Baseball 板


Brandon Gomes said the door is still open for the Dodgers to bring back Clayton Kershaw even after some of the rotation additions this winter. 道奇总管Brandon Gomes今天在球迷会讲的 他说即使这个冬天已经做出先发轮值阵容的补强,道奇依旧会为Kershaw敞开大门 --- #Dodgers general manager Brandon Gomes, when asked if bringing Clayton Kershaw b ack is still a possibility: “Yeah, for sure. We continue to stay in touch with Clayton, and we’ll progress.” 另外ESPN的记者Alden Gonzalez在他的报导中指出大多数人预期Kershaw会跟道奇或是游骑 兵签下两年约 以及Gomes说双方有保持联络,讨论也会有进展 But the Dodgers are still hopeful of bringing back Clayton Kershaw, who underwen t shoulder surgery in early November and isn't expected back until around midsea son at the earliest. Kershaw is widely expected to eventually sign a two-year co ntract with either the Dodgers or his hometown Texas Rangers. "We continue to stay in touch with Clayton," Dodgers general manager Brandon Gom es said, "and we'll progress." 节录自: --

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1F:推 david3809: 季後赛软手 02/04 13:05
2F:→ Blackie9211: 还是希望柯萧终生我躲 谁管他季後赛软不软手 02/04 13:06
3F:→ choobii: 当初他跟Turner还酸大谷....现在会回来吗 02/04 13:10
4F:推 kissmy0926: 老了当长中继? 02/04 13:13
5F:推 jerry00116: 当初说浪费时间就不是在酸大谷,是在说大谷明确想要去 02/04 13:20
6F:→ jerry00116: 有DH的球队,经纪人还安排跟国联球队谈是在浪费时间 02/04 13:20
7F:→ jerry00116: 而且他就躲人神主牌,本来只有他想去哪里,没有躲人不 02/04 13:20
8F:→ jerry00116: 想签回来的选项 02/04 13:20
9F:推 Lebrono: ……今年道奇先发能不能有超过140局的都是问号 要不要多 02/04 13:22
10F:→ Lebrono: 补点 02/04 13:22
11F:推 chocobell: 都2024了 还在讲当年的事= = 02/04 13:23
12F:推 saiulbb: 都2024了 还有人会认为当年讲的是大谷 资讯落後金害 02/04 13:35
13F:推 wang7752: 他哪里酸大谷 鸽子的封包吗?? 02/04 13:41
14F:→ ultratimes: 说经纪人的问题那也是大谷的问题,就没有协调好啊 02/04 13:44
15F:→ ultratimes: 你把经纪人该做的不该做的都讲清楚,经纪人还会去做 02/04 13:44
16F:→ ultratimes: 浪费时间的事吗? 02/04 13:44
17F:推 wang7752: 笑死 大谷都说要去DH队伍了 还在大谷的问题 02/04 13:45
18F:→ wang7752: 不窥视U大湿 02/04 13:45
19F:推 crayon1988: 可以不用一直自己跳出来丢脸 02/04 13:45
20F:→ wang7752: 当年国联有DH逆ZZZ 可怜 02/04 13:46
21F:推 all035: 终身道奇纪录很难得 再拼1~2年退休後再回德州老家啊 02/04 13:48
22F:推 lmf770410: 感觉去条子 02/04 13:55
23F:推 sixsix666: 好了啦,几年前的事了不腻喔 02/04 14:02
24F:推 a25018250: 浪费时间 02/04 14:05
25F:推 bananacookie: 老柯可能也不想没得投还签约吧 02/04 14:08
26F:→ bananacookie: 感觉会季中恢复的差不多才签 02/04 14:08
27F:推 WasJohnWall: 毕竟神主牌 02/04 14:23
28F:→ Minihil: 国科感觉也挺有个性的 02/04 14:24
29F:推 Nikagnef: 推我科 道奇神主牌 02/04 14:29
30F:→ Nikagnef: 上面某楼好能U喔笑死 逻辑坏去 02/04 14:30
31F:推 mrlucas8891: 4202了还在Kersh喷大谷 玩梗玩到大谷风评被害 02/04 14:34
32F:推 sustainer123: 道奇不要科萧才是新闻吧 现在选择权又不在道奇 02/04 14:38
33F:推 alex8725: 只要Kershaw想道奇随时都签吧 02/04 14:41
34F:推 narumi150729: 现在只希望他能在道奇终老 02/04 14:42
35F:推 nnn820328: 该来条子了 02/04 14:45
36F:→ b99202071: 该回老家了 02/04 14:57
37F:推 kevinsun0423: 直接帮可笑立一座铜像了 02/04 15:35
38F:推 jack34031: 今年投球局数最多的大概就山本吧 02/04 15:58
39F:推 silentsky555: 当年那个高中生现在变成自己老大哥了 02/04 15:59
40F:→ AhCheng: 浪费时间 02/04 16:22
41F:推 nihow78: 留躲啦 02/04 16:29
42F:推 hyc0725zz: 老柯:这个没用了 02/04 16:37
43F:→ poz93: 道奇不需要书僮投球 只需要他当贩售部店员 02/04 17:26
44F:→ poz93: 但也没有一定要高薪挽留 毕竟现在贩卖部靠日本人就够了 02/04 17:27
45F:推 jomon817: 柯萧留吧 拼拼看冠军 02/04 19:04
46F:推 cloud241: 希望我柯能回来 想看他在躲人达成3000K 02/04 20:25
47F:推 Leo0923: 诚意拿出来 02/04 22:09
48F:推 yurian: 不过也是因为这样 国联就有dh 啦 02/04 22:28

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