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似乎没看到56.0.1的更新提醒 @@a 10/9 这中间一直按更新也没提醒 fixed: Block D3D11 when using Intel drivers on Windows 7 systems with partial AVX support (bug 1403353) changed: Users of 32-bit Firefox on 64-bit Windows are migrated to 64-bit Firefox for increased stability and security. unresolved: Some older versions of the ATOK IME, including ATOK 2008 and 2009, can cause crashes or may not work on the Windows 64-bit version of Firefox. To fix those incompatibility issues, please use a newer version of ATOK or one of other IMEs. Some third party software (Comodo Internet Security, Kaspersky, Quick Heal Antivirus) are known to cause issues with Firefox 64-bit. These vendors have published new releases which addresses the issues. GSSAPI and Kerberos authentication do work in 64-Bit Windows Firefox. However it requires the advanced setting "network.negotiate-auth.gsslib" to contain the string "gssapi64.dll" because the default value (which is chosen if left empty) is wrong. Future versions of Firefox will contain a correct default value. Due to a bug in Mac OS X High Sierra, fullscreen mode has some issues Startup crash with RelevantKnowledge adware installed. Firefox Support has helpful instructions to remove it. Users running Firefox for Windows over a Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) may find that audio playback is disabled due to increased security restrictions. Learn how to mitigate this issue until it is corrected in an upcoming release Startup crashes with 64-bit Firefox on Windows 7, for users of Lenovo's "OneKey Theater" software for IdeaPad laptops. To fix this crash, please re-install 32-bit Firefox. 官方版本57.0预计在 2017年11月14日(美国时间) 台湾时间11月15日 更新 更新日志 好像还没有更新日志 @@a 先这样放着 new: 官方载点: Mozilla的FTP伺服器: Unbranded版本︰ -- ╔═══════ ═════════ ══════ ══════╗ ║ ◢██◣ ▃▃ ║ █ ◢ ◢◣ ▄▄ █▄█ ◢ ◢◣ ║ ║ █ ◥◣ █ ▆▄ █ █ █ ║ ║ ◥██◤ ◥▄◥▄ ◥▄◤ ◥▄◤ --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: rick (, 10/26/2017 23:14:52 ※ 编辑: rick (, 10/26/2017 23:17:56 ※ 编辑: rick (, 10/26/2017 23:19:52
1F:推 t7yang: 56不能亡(笑 10/26 23:32
2F:→ kuro: 56感觉是过渡版 用起来有点不太顺 後来又退回55.0.3了 10/26 23:40
3F:推 Kreen: 56 比起 55 修蛮多 bug 的。 10/26 23:48
4F:推 shasen1235: 有人56 FB三不五时挂掉吗?目前我是觉得55比较稳 10/27 00:39
5F:推 kaoh08: 56版旧套件相容差 又没有Quantam性能 不知道出出来干嘛的 10/27 01:30
6F:推 csid: 到时候57出了再来看看这个版有少篇套件不能用怎麽办的文章 10/27 01:54
7F:推 Toge: 这版已经满多人在用57以上了吧 10/27 08:45
8F:推 grimms42191: 还是会有平常不看浏览器版的跑来问啊XD 10/27 09:40
9F:→ hijacker: lawlietfox是直接从56.0.1开始没有56版 10/27 13:23
10F:→ Kreen: lawlietfox 释出的版本惯例都是当前版本 +0.0.1 10/27 16:31
11F:→ hijacker: 原来如此 之前都是用pcx 这一版才改用lawlietfox 10/27 18:34
12F:推 abc0922001: 升级了,一直都没什麽感觉XD 10/27 22:24
13F:→ kuro: 偷渡一下,附加元件官网改版了 10/28 00:14
14F:推 kaoh08: 这就是Photon Design System吗 10/28 01:01
15F:推 t7yang: 我自己是觉得满丑的(笑) 10/28 02:08
16F:→ t7yang: M社的设计有时真的不太令人恭维。 10/28 02:08
17F:推 olduck: 这新附加元件界面...次要无用资讯占的页面空间可真大 10/28 09:13
18F:推 grimms42191: 扁平化完成度87%(ry 10/28 12:04
19F:推 aza0290: 其实还好...M社的设计风格向来如此...习惯就好 10/28 14:55
20F:→ Adven: 请问fx有没有办法关闭"新鲜事提醒"? 一闪即过 但还是不喜欢 10/28 15:04
21F:推 aria0520: 要马55 要马57 10/28 21:44
22F:→ kuro: 其实我没有「新鲜事提醒」的印象… 10/28 22:00
23F:推 hdd60311: 反正只是过渡版就不用太计较了,现在只希望量子项目赶快 10/29 00:23
24F:→ hdd60311: 尽速完工吧(听有人说webrender预计59上线不知真假) 10/29 00:25
25F:推 efete: 刚刚测56.0.2版,下载稳定性还是很差。又退回55.0.3版... 10/29 13:35

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