CMWang 板


※ 引述《high74 (I'm lovin' it ￾N￿ﰠ)》之銘言: : First Place! Wang was wonderful in win! : August 7,2004-The Clippers moved back in to first place in the I.L. West as the : Clippers defeated the Indianapolis Indians 1-0 in a brilliant game at The Coop. : Chein-Ming Wang (insert) won his second consecutive game as hepitched eight : innings of shutout ball, allowing five hits, striking out four and walking just : one. He was helped out by seven brilliant fielding plays, four by Wang himself. : Robinson Cano, Felix Escalona and Jeff Deardorff pulled off the other web gems. : Bret Prinz earned his third save of the season. : The Clippers scored the sole run in the seventh inning on John Rodriguez' walk : and Andy Phillips triple deep to left center field. : Escalona's 20 game hitting streak came to an end last night. : Wang will be leaving soon to pitch for Tiawan in the Olympic Games. : Tiawan drew Canada in the opening game. Canada is captained by Clippers' first : baseman Todd Betts. : 3A哥倫布快艇隊官網: : Team Pitching, 2004 : Player W L ERA G CG IP H R ER HR BB SO : Chien-Ming Wang 2 1 3.26 3 1 19.1 18 7 7 3 3 18 兩千零四年的八月四號,快艇隊在王建民主投的比賽當中,以一比零 擊敗印第安那印地安人之後回到了 I.L 聯盟西區的首位。王建民在這場 主投八局的比賽當中,沒有任何失分,被打出五支安打,四個三振,僅 僅只有一次的保送,也獲得了他個人的二連勝。這場比賽當中,王建民 受到三次隊友以及他個人四次的傑出守備幫助。Bret Prinz 則守下本季 第三次的救援成功。 快艇隊在七局時靠著 John Rodriguez 以及 Andy Phillips 得到了一分。 不過可惜的是,Escalona 的連續二十場安打記錄在今晚終止。 王建民近期將會前往雅典為台灣奧運棒球隊出賽,台灣在開幕戰將迎戰 陣中擁有快艇一壘手 Todd Betts的加拿大。 -- 野人獻曝 Part II 順道恭喜 Tiger :P ※ 編輯: Rimeki 來自: (08/08 18:53)
1F:→ manieliu:那個Prinz被丟回3A啦?....:p 08/08
2F:→ Rimeki:嗯,那傢伙回去 Tri-A 多點磨練機會也好 08/08
3F:→ Rimeki:Moose 快回家了,K.Brown 也回來一陣子了 08/08
4F:→ Rimeki:之前因為輪值有問題才會讓他先出來看世界 08/08
5F:→ Rimeki:看完世界也該回去好好磨練囉 :P 08/08
6F:→ manieliu:NYY的Rotation全員健康的話好像還頗猛XDD 08/08
7F:→ manieliu:哪天Tiger也去見見他那些邪惡帝國的老大哥 08/08
8F:推 sharr:感恩推 08/09

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