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轉貼 ----------------- 因為美國一家他X的gay公司沒事亂寄警告信, BigPipe暫時避風頭、擇期換網段. From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 7:48 AM To: AntiSpam Subject: Re: Cease and Desist and Notice of DMCA Claim of Infringement [Notice ID: 1232082] -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 To: Registered Agent for: Hoshin Gigamedia Center Inc. Cable/ADSL Broadband ISP in Taiwan. Notice ID: 1232082 E Date: 18 Aug 2003 22:28:09 GMT Re: Cease and Desist and Notice of DMCA Claim of Infringement Request for Removal of AudioVisual Files from your Webserver/s or network. Request for denial of service to the account of the infringing user All of the above listed entities and hosting companies are hereby given notice valid under both the DMCA copyright infringement notification requirements and 17 U.S.C section 512. I am the designated agent of the owner of the copyrights of the images and audio/visual works listed below. I believe that the images and audio/visual works listed at the times cited below were used by the user listed below and identified by the infringing IP address below in am Verified and documented infringments have been traced to URLs and/or IP Address's controlled by your company are listed below. We demand that upon receipt of this notification of claimed infringement you expeditiously remove, or disable access to, the below claimed infringing material/s and any other Titan Media property residing on your network/system. I certify under penalty of perjury that I have a good faith belief that the information contained in this notification is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the aforementioned copyright protected materials. Please advise me when the offending images have been removed or access has been blocked so that we may re-inspect the IP for compliance. We also request that as per your TOS and/or AUP statements you remove the infringing account from your network to prevent further acts of infringment from occurring. The acts of copyright infringment commited by this account are e account within your network. This letter does not consistitue an exhaustive statement of TITAN Media旧 legal position nor is it a waiver of any of our rights and/or remedies in this or any other matter, all of which are expressly reserved. Your immediate attention to this matter is expected and appreciated. Sincerely, D. Gill Sperlein, esq. General Counsel, TITAN Media Inc. 121 Capp Street, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94110 415-487-1211 X32 Notice ID: 1232082 Infrini Title: Chapters Infringement Source: eDonkey Infringement Timestamp: 14 Aug 2003 09:37:34 GMT Infringer Username: None Infringing Filename: (Titan) Chapters.mpg Infringing Filesize: 846375236 Infringer IP Address: Infringer DNS Name: N/A Infringing URL: ed2k:// -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 8.0 iQA/AwUBP0FllSz7uxPzTUswEQLn0QCgn58UH8oVCLKsyJA/EylpKaF/vKEAoMya S9Guy8eaAEz63/Qjr+3PoeAa =tBGY -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --
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1F:→ getbacker:-.- 難怪一直都連不上 推140.112.243.228 08/20

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