Browsers 板


官方版本113.0预计在 2023年05月09日(美国时间) 台湾时间05月09日~05月10日 更新 112.0.2 release note Fixed︰ Fixes a high memory usage issue with animated images in minimized (or completely covered) windows, especially when using animated themes (bug 1828587). Fixes an issue where Linux users with bitmap fonts installed may have had entire sections of text invisible to them on some sites (bug 1827950). Fixes an issues where web notifications with images were not displaying for Windows 8 users (bug 1822817). 112.0.1 Release Note Fixed︰ Fixed a bug where cookie dates appear to be set in the far future after updating Firefox. This may have caused cookies to be unintentionally purged. (bug 1827669). 112.0 Release Note New︰ Right-clicking on password fields now shows an option to reveal the password. Ubuntu Linux users can now import their browser data from the Chromium Snap package. Currently, this will only work if Firefox is not also installed as a Snap package, but work is underway to address this! Do you use the tab list panel in the tab bar? If so, you can now close tabs by middle-clicking items in that list. You've always been able to un-close a tab by using (Cmd/Ctrl)-Shift-T. Now, that same shortcut will restore the previous session if there are no more closed tabs from the same session to re-open. For all ETP Strict users, we extended the list of known tracking parameters that are removed from URLs to further protect our users from cross-site tracking. Enables overlay of software-decoded video on Intel GPUs in Windows. Improves video down scaling quality and reduces GPU usage. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. Changed︰ The deprecated U2F Javascript API is now disabled by default. The U2F protocol remains usable through the WebAuthn API. The U2F API can be re-enabled using the security.webauth.u2f preference. Enterprise︰ You can find information about policy updates and enterprise specific bug fixes in the Firefox for Enterprise 112 Release Notes. Developer Web Platform︰ Clear button, newly added to the date picker panel, allows users to quickly clear the input with type date or datetime-local and provides a familiar experience across browsers. -- ███████☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◢变态妍◣◢黄秘书◣☆★☆█现在是█ ☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆崔林☆★☆★☆★☆ ★☆★★☆█◢█◢█◢██◣☆★◥郑西卡◣★☆★█少女时代 ☆★☆☆★★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆鹿内☆★☆★☆ █████◥███◣◥小太阳◤◥权班长◤☆★☆█████ --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 04/11/2023 20:51:15
1F:→ rick: 我的手动更新还没出来 QQ 04/11 20:51
2F:推 DavisX: 出现惹 04/11 22:11
3F:推 if4: 我的也出现了 XD 04/15 03:04
4F:→ guteres: 等.01好了 04/15 22:36
5F:→ rick: google map在firefox好像界面怪怪的 按F5才会出现正常结果 04/15 22:43
6F:→ rick: 明天有.0.1 04/17 21:37
7F:→ kc1446: RR 原来昨晚.0.1已经出来了XDD 04/18 04:49
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 04/18/2023 07:41:07
8F:→ rick: 不讲武德阿! 04/18 07:41
9F:→ rick: google map的问题依旧存在 有人跟我一样的吗? 不管是搜寻、 04/18 07:44
10F:→ rick: 导航、点地图上的店家 都怪怪的 要F5才会正常 继续怪怪的 04/18 07:44
11F:→ rick: 之前111的版本都还正常的 04/18 07:45
12F:→ DavisX: 早上一开就自动更新了 04/18 08:20
13F:→ DavisX: Google Map正常 04/18 08:21
14F:→ rick: 停止扩充套件後好像也正常! 那我要找一下原因了 Orz 谢谢 04/18 12:25
15F:→ rick: 扩充套件 布景主题 自订设定值 暂时停用正常 前两个停用不行 04/18 12:39
16F:→ rick: = = 自订设定值最近没动过阿 Orz 怎麽会这边出事 QQ 04/18 12:39
17F:→ rick: google 地图左边的工具列消失了 有人知道原因吗? 04/18 12:45
18F:→ rick: 跟 #1aAXs6F8 这一篇一样 Orz 清cookies无效 04/18 13:20
19F:→ topcdmouse: 更新110>112,遇到地图问题我是全清掉就正常 04/19 12:05
20F:推 ilanese: 问:附加元件会强制跑到「扩充套件」的icon里,而且下列 04/23 17:23
21F:→ ilanese: 动作无效: 04/23 17:23
22F:→ ilanese: 网址列输入about:config 04/23 17:24
23F:→ ilanese: 输入extensions.unifiedExtensions.enabled改false 04/23 17:24
24F:→ ilanese: 版本112.0.1 04/23 17:25
25F:→ sate5232: 无解,就无效 04/24 00:37
26F:→ rick: 今天有112.0.2更新 04/25 08:11
※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 04/25/2023 22:10:30

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