Aviation 板


拼着明天要考试加上现在头很晕,还是把这篇新闻翻出来 如果有误译的希望大家指正指正 谢谢大家 译文以下: 人为因素及机械因素造成Spanair 154人死亡空难 SPANAIR MD82机头拉起後不过几秒後即向下冲撞跑道并爆裂成两半,遇难者就在爆炸中的 火球中丧生了。官方调查员发现,机组人员在起飞时未将襟翼及前缘襟翼放下,造成2008年8月20号於巴 拉哈斯机场的空难。调查员於今日(失事周年前两天)的报告中指出,当时自动警示系 统的故障使得飞行员未能被适时告警。 该航班原目的地是加那利群岛中的拉斯帕尔马斯,机上人员共有154死亡,仅18人生还。 报告中指出,在座舱通话纪录器中可听到副驾驶正在进行放下襟翼及前缘襟翼的确认覆诵 ,但在意外後检查发现,襟翼及前缘襟翼并未被放下,而告警系统也未能告知飞行组员。 此次Spanair航班并非是第一个以人为因素及机械因素合并造成失事的空难。就在21年前 的19878月16号,一架MD82飞机於底特律起飞时坠毁,当时的状况就与此次Spanair空难雷 同。巧合的是,当时也造成154个人丧生,但仅一名四岁的女孩生还。 但在去年的西班牙空难後所提出的一些建议,尚未被Spanair以及其他许多的航空公司所 采用。 西班牙国家报指出,自1968起共有49架航空器,共有465人在类似的失事中丧生,从当年 的底特律空难事件至这次的马德里空难。其中一架於2007六月自加那利群岛中的兰萨洛德 起飞的奥地利航空MD-83几乎与Spanair的空难是一模一样的状况。机组员未将襟翼放下而 且告警系统并未作用。然而当时因引擎的推力足够及风向的因素,飞行员仍能将机头拉起 并完成起飞。 该报也表示,因为调查结果并未发表,所以尚未有任何的相关建议。 ※ 引述《nyah (雨季不再来)》之铭言: : 马德里空难也一周年了 调查报告日前出炉 : 一些技术辞汇不知道中文怎麽翻 就不好意思翻译了 : 还有待版上高手出手~ : 原文於此:http://tinyurl.com/n5p275 : Human error and technical fault blamed for Spanair crash that killed 154 : Victims died in a ball of fire as the Spanair MD-82 flight split in two : after smashing back on to the runway just seconds after lifting off. : Official investigators found that the flight crew failed to extend the : aircraft's wing flaps and slats when it took off from Barajas International : Airport on August 20, 2008. : But an automatic warning system, which would have alerted the pilot and : co-pilot to their mistake, failed to function, says a interim report by : the investigators published today - just two days before the anniversary : of the crash. : The plane had been bound for Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. A total of : 154 passengers and crew, including those on the flight deck, were killed : and 18 people survived. : On the flight deck recorder the co-pilot could be heard reading the : supposed positions of the flaps and slats, said the report. But examination : after the accident showed that they had not been extended. The warning : device that would have told the flight crew that was the case did not : function. : The Spanair disaster was not the first to have been caused by the same : combination of human error and technical faults.Almost exactly 21 years : ago, a McDonnell Douglas MD-82 crashed on take-off at Detroit in similar : circumstances on August 16, 1987. By coincidence 154 also died in that : crash, with a four-year-old girl the sole survivor. : Yet recommendations made after that accident had still not been introduced : by Spanair and a number of other airlines when the Madrid crash happened : last year. : A total of 465 people have been killed in air crashes with similar : circumstances, starting with the Detroit disaster and ending with the one : in Madrid, according to Spanish newspaper El Pais. : It said that 49 aircraft have been involved in such incidents since 1968. : One involved an Austrian Airlines MD-83 which almost crashed in the same : way as the Spanair flight at Madrid when it took off from Lanzarote, in : the Canary Islands, in June, 2007. The crew had not extended the flaps and : the warning system failed to function. But because of the power of the : engine thrust, the wind direction and the fact that the plane took off : from an airport at sea level, the pilot was able to get the aircraft up. : Because there was no accident the results of an investigation were never : published and no recommendations made, the newspaper said. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 m28:推 08/20 20:58
2F:推 akenkimo:+1 08/20 21:11
3F:推 alles:无聊的一件事情 2007 8/20华航OKA 2008 8/20MAD 真糟糕 08/21 00:01
4F:推 psilons:这种没放flap slat就起飞的,大陆也发生过... 08/21 00:22
5F:→ psilons:怎麽可以这麽粗心呢...难道要强制离地前flap 放下锁定吗? 08/21 00:23
6F:→ psilons:喔...这也有机械因素... 08/21 00:24

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