作者zxc906383 (无无)
标题[情报] 别人在饭店谈约,梅子老板:来我豪宅谈
时间Tue Dec 10 10:53:14 2024
Soto also valued a relationship with ownership. At his previous stops, he had be
come close with team owners, first with the Nationals (Ted Lerner) and then with
the San Diego Padres (Peter Seidler). After one season in New York ahead of fre
e agency, Soto expressed a desire for a deeper relationship with owner Hal Stein
brenner during his November meeting with the Yankees.
从国民的Ted Lerner到教士的Peter Seidler都关系很密切
而在11月和洋基的会面中,他也表达想和Hal Steinbrenner建立更深厚的关系
In addition to paying top dollar, Cohen also needed to demonstrate intentions to
win as an owner. Cohen delivered the right messaging to Soto using a personal t
所以除了要出最多钱外,梅子老板Steve Cohen也要展示他想赢球的决心
The Mets’ meeting with Soto in November, people briefed on the matter said, hap
pened in California, at one of Cohen’s homes. That was different. All of Soto’
s other meetings with different clubs were held at a hotel.
The personalized request from the Mets, league sources said, was Cohen’s wish.
During the meeting, Cohen spoke about his background, his relationships and what
has made him successful.
Soto’s get-together with the Mets shared commonalities from previous meetings w
ith high-profile free agents, where pieces of Cohen’s personality poured out in
to the process.
In past meetings, according to people briefed on the discussions, Cohen told fre
e agents that he views his ownership as a civic duty. He’s in it to win for the
long haul, he says. He’s looking to do what it takes to build a perennial winn
As a host, Cohen pays attention to details.
During his meeting last year with Yoshinobu Yamamoto, for example, he cared abou
t having the color red, a symbol of good luck in Japan, on objects in his house
like how a movie director deploys color for meaning.
Though Yamamoto ultimately chose the Dodgers, Cohen gave it his best shot.
Mostly, Cohen is organized, authentic and elaborate. His presentation skills she
d light on how he became successful.
Turns out, a 68-year-old billionaire and a 26-year-old baseball star can bond ov
er ambition.
Steve Cohen is a different kind of owner, for the Mets or for anyone else, reall
y. Cohen held his big confab with his new superstar Juan Soto at his mansion in
Beverly Hills, not the undisclosed, presumably nondescript room where the other
teams did their Soto meetings in Orange County.
Cohen 在比佛利山庄的豪宅里举行了和Juan Soto的重要会议
Cohen had several workers serve lunch to Soto and his agents, by one count seven
servers to about 15 diners. That’s a nice ratio.
It was Latin food. Nice touch.
Cohen invited the guests — Soto and his coterie of agents, including Scott Bora
s — to the theater room to view a film made by the Mets for Soto. All the other
teams used more typical PowerPoint presentatios to make their cases.
Cohen brought to the meeting his wife, Alex, and father-in-law. He also brought
Edgar Suero, the Mets traveling secretary, who explained logistics and family pe
Cohen 带着他的妻子 Alex 和岳父一起参加了这次会议
他还带来了大都会队的旅行秘书 Edgar Suero,负责解释後勤安排和家庭福利
Mets owner Steve Cohen and his top baseball man, David Stearns, held a secret, l
ast-minute lunch meeting with Juan Soto, Scott Boras and others in Soto’s inner
circle Friday at Cohen’s home in Boca Raton, Fla. It was a very pleasant secon
d get-together, one that solidified Cohen’s resolve to try to win the prize of
the winter.
And yet, Cohen also came away from that high-powered confab convinced Soto was p
reparing to remain in pinstripes.
Cohen’s first thought, considering this meeting followed by a few weeks the one
at Cohen’s Beverly Hills mansion: “We can’t keep meeting like this. I’m run
ning out of houses.”
Many times over the weekend, he told folks he felt sure they were running second
, almost right up until the time they finished first.
He kept bidding, anyway. He was so convinced he was heading for bridesmaid terri
tory that he joked to friends and confidants about whether there was prize money
for second place.
“There was a lot of emotion and a lot of ups and down, not knowing where you st
ood,” Cohen said.
He may be accused of overpaying, and the deal is historic and remarkable. But th
e Blue Jays were also believed to be at $760 million, so it’s not like he blew
away the field.
The Mets were actually thought to be running second to the Jays at $720 million
into the weekend, and when the Yankees bumped their bid from $702M to $712M, the
gap wasn’t exactly significant.
梅子 720M
洋基 702M-721M
Cohen offered a $100M signing bonus at one point, but Soto’s camp was more inte
rested in the $50M average annual value.
Cohen went to $750M late, then to the winning $765M
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Baseball/M.1733799196.A.6B4.html
1F:→ choobii: 谈完 :这间送你12/10 10:54
2F:推 Nick12356464: 台湾也有个招待到陶朱隐园唱歌的12/10 10:55
3F:推 Imagine16: 王电火你尚好麦伤超过12/10 10:55
4F:推 marx93521: 烦恼房子不够用 贫穷限制我的想像力12/10 10:56
5F:推 MapleLeaf151: Cohen:我家很大 欢迎你来玩 玩累直接睡觉没关系的12/10 10:56
6F:推 shlee: 钱就是我的诚意12/10 10:56
7F:推 onionandy: 一次会面就要消耗一栋房子lol12/10 10:57
8F:→ johnnyvcxz40: 这就是有钱人12/10 10:57
9F:推 glenliu: 真的用尽全力拉拢耶... 还有安排拉丁料理12/10 10:57
10F:推 bmwnyy870915: 四人挤一桌那张不知道是哪队12/10 10:58
11F:推 destinyx2: Cohen真的是很用心的老板,大都会球迷真幸福12/10 10:58
12F:推 polanco: 四人一桌那个应该是波拉斯内部在开会12/10 10:59
13F:推 mayzn: 大都会的头家叫做王电火 别的没有 就是钱多~12/10 11:01
14F:推 DellSale999: 去饭店谈 根本不会成12/10 11:01
15F:推 cross980115: 他不只一次讲自己砸钱在球队是社会责任12/10 11:03
16F:→ crayon1988: 房子不够用XDD12/10 11:04
17F:推 same60710: 去年已经尽力了 没想到有个亚洲人只是来吃大餐的XD12/10 11:04
18F:嘘 Alano: 有签到就开造神 其他球团就是穷酸 没钱 小气zzzz12/10 11:05
19F:推 frank110306: 继续牵拖 笑死12/10 11:05
20F:推 windzend: 没有其他房子了XDD12/10 11:05
21F:→ cross980115: 也不是造神吧 就他一贯风格12/10 11:06
22F:→ k22015987: 讲这麽多饭店跟豪宅谈有差?还不是选钱多 不然去豪宅 12/10 11:06
23F:→ k22015987: 谈Soto有降价吗?12/10 11:06
24F:推 polanco: 去年他也请山本到他家吃饭啊XD12/10 11:06
25F:→ polanco: 其实重点还是钱啦 日本人才有其他因素12/10 11:07
26F:推 danieljaw: 好有趣的报导XD12/10 11:07
27F:推 Jack2277: 我房间床很大12/10 11:08
28F:推 ia220629: 让我看看12/10 11:09
29F:推 alljerry04: 要不要来我家谈约12/10 11:09
30F:→ Wil: 翻译:我有钱12/10 11:09
31F:推 blake7899: 我家的床又大又舒服12/10 11:09
32F:推 Movice: 谈累了直接睡觉 没问题的!12/10 11:10
33F:推 adwn: 有钱真好12/10 11:10
34F:推 x123987789: 王电火…真的好帅…12/10 11:11
35F:推 tim1112: 要来我家看我岳父後空翻吗?12/10 11:11
36F:推 ke265379ke: 100M签约金 哭啊12/10 11:12
37F:推 carlchang092: 没办法了继续拿出更多诚意继续加码XDDD12/10 11:12
38F:推 JKjohnwick: 延迟的当然穷酸啊12/10 11:13
39F:推 bxxl: 人家砸那麽多钱也是说在尽社会责任耶, 以後不能酸社会责任12/10 11:14
40F:推 seedroy: 甲12/10 11:14
41F:→ CavendishJr: 房子有又大又舒服吗12/10 11:14
42F:推 iWatch2: 至高诚意12/10 11:14
43F:推 lions402: 跟老板关系好是想干嘛 影响球队吗12/10 11:15
44F:推 pl726: 我家很大 谈累了就直接睡觉 没问题的! 12/10 11:16
45F:嘘 jocabyu: 王电火:你想不想看我家地窖藏什麽?12/10 11:16
46F:推 leoz69927: Soto我家的床又大又舒服啊12/10 11:17
47F:推 kajika: 讲一堆 还不就钱多到太香了 哈哈12/10 11:19
48F:推 hawk920412: 社会责任XD12/10 11:19
49F:→ Ayanami5566: 我家很大12/10 11:20
50F:推 gx9900824: 我的床又大又舒服12/10 11:20
51F:推 zego41: 来,这间喜欢明天住进来12/10 11:20
52F:推 finzaghi: 最主要的还是钱给太多了 洋基输给了钞票攻势12/10 11:25
53F:推 kiolp: 你多出45M 叫boras去你家巷口吃卤肉饭交易也是能成功12/10 11:26
54F:→ Diaw0803: 不是阿 最後就真的梅子开最高阿12/10 11:26
55F:推 mikazeray: 重视和球队老板的关($)系($)12/10 11:27
56F:推 samvii: 到自己的家里谈,代表是老板愿意为球队经营贡献自己的私人12/10 11:30
57F:→ samvii: 空间吧。展现出来的是一种诚意12/10 11:30
58F:推 pinky841118: 没有其他房子你可以再买啊(误)12/10 11:31
59F:推 iwinlottery: 加到晕就对了12/10 11:31
60F:推 BJshow: 去年也是一样但山本XD12/10 11:33
61F:推 wishling: 豪宅 + 诚意 + 钱比不上一个学长12/10 11:37
62F:→ leonjapan: 电火王:我房子又大又特别喔12/10 11:39
63F:推 kuaiphoto: 这个社会责任等级完全不一样XD12/10 11:42
64F:→ kenro: 不是吧,就代表他家很豪华,可以当招待所12/10 11:42
65F:→ Satoman: 山本:谢谢招待,饭很好ㄘ12/10 11:46
66F:推 CGary: 看到running out of houses 快笑死 12/10 11:47
67F:嘘 lazuritechen: 在家里谈把你当自己人的作法先赢一半了啦12/10 11:48
68F:推 annboy: 感觉Soto最在乎的点就是第一位均薪50M+12/10 11:49
69F:→ annboy: 洋基卡税线 只好最後一刻出局12/10 11:49
70F:推 CGary: soto本人怎决定Cohen 也管不了 这系列文在讲Cohen12/10 11:49
71F:→ CGary: 的性格 其实我挺喜欢他这样的个性的12/10 11:49
72F:推 MarXXXX: 我家很大 签约完直接睡觉没有问题12/10 11:50
73F:→ annboy: 气候其实很重要 看得出来大谷很喜欢南加州气候12/10 11:50
74F:→ annboy: 山本就不太确定 可能也是相对喜欢南加州12/10 11:50
75F:推 takosom: 贫穷限制我的想像力XD12/10 11:50
76F:推 abc53: 王电火你尚好莫伤超过12/10 11:53
77F:推 Jerry0924: 这诚意真的给到满 有钱成这样加码还跟你搏感情 怎麽输12/10 11:54
78F:→ Minihil: 社会责任12/10 11:59
79F:推 DesMask: Cohen一直以来都是这样的人 不是说现在开始造神 从他接12/10 12:03
80F:→ DesMask: 手大都会到现在 有经历过Wilpon 的都知道差十万八千里12/10 12:03
81F:→ DesMask: 只是一开始很爱去批评球队就是了 後面就hand-off了12/10 12:03
82F:推 CowBaoGan: 我家的床又大又舒服12/10 12:04
83F:推 LEEWY: 房子不够用是什麽鬼XD12/10 12:06
84F:推 s128222582: 怎麽?资本社会资本市场就是这样啊12/10 12:06
86F:→ DesMask: ?s=46&t=TDE_EkpeNvGuDdNLVHgMiw12/10 12:07
87F:→ s128222582: 比的不就是这个?不谈钱难道谈心?12/10 12:07
88F:推 shengping: 我的豪宅又大又舒服 12/10 12:07
89F:推 stayforever: 我的房子很大,欢迎你们来玩12/10 12:07
90F:→ s128222582: 在那边愤恨没用啦 没钱穷酸嘴巴闭闭12/10 12:08
91F:→ cheer67: 嘻嘻12/10 12:08
92F:推 sowulo: 只差没真的把运钞车开出来了12/10 12:08
93F:→ stayforever: 打球累了就直接睡觉,没问题的12/10 12:09
94F:推 a1684114: 王电火你最好别太超过12/10 12:09
95F:→ AhCheng: 山本白嫖12/10 12:11
96F:推 Qiaodi: 请问…他当初怎麽抢输道奇的啊?记得他之前是想买道奇,12/10 12:13
97F:→ Qiaodi: 不是大都会12/10 12:13
98F:推 Jokering5566: 王电火熊超过12/10 12:16
99F:推 airflow: 你家的猫会後空翻吗?12/10 12:18
100F:推 e04bank: 老板有钱真好12/10 12:18
101F:推 SHOTN17: 油鸡:又要到饭啦 兄弟们!12/10 12:20
102F:推 aulakiria: 我觉得蛮有诚意的啊,有那种对你敞开心扉的感觉。12/10 12:20
103F:推 vanPersie20: 我一个人住,房子很大,欢迎来我家玩,玩累了就,直12/10 12:23
104F:→ vanPersie20: 接睡觉,没问题的12/10 12:23
105F:推 kotorichan: 哈哈哈 12/10 12:23
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 12/10/2024 12:24:03
106F:→ TopGun2: 好色喔 12/10 12:29
107F:推 girafa: 哈哈还有其他客人 12/10 12:41
108F:推 AV771118: 让你看看爸爸我的房子 12/10 12:54
109F:推 weakerman: 重点是一直不断出价那一句吧 12/10 12:57
110F:推 jdsag: 重点还是钱吧 你如果开个10亿站路边聊也可以 12/10 12:58
111F:推 mstar: 推文一堆杰哥 XD 12/10 12:59
112F:推 kiuo: 王电火:我家很大,累了你可以睡床上 12/10 13:02
113F:推 JER2725: 我家很大.jpg 12/10 13:02
114F:推 Arsenalhenry: 让我看看! 12/10 13:07
115F:→ yangtsur: 大都会: 那个基基就是逊啦~~ 来我给你看好康的 12/10 13:14
116F:推 Eyrie: 王电火 怎麽输 都给你买就好了 12/10 13:35
117F:推 Adam6613: 我家很大很舒服 谈累了就直接休息 没问题的 12/10 14:09
118F:推 f99999993: 甲甲 12/10 14:10
119F:推 FreedomKoala: 看基迷崩溃真的很爽 12/10 14:25
120F:推 Yjizz: 诚意 本斥但香 12/10 14:45
121F:推 westsky: 这过程真有趣 12/10 15:23
122F:→ k33536: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$就是比你多 12/10 15:30
123F:推 l5i9hbba: 太舒服了== 12/10 15:34
124F:推 lity3426: 这样听起来 王电火去年大概输在饭请太少顿(X 12/10 15:49
125F:推 FayeFaye1: I’m running out of houses....笑死 12/10 15:57
126F:→ cheng31507: 我家很大 12/10 16:13
127F:推 vanson37: 重点在钱而不是在哪谈 12/10 17:56
128F:推 Aurorra: deeper relationship 12/10 18:46
129F:推 MarcoChieh: Orange county翻译应该是橘郡吧 12/10 19:29
130F:推 NEWORDER: push 12/11 00:25