎是个老鸟了,」Torre这麽说,「当你排他作先发,你就 已经有底了,他有这样的稳定的表现并不令人意外。即使他表现这麽优秀到已经可以得 到这样的评论,但对於一个二年级生来说对他有这麽高的期望真的很不公平。」 Wang got a no-decision against John Smoltz and the Braves, but he has a 3-1 record and 2.48 ERA in his past five starts, all of which he has gone at least seven innings. He is now 9-3 with a 4.01 ERA on the season. 小王无惧CY名投Smoltz和国联名门勇士队,因为他最近的五场先发是三胜一败, ERA只有2.48,而且都至少丢七局。今天投完是的战绩是九胜三败和4.01的ERA Following Wang's previous start, catcher Jorge Posada said Wang's stuff is the best on the staff. After catching Wang for seven innings Wednesday, Kelly Stinnett is becoming a believer. 吼嘿现在是滚地球王子的信徒,而今天又多了一个新会员,就是Kelly Stinnett "He's up there. He's close to Mariano," Stinnett said. "When you throw 96-97 and have movement like he does -- and you put it over the plate -- that's pretty special." 「他的等级几乎和MO差不多了,」Stinnett如是说。「当你有96-97mile和恶心的尾劲时 而且把他放在投手板投球,这一切都会变的很特别。」 Wang allowed one hit through the first three innings. He first got into trouble in the fourth inning when Edgar Renteria smacked a leadoff double. Chipper Jones then grounded out before Andruw Jones pushed across the game's first run with a double of his own. 小王在前三局被打一支安打。他第一次有了麻烦是在四局被Renteria敲一支leadoff的 二安。便宜琼斯打一支内野鸟滚出局,接着安卓琼斯又一支二安而失了一分 But as usual, Wang settled down. He got each of the next two hitters to hit the ball into the ground, limiting the damage and escaping the inning. 但是就和以前一样,小王又稳了下来。让再接下来的两个无名小卒打出鸟滚而出局, 让伤害降到最低。 Of the 24 outs Wang recorded, 17 were the result of groundouts. He got Jeff Francoeur to ground out with men on first and third in the sixth to limit any damage after two consecutive singles put the Braves up 2-0. 在24个出局数中,小王有17个滚球out。他在一三垒有人的情况下让Jeff Francoeur打了 滚地球出局,把连续两支一安的失血止住。 "The biggest thing with him is you don't have to panic," Stinnett said. "You don't have to trick anybody. It's just, 'Here, see it and hit it.' ... So what if he gives up a hit or two or he has a pitch count up? You know that one pitch is there." ……(这段我看不太懂 有请神人) The pitch Stinnett is referring to is Wang's sinker, which comes in around 90 mph and makes hitters routinely bounce into inning-ending double plays. 上面Stinnett说的投球就是指小王的伸卡,而这90mile左右的伸卡常常让打者打出DP 而结束有失分危机的半局 In the eighth inning, Renteria hit one hard back at Wang. The ball bounced off his glove and Wang scampered off the mound to get his man. They couldn't knock him out. Wang was going to leave on his watch. 八局上,Renteria的投手前强袭球打中了小王。但小王还是奋勇的冲下投手丘完成了出局 "It doesn't seem like anything fazes him," said Stinnett, who fields most of the questions for his Taiwanese pitcher. "He's pretty cool out there." 「好像不会有什麽鸟事会影响他,」Stinnett说,「他看起来好酷喔!>////<」 So cool that after Wednesday's game, Wang's line was just a mere notch on his stellar sophomore 星期三的漂亮出击,让小王的等级又提升一级了…… -- 洋基首页文章全部都是$-rod,小王只有一句话,但是再前一篇文章就是上面这篇啦 这篇文章比较简单,我第一次试着翻翻看。请只叫。 没办法像有些比较高段的版友翻的很有趣,我只能依字面翻 请见谅 还有 能不能不要有波文限制啊 我实在是不想用这个帐号…… --

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◆ From:
1F:推 yuliyeah:有看有推 06/29 09:37
2F:推 jlu:推一个...不过多数神人被发文限制限制住了 06/29 09:39
3F:推 abardoo:you put it over the plate是说把 06/29 09:40
4F:推 wadelan:推!! 06/29 09:41
5F:推 a10141013:发言限制会减少很多好文章 翻译 06/29 09:43
6F:推 tachiana:over the plate应该是通过本垒板 06/29 09:44
7F:推 abardoo:是说把球投往本垒板还是把手套摆在本垒板上?那it指啥? 06/29 09:44
8F:推 tachiana:it就是那颗恶心的球 06/29 09:46
9F:推 ss19: 他看起来好酷喔!>////< 06/29 09:47
10F:推 cplinn:no-decision 应该是说无关胜负 06/29 09:52
11F:推 hydist:HOW OLD HE IS不是在说王是老鸟 06/29 09:59
12F:→ hydist:那句话是说"你必须不断提醒自己他才多年轻"(大概XD) 06/29 10:00
13F:推 selmer:翻得很不错!!少数文意有出入不过很有趣! 06/29 10:02
14F:推 datoan:便宜琼斯~~~~XD 06/29 10:41
15F:推 dduionomo:再加油~有些地方翻错 06/29 10:43
16F:推 RickyOrange:Stinnett说,「他看起来好酷喔!>////<」 06/29 10:56
17F:推 Ferrero0212:原PO翻的不错 但是很好笑.....XDDDDDD >////< 06/29 11:13
18F:推 h0304126:推~ 好有趣的翻译 XD 06/29 11:15
19F:推 newstyle:他看起来很酷捏((羞^^*)) 06/29 12:18
20F:推 swaswaky:推便宜琼斯 XD 06/29 13:00
21F:推 eb8800:推~ 06/29 14:10
22F:推 f2002:感谢您^^ 06/29 17:22
23F:推 FFMM1:翻得不错啊 不过恶心的尾劲听起来怪怪的 用变态如何XD 06/29 19:17
24F:推 tzengyen:翻的真的很棒,很传神,辛苦了 06/30 09:05

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