worldbasket 板

LINE Chinese Star's Career Likely Over Reports out of China say that 19-year-old Xu Yong, the top NBA prospect since Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer that is extremely dangerous and if confirmed will likely end his basketball career and even worse could potentially end his life. 中國大陸19歲小將徐詠,是繼姚明和易建聯後受矚目的一顆中國新星,但是他卻被 診斷出患有骨肉瘤(註),骨癌的一種而且非常的危險,如果真的確定病情的話, 他的籃球生涯不但即將中斷,而且如果惡化的話,將會危及他的生命。 (註: PDF檔,介紹骨肉瘤) Xu's left leg was checked in April of 2008 and the diagnosis was made that he likely had the disease. Most alarming is that only 20% of those diagnosed with the disease live past 5 years. 他的左腿在今年四月被診斷出來可能患有此疾病,最嚴重的狀況是只有20% 的患者 ,可以活超過五年。 The news has yet to be confirmed by Xu or his team, but numerous reports including this one have been published in China and the Chinese basketball community at large is already mourning the loss of their next top prospect. 這個新聞還沒被本人以及球隊證實,但是已經有很多相關新聞在報導了,包括本篇 在內。都大幅報導這位即將消失的悲傷心情。 In a scouting trip to Shanghai in 2005, the athletic 6-7 small forward from Shanghai showed NBA potential, with a Grant Hill type of game, winning MVP of the adidas superstar camp. 這位6呎7的小前鋒2005年在上海時被發掘,有著Grant Hill的球風,得到了「2007 adidas亞洲明日之星籃球訓練營」的MVP。 The news has sent shockwaves through the Chinese basketball community as Xu was seen as the next potential NBA talent out of China. 而新聞也提到徐詠是下一個NBA的中國潛力新秀。 As tragic as losing a basketball career might be, news like this puts everything in perspective that a sports career only means so much when an individual's life is at stake. --
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1F:→ NBAGM:最後一段的第二句 that之後是什麼意思阿@@? 05/10 19:01
2F:→ hunight:不是還沒被證實嗎 05/11 00:19
3F:推 bertrend:希望沒事 05/11 08:53
4F:推 LoadUp:最後一段大概在講媒體只有在運動員生涯遭受重大危機的時候 05/11 14:14
5F:→ LoadUp:才會去關注他,才會覺得這是很重要的 大概是這樣吧XD 05/11 14:16

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