Aussiekiwi 板


Sources from: Avian Influenza (30/9/2005) In the interests of fully informing Australians on contemporary consular issues, I am circulating information provided to this office regarding Avian Influenza, about which media items have appeared recently. The following information is current at present however on such evolving issues, Australians should keep themselves informed from media sources and by regularly visiting websites for the latest information. Summary Governments are reviewing advice to their citizens in light of renewed concern over avian influenza outbreaks in South-East and East Asia. Australians are reminded that their primary source of information on avian flu should be Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) website. Advice on this website, including preventative measures, should be reviewed regularly. Background In recent months there has been renewed interest and concern over avian influenza (also known as bird flu) in Asia, as a result of cases emerging in Vietnam since December 2004. The Australian government is closely monitoring the situation, particularly as it relates to the welfare of Australians living and travelling overseas. Precautionary Measures Citizens are reminded to review regularly the information on the Dept of Foreign Affairs & Trade ‘smartraveller’ website, and the Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) website,, and to familiarise themselves with the basic preventative strategies proposed. The latter provides the primary source of information for Australians, both in country and abroad and has a direct link to avian flu information from its home page. As advice on this website is constantly being reviewed and updated, Australians are encouraged to monitor it on a regular basis and ensure they and their dependants are aware of changes as they occur. Australians are encouraged strongly to consider the standard annual flu vaccination. Although, this vaccination will not protect against avian flu, it will protect against other flu strains that may mimic the symptoms of avian flu. No known incidences of efficient human-to-human transmission of the virus have been reported to date; however, if this were to occur, the earliest indicator may be large clusters of cases. Avian flu is expected to continue as a threat for years to come. With more cases, the chance of mutation and efficient human-to-human spread remains a possibility. Tamiflu Tamiflu is an antiviral medication available in some areas. If Tamiflu is taken after symptoms of flu start it is likely to reduce the severity of the disease. When taken as a prophylactic agent (one capsule daily) it may be around 80-90% protective against the disease. Tamiflu is only registered in Australia for prophylaxis for persons over the age of 13. The paediatric preparation of Tamiflu (antiviral agent) is now available in Australia. This preparation is suitable for children from 1 year of age up to 13 years. Children 13 years and above should use the adult capsules. The paediatric formulation is only registered for use as a treatment unlike the adult version which can also be used as a prophylactic agent. Further information regarding avian influenza can be obtained from the Department of Health and Ageing's website at --

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