Browsers 板


其实大概前天更新了74.0.1,有2个安全性更新,不想升到75.0的记得先升一下74.0.1 (security fixes) 官方版本76.0预计在 2020年05月05日(美国时间) 台湾时间05月05日~06日 更新 更新日志 New︰ With today's release, a number of improvements will help you search smarter, faster. Type less and find more with Firefox's revamped address bar: .Focused, clean search experience that's optimized for smaller laptop screens .Top sites now appear when you select the address .Improved readability of search suggestions with a focus on new search terms .Suggestions include solutions to common Firefox issues .On Linux, the behavior when clicking on the Address Bar and the Search Bar now matches other desktop platforms: a single click selects all without primary selection, a double click selects a word, and a triple click selects all with primary selection Firefox will locally cache all trusted Web PKI Certificate Authority certificates known to Mozilla. This will improve HTTPS compatibility with misconfigured web servers and improve security. Firefox is now available in Flatpak, an easier way to install and use Firefox on Linux. Direct Composition is being integrated for our users on Windows to help improve performance and enable our ongoing work to ship WebRender on Windows 10 laptops with Intel graphics cards. Fixed︰ Various security fixes Enterprise︰ Experimental support for using client certificates from the OS certificate store can be enabled on macOS by setting the preference security.osclientcerts.autoload to true. Enterprise policies may be used to exclude domains from being resolved via TRR (Trusted Recursive Resolver) using DNS over HTTPS. Developer Save bandwidth and reduce browser memory by using the loading attribute on the <img> element. The default "eager" value loads images immediately, and the "lazy" value delays loading until the image is within range of the viewport. Instant evaluation for Console expressions lets developers identify and fix errors more rapidly than before. As long as expressions typed into the Web Console are side-effect free, their results will be previewed while you type. -- ████◢█◣◢█◣◢█◣▉◢█◣◢█◣☆★★☆◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆★ ★☆★██★☆★☆★☆██████★☆★ ███◥█◣◥█◣▉█ 记得第一次陶醉於天籁般的歌声吗◣ ★☆★☆★█▉█★☆★☆★☆◥██◤☆★☆☆★☆ ██◤◥█◤◥█◤◥█◤▉◥█◤◥██◣★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 04/07/2020 21:27:48 ※ 编辑: rick ( 台湾), 04/07/2020 21:28:11
1F:推 kc1446: 感谢!已直接升75了 04/07 22:09
2F:推 kawasakiZII: 推 04/08 00:07
3F:推 ilanese: 74.0.1用没多久,75就又出来了。 04/08 00:10
4F:推 matt777: 所以网址列现在会自动反白了?赞 04/08 09:47
5F:推 aza0290: Firefox沦为全球第三大浏览器 被edge挤掉 04/08 12:13
6F:→ styyu1281: 反正我现在力行降低Google依赖,Google在浏览器做的手 04/08 12:17
7F:→ styyu1281: 脚让我对Google很失望了 04/08 12:17
8F:→ hijacker: 网址列反白不仔细看还看不出来 尤其是在dark theme 04/08 13:36
9F:→ hijacker: 更正 应该是网址列文字变粗体 04/08 13:37
10F:→ DavisX: 74.0.1是因为有CVE-2020-6819 & -6820通报 04/08 14:34
11F:→ Kagero: ubuntu内建的直接从74→75 04/08 15:01
12F:推 cattgirl: 改版真快 前几天才更新 04/08 15:53
13F:推 cattgirl: 75.0 搜寻列为何这麽长 有没有办法改短? 04/09 00:32
14F:→ kc1446: 我是直接不要搜寻列,直接在网址列上打关键字 04/09 05:05
15F:推 karst10607: 火狐用起来还是挺舒服,因为有些小地方做得很不错 04/09 14:51
16F:→ hijacker: 搜寻列可以拉短 只是要有些技巧 记得以前有人po过方法 04/09 15:10
17F:推 s9209122222: 现在火狐没搜寻栏吧?都是直接网址列搜寻 04/09 20:50
18F:→ Agency: 一直都有啊 04/09 21:15
19F:→ rick: @s9209122222 设定->搜寻 这边可以选择要不要显示搜寻栏 04/09 22:23
20F:→ rick: 选项* 04/09 22:24
21F:→ t7yang: 搜寻「列」 04/10 10:12

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