作者sustainer123 (caster)
标题Fw: [外电] Angels Deal With Cody Allen 1yr 8.5M
时间Fri Jan 18 22:38:43 2019
※ [本文转录自 MLB 看板 #1SGLFB_1 ]
作者: appshjkli (瑞典肉球) 看板: MLB
标题: [外电] Angels Discuss Deal With Cody Allen
时间: Fri Jan 18 12:19:19 2019
Angels Discussing Deal With Cody Allen
Free-agent reliever Cody Allen in discussions with #Angels on a one-year
contract, sources tell The Athletic. Agreement believed to be in place,
pending physical. Allen was looking for team that would give him opportunity
to close.
Cody Allen had been discussing deals in the one-year, $9 million range,
sources tell ESPN. He also had been talking about deals that included a
second-year option, though it's unclear if he received that from the Los
Angeles Angels. @Ken_Rosenthal was first to report discussions.
Cody Allen contract with #Angels, once completed, will be one year, $8.5M,
sources tell The Athletic. Deal includes $2.5M in incentives for games
finished, potentially maxing out at $11M. No club option. Pending physical.
Cody Allen跟天使签下1yr 8.5M的合约,其中包含了2.5M的奖励金 最高可达11M
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/MLB/M.1547785163.A.FC1.html
1F:推 sastl07: 哇操 01/18 12:19
2F:推 qozxcv: 金宝降价回红袜吧? 01/18 12:20
3F:推 ZaneTrout: 一年约签起来 01/18 12:46
4F:推 alfonsosoria: 一年这麽便宜的吗... 01/18 13:29
5F:推 zouelephant: 天使终於签到了 01/18 13:50
6F:推 jasonchen31: 哇 竟然只能签一年 01/18 13:55
7F:推 Toy17: 天使终於补牛棚 只是才一年合约? 01/18 14:07
8F:推 bons2: 金宝签个3+1了吧 01/18 14:31
9F:推 phoenix286: 即使有多年实绩 合约年大爆炸结果只拿到一年约 QQ 01/18 14:33
10F:推 j91526frank: 坏了50收 01/18 14:38
11F:推 Eddward: 太扯 破坏行情了吧 01/18 15:16
12F:推 nowitzki: 反观Corbin...所以说打了多年好球不如爆发一个合约年 01/18 15:31
13F:→ Minihil: 小帅哥深有同感 01/18 15:55
14F:推 bons2: Hamilton 也有同感 01/18 16:09
15F:推 Roshiel: 约这样签,变成鼓励平常健康打球,合约年吃药爆发 01/18 16:42
16F:推 saiulbb: 有点惨连两年约都没有 帮Allen QQ 01/18 17:56
17F:推 bons2: 所以印地安人操坏两个顶级牛,以後合约年前不要认真了 01/18 18:10
18F:推 nuggets0916: Corbin前年下半季就开始威了 Allen这季太惨 QQ 01/18 18:22
19F:推 theNO1father: Painvano很有感 01/18 18:48
20F:→ Minihil: 成绩惨也不会想签低薪复数吧 一年拼成绩再签高薪 01/18 19:40
※ 编辑: appshjkli (, 01/18/2019 22:11:23
21F:推 sustainer123: 可以借转天使版吗? 01/18 22:35
22F:→ appshjkli: 请 01/18 22:36
23F:推 sustainer123: 感谢您 01/18 22:38
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: sustainer123 (, 01/18/2019 22:38:43
24F:→ sustainer123: 感觉满便宜的?而且是一年约 01/18 22:39
25F:推 Coetzee: 拼装车再拚一年 01/19 01:41
26F:推 johnny20104: 如果有奇蹟,拼装车也有机会跟超跑比 01/20 11:31
27F:推 vovovo: SPx2 Cx1 RPx1 福袋套餐开起来 01/21 12:36
28F:→ vovovo: 左手牛再抓一只吧 01/21 12:37
29F:推 dlam: 我们现在是福袋球队吗XD 01/23 10:26
30F:→ sustainer123: 2)牛棚右投 Cody Allen 与天使队之间合约所包含的 01/23 22:48
31F:→ sustainer123: 激励奖金:负责完结比赛累积达35、 01/23 22:48
32F:→ sustainer123: 40场时可得 250K,达45、50与55场时可得 500K, 01/23 22:48
33F:→ sustainer123: 被交易可得 500K。 01/23 22:48
34F:→ sustainer123: 隔壁乳摸写的 01/23 22:49
35F:→ sustainer123: 福袋也不错啦XD省钱後年留神鳟西门 01/23 22:49