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ESP – Aito to lead Spain at Olympics 西班牙 - Aito將帶領西班牙男籃國家隊出征奧林匹克 來源: 08/06/2008 MADRID (Olympics) – Spain have agreed terms with veteran boss Aito Garcia Reneses to coach the national team this summer at the Beijing Games. 西班牙同意老教頭Aito Garcia Reneses這個夏天帶領國家隊出征北京奧運。 The 61-year-old, who stepped down from DKV Joventut Badalona last week after five years at the club, will take over from Pepu Hernandez. 這位61歲的教練上週剛從執教五年的DKV Joventut Badalona退位,由Pepu Hernandez(前 西班牙國家隊總教練)頂替他的職位。 Hernandez led Spain to gold at the 2006 FIBA World Championship and silver at last year's EuroBasket in Madrid but was sacked on June 3. Hernandez曾在2006年世錦賽帶領西班牙摘金,去年在馬德里舉行的歐錦賽拿到銀牌,但在 六月三號被開除。 The Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) said in a statement on Saturday morning: "The Spanish Basketball Federation and Aito Garcia Reneses have reached an agreement which will be signed in the next few hours for the Madrid-born coach to guide the national team in the Olympic Games in Beijing in August.」 西班牙籃協在禮拜六早晨發出一份聲明:「西班牙籃協已經與Aito Garcia Reneses達成協 議,將在幾個小時以後簽約,這位馬德里出生的教練將帶領國家隊在八月時出征北京奧運 會。」 Aito was a huge hit in his stint at DKV, where he coached Spain international Rudy Fernandez and Alex Mumbru (before his move to Real Madrid) and emerging star Ricky Rubio. Aito在他DKV執教中有幾項重要的經歷,執教西班牙球星Rudy Fernandez以及Alex Mumbru (在他前往皇家馬德里之前),以及潛力新星Ricky Rubio。 The team captured the EuroCup three years ago, and this year won the Copa del Rey and the ULEB Cup. DKV三年前曾贏得歐洲盃冠軍,而今年則贏得Copa del Rey比賽以及ULEB Cup(Basketball European League Union)。 Before joining the Badalona club, he coached the likes of Pau Gasol and Juan Carlos Navarro at Barcelona. 在加入Badalona隊之前,他也曾經在巴塞隆納執教過如Pau Gasol以及Juan Carlos Navarro這些球星。 Earlier in his coaching career, Aito guided the Spanish junior team. He steered them to the bronze medal at the European Championship in 1979. 在他早期的教練生涯中,Aito執教於西班牙青少年隊。曾在1979年帶領他們在歐洲冠軍盃 拿下銅牌。 FIBA 西班牙肥皂劇結束,Aito勝,Pepu負但是還是有教練可作。 -- 世界籃球討論板 12 國家體育場 汗水, 鬥志, 膽識 9 PttBasket 籃球 Σ籃球/台灣籃球/美國職籃/相關討論 1 basket_ptt *THM Σ主題樂園 5 worldbasket 籃球 ◎世界籃球錦標賽和聯賽討論板 --
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