作者zxc906383 (无无)
标题[情报] 蓝鸟记者:菊池雄星的睡觉排程
时间Thu Sep 21 10:19:45 2023
Essential follow-up on
#BlueJays starter Yusei Kikuchi's sleep schedule:
He said he only sleeps for 13-14 hours ahead of his start days. Every other nigh
t, he aims for only eight to 10 hours
Kikuchi likes to sleep a lot because it helps reduce anxiety ahead of a start: "
If he's awake, he'll be thinking about baseball too much," he said via his inter
preter Yusuke Oshima.
Kikuchi also said his teammates were aware of his sleeping habits because he's a
lways catching some Zzz's when he can: "Even if there's loud music at the back o
f the plane, I'll be able to sleep," he said
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Baseball/M.1695262788.A.C70.html
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 09/21/2023 10:20:13
1F:推 sesd: 睡那麽久 头不会痛吗09/21 10:20
2F:推 kevinduh4: 羡慕09/21 10:20
3F:推 polanco: 真羡慕09/21 10:20
4F:推 johnnyvcxz40: 菊池:比赛可以快点打完吗 我赶着回去睡觉09/21 10:22
5F:推 double5915: 大谷:我也懂09/21 10:23
6F:推 revise: 大谷:所见略同09/21 10:27
7F:推 maimai2063: 周公online 好玩09/21 10:28
8F:推 themis1208: 想东想西还睡得着 羡慕QQ09/21 10:30
Yusei Kikuchi is not sure what all the fuss is about. Yes, he tries to get 13 or
14 hours of sleep.
“My teammates asked me how I'm able to sleep so much.
But, like, honestly, if y
ou close your eyes, I feel like you should be able to sleep.”
※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 09/21/2023 10:34:51
9F:推 frank123ya: 等你老了就知道( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮ 09/21 10:35
10F:推 hongchanghsu: 听君一席话 09/21 10:41
11F:推 isaa: 他是猫吗? 09/21 10:43
12F:推 munchlax: 真好,我八点躺在床上快一点才睡着,六点就要起床 = = 09/21 10:43
13F:推 xastraydx: 花卷东的强是来自睡眠 09/21 10:45
14F:推 mashmabo: 真羡慕能很快入睡的人,而且有声音也不会被吵醒 09/21 10:46
15F:推 JustinTurner: 爽死,比可怜社畜多两倍= = 09/21 10:47
16F:推 mayzn: 花卷东OB教你怎麽睡的又长又久 09/21 10:47
17F:推 jise51103: 也睡太久哈 09/21 10:51
18F:推 final9711: 花卷东高一必修是睡觉吗 09/21 10:53
19F:推 danielgogogo: 花卷东出身的都要先练睡觉 09/21 10:53
20F:推 chargebro: 野比大雄是你? 09/21 10:58
21F:推 chuchuyy: 花卷东开学典礼校长致词:大家晚安,那我也要睡啦 09/21 11:02
22F:→ brian9b3b: 闭眼就能睡 厉害了... 09/21 11:11
23F:→ lwswjs: 我高中每次模拟考前也是这样排程 09/21 11:20
24F:推 YasyajinAi: 现木QQ 09/21 11:22
25F:推 Maupassant: 花卷有睡魔祭吗 09/21 11:23
26F:推 oadas: 睡菊 09/21 11:25
27F:推 bsp0919: 玩 Pokémon Sleep 的最佳人选 花卷东校友 09/21 11:25
28F:推 saintlin: 睡眠就最强回复手段,当然前提是他真的有练到且札实的训 09/21 11:34
29F:→ saintlin: 练,不是真的没事干睡觉这样。 09/21 11:34
30F:推 cool34: 运动员的话 恨容易入睡也是一种能力 09/21 11:36
31F:推 lovefisk: 果然是大雄 09/21 11:38
32F:推 yuzuki: 真爽,富邦球员每天晚上比赛完都还得忙着喝酒应酬+强暴队 09/21 11:55
33F:→ yuzuki: 友老婆 09/21 11:55
34F:推 davidex: 睡到中午 09/21 11:55
35F:→ suckyourdick: 32F? 09/21 11:58
36F:推 babosa633: 睡菊,笑死 09/21 12:02
37F:推 stesome: 好爽喔!羡慕 09/21 12:04
38F:→ abyepi: 35楼可以找之前新闻 09/21 12:07
39F:推 petter07: 32楼太粗暴了吧 笑死 09/21 12:11
40F:推 AhCheng: 一直睡一直爽 09/21 12:19
41F:推 laking: 我记得他老婆也是美女主播,那他睡这麽久还有色色吗 09/21 12:22
42F:推 kinray: 花卷东秘传奥义:睡梦罗汉拳 09/21 12:34
43F:推 cool34: 睡菊 XDDD 09/21 12:38
44F:推 leonjapan: 花卷东睡眠学 09/21 12:39
45F:→ LatteCat5566: 重点 怎麽能睡那麽久? 09/21 12:40
46F:推 pantakill: 花卷东:学弟练什麽球,通通给我滚去睡觉 09/21 13:34
47F:推 g43kp9: 前一天如果是移动日,到饭店都很晚了,要怎麽睡那麽久 09/21 13:44
48F:→ ki523898: 在车上睡的算进去了吧 09/21 15:06
49F:推 zx246800tw: 菊池喵星 09/21 15:22
50F:推 DavidFoster: 睡菊XDD 09/21 17:14