Angela 板

完整版MV出来拉~~~~ 2014张韶涵全新单曲 『OK蹦』 是一首概念单曲,从收歌发词音乐制作一直到最後所搭配的影像呈现。 都有着张韶涵贯穿其中的概念: 她用机器人作为表现手法,讲述『爱』这个主题。 虽然音乐元素采用电气重节奏舞曲的编制,呈现前卫时尚的音乐风格,却相反的在讲述一 颗- 炙热跳动渴望爱的真心。 歌词↓↓↓↓↓ OK蹦 Bandage 改编词:吴易纬 原词曲:Sommerdahl, Harry Mikael Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom 为什麽人类世界这麽吵 Why is the human world so noisy 太多的闲言闲语太无聊 All those small talks bore me out 在命运的圈套又哭又笑 I'm helplessly stuck in a pitfall of fate 突然疯狂失控 谁也修不好 Got out of control, cannot be fixed 当个机器人没烦恼 我不怕被打倒 Better being a carefree robot, Not afraid of defeat 任务完成销毁就好 Simply destroy when mission's complete 心破了洞 Doom Doom Doom Heart is wounded, Doom Doom OK 蹦 Boom Boom Bandage, Boom Boom 你用爱去治疗 我的伤口 You heal my wound with your love 感觉痛 Toom Toom When there's pain, Toom Toom, OK 蹦 Boom Boom Bandage, Boom Boom 我需要你的时候 你绝不迟到 You are never late when I needed you 给我拥抱 跟寂寞唱反调 Embrace me against loneliness, 用温柔调配出特效药 Your tenderness is my remedy 心跳动 Doom Doom Heartbeat, Doom doom Make Me Boom Boom Boom 爱情的因果循环不可考 There is no formula for love 承诺它总有一天会抛锚 Promises are bound to be broken 坏掉的东西就该丢掉 What's defected should be discarded 你却不放弃坚持到最後一秒 But you held on till the end 关掉我们失败预告 身体开始燃烧 Let go of our negativity, warm up our bodies 倔强的伤痕是骄傲 Scars of obstinance is our pride 啊~ 把武装都融掉 Soften that outter shield 啊~ 凝聚眼泪多美好 Gather up the tears 啊~ 保护我要说到 做 到 Rememer your words to protect me from harm 心在跳动 Doom Doom Heart is beating, Doom Doom OK 蹦 Boom Boom Bandage, Boom Boom 我开始怕寂寞 开始做梦 I'm starting to feel lonely, starting to have dreams 感觉痛 Toom Toom When there's pain, Toom Toom OK 蹦 Boom Boom Bandage, Boom Boom 你需要我的时候 我绝不迟到 I'll never be late when you need me 给你拥抱 跟世界唱反调 I'll embrace you, against all odds 从遗憾中萃取出微笑 Extract happiness from sorrows 爱跳动 Doom Doom Beating love, Doom Doom Make U Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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1F:推 ttning:也太晚PO了吧我都看过三遍以上了,由於不会复制网址才没PO~ 02/25 20:39

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